Class | Description |
DecisionTreeModel |
Decision tree model for classification or regression.
DecisionTreeModel.SaveLoadV1_0$ | |
GradientBoostedTreesModel |
Represents a gradient boosted trees model.
InformationGainStats | Developer API
Information gain statistics for each split
param: gain information gain value
param: impurity current node impurity
param: leftImpurity left node impurity
param: rightImpurity right node impurity
param: leftPredict left node predict
param: rightPredict right node predict
Node | Developer API
Node in a decision tree.
Predict | Developer API
Predicted value for a node
param: predict predicted value
param: prob probability of the label (classification only)
RandomForestModel |
Represents a random forest model.
Split | Developer API
Split applied to a feature
param: feature feature index
param: threshold Threshold for continuous feature.