October 30th, 1998   Miguel Angel Sepulveda
July 12, 1999   Guido Socher

Every language supported under LinuxFocus has a working mailing
list associated with it. All lists are administered by majordomo

To find out which mailing lists are available at present send an
email to with the following body "lists".
From the unix shell you can do this by typing:

echo "lists" | mail

In general we have tried to name every mailing list according to
how the language of the group spell their own language, for example
in the case of the spanish mailing list we call it "castellano", the
german mailing list is "deutsch". However, some mailing lists are named
in english due to the difficulty of typing non western-european languages
in ASCII code. For instance most asiatic mailing lists are called "korean"
"japanese" "chinese" etc..

If you are really interested on collaborating with LinuxFocus in your
own language we recomend you to first check with
the availability and name of your national mailing list.

How to subscribe
Once you know the name of the mailing list you are interested in,
subscribing is very simple. Send an email message to
with the message "subscribe english", if you want to subscribe to the 
English mailing list, or replace English with the mailing list you wish
to subscribe to.

From the command line subscription is quite simple. To subscribe
to the French mailing list, for example:

echo "subscribe francais"  |  mail

How to get out of the list
In order to unsubscribe from a list send the following text in the mail 
body to The subject can be empty:

unsubscribe listname your@e.mail

unsubscribe francais

How to send a mail to the list
To send a mail to the list use the address
where listname is one of the available lists.

Please note that you sould not send messages with include files
or long message body to the list. 

What do we do in the mailing lists?
LF mailing lists are internal working lists devoted to translation,
writting and discussing LF development and policies in general. IT
is really out of their scope to help linux users with specific questions
on configuration or installation issues. Perhaps in the future we may open
some lists for linux users in the various languages but at the present 
time we do not have the resources to support it.

If you what to be VERY helpful.....
If you like LF very much and want to help to develop your nations
premier online magazine then please contact the editor-in-chief
for your language and send him some very basic information:



some background on your education and or
knowledge on Linux, UNIX, developement

number of languages spoken

how many hours per week you think you
can contribute

what areas are you mainly interested in
(writting articles, translating, maintainance, reviewing,...)

This information is really helpful for the group coordinators
in order to try to spread the workload as efficiently as possible
as to improve the quality of the online magazine.