Class StorageStatus

  extended by

public class StorageStatus
extends Object

:: DeveloperApi :: Storage information for each BlockManager.

This class assumes BlockId and BlockStatus are immutable, such that the consumers of this class cannot mutate the source of the information. Accesses are not thread-safe.

Constructor Summary
StorageStatus(BlockManagerId blockManagerId, long maxMem)
StorageStatus(BlockManagerId bmid, long maxMem, scala.collection.Map<BlockId,BlockStatus> initialBlocks)
          Create a storage status with an initial set of blocks, leaving the source unmodified.
Method Summary
 BlockManagerId blockManagerId()
 scala.collection.Map<BlockId,BlockStatus> blocks()
          Return the blocks stored in this block manager.
 boolean containsBlock(BlockId blockId)
          Return whether the given block is stored in this block manager in O(1) time.
 long diskUsed()
          Return the disk space used by this block manager.
 long diskUsedByRdd(int rddId)
          Return the disk space used by the given RDD in this block manager in O(1) time.
 scala.Option<BlockStatus> getBlock(BlockId blockId)
          Return the given block stored in this block manager in O(1) time.
 long maxMem()
 long memRemaining()
          Return the memory remaining in this block manager.
 long memUsed()
          Return the memory used by this block manager.
 long memUsedByRdd(int rddId)
          Return the memory used by the given RDD in this block manager in O(1) time.
 int numBlocks()
          Return the number of blocks stored in this block manager in O(RDDs) time.
 int numRddBlocks()
          Return the number of RDD blocks stored in this block manager in O(RDDs) time.
 int numRddBlocksById(int rddId)
          Return the number of blocks that belong to the given RDD in O(1) time.
 long offHeapUsed()
          Return the off-heap space used by this block manager.
 long offHeapUsedByRdd(int rddId)
          Return the off-heap space used by the given RDD in this block manager in O(1) time.
 scala.collection.Map<BlockId,BlockStatus> rddBlocks()
          Return the RDD blocks stored in this block manager.
 scala.collection.Map<BlockId,BlockStatus> rddBlocksById(int rddId)
          Return the blocks that belong to the given RDD stored in this block manager.
 scala.Option<StorageLevel> rddStorageLevel(int rddId)
          Return the storage level, if any, used by the given RDD in this block manager.
Methods inherited from class Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StorageStatus(BlockManagerId blockManagerId,
                     long maxMem)


public StorageStatus(BlockManagerId bmid,
                     long maxMem,
                     scala.collection.Map<BlockId,BlockStatus> initialBlocks)
Create a storage status with an initial set of blocks, leaving the source unmodified.

Method Detail


public BlockManagerId blockManagerId()


public long maxMem()


public scala.collection.Map<BlockId,BlockStatus> blocks()
Return the blocks stored in this block manager.

Note that this is somewhat expensive, as it involves cloning the underlying maps and then concatenating them together. Much faster alternatives exist for common operations such as contains, get, and size.



public scala.collection.Map<BlockId,BlockStatus> rddBlocks()
Return the RDD blocks stored in this block manager.

Note that this is somewhat expensive, as it involves cloning the underlying maps and then concatenating them together. Much faster alternatives exist for common operations such as getting the memory, disk, and off-heap memory sizes occupied by this RDD.



public scala.collection.Map<BlockId,BlockStatus> rddBlocksById(int rddId)
Return the blocks that belong to the given RDD stored in this block manager.


public boolean containsBlock(BlockId blockId)
Return whether the given block is stored in this block manager in O(1) time. Note that this is much faster than this.blocks.contains, which is O(blocks) time.

blockId - (undocumented)


public scala.Option<BlockStatus> getBlock(BlockId blockId)
Return the given block stored in this block manager in O(1) time. Note that this is much faster than this.blocks.get, which is O(blocks) time.

blockId - (undocumented)


public int numBlocks()
Return the number of blocks stored in this block manager in O(RDDs) time. Note that this is much faster than this.blocks.size, which is O(blocks) time.



public int numRddBlocks()
Return the number of RDD blocks stored in this block manager in O(RDDs) time. Note that this is much faster than this.rddBlocks.size, which is O(RDD blocks) time.



public int numRddBlocksById(int rddId)
Return the number of blocks that belong to the given RDD in O(1) time. Note that this is much faster than this.rddBlocksById(rddId).size, which is O(blocks in this RDD) time.

rddId - (undocumented)


public long memRemaining()
Return the memory remaining in this block manager.


public long memUsed()
Return the memory used by this block manager.


public long diskUsed()
Return the disk space used by this block manager.


public long offHeapUsed()
Return the off-heap space used by this block manager.


public long memUsedByRdd(int rddId)
Return the memory used by the given RDD in this block manager in O(1) time.


public long diskUsedByRdd(int rddId)
Return the disk space used by the given RDD in this block manager in O(1) time.


public long offHeapUsedByRdd(int rddId)
Return the off-heap space used by the given RDD in this block manager in O(1) time.


public scala.Option<StorageLevel> rddStorageLevel(int rddId)
Return the storage level, if any, used by the given RDD in this block manager.