The Project Gutenberg EBook of Esperanto Self-Taught with Phonetic Pronunciation, by William W. Mann This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Esperanto Self-Taught with Phonetic Pronunciation Author: William W. Mann Release Date: December 23, 2007 [EBook #23984] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK ESPERANTO SELF-TAUGHT *** Produced by Jonathan Ingram, Laurent Vogel and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at
E. MARLBOROUGH & CO., LTD., 51 Old Bailey, E.C. 4
The object of this volume is two-fold. It supplies very full and comprehensive vocabularies of the words required by the tourist or traveller, visitor or resident abroad, health or pleasure seeker, and professional or business man, together with a large number of conversational sentences of a typical and practical character. The words and phrases are classified according to subject, and the phonetic pronunciation of every word is added in accordance with Marlborough's simple and popular system of phonetics.
With the aid of this book anyone may undertake a trip to a foreign land, even if he know nothing of the language of the country he is going to, and, if he will put himself beforehand in communication with Esperantists in the various places he intends to visit, he will find them ready to help him in many ways, and his stay abroad will thus be made much more entertaining and instructive than if he had spent his time in the conventional manner of the ordinary tourist. A further great advantage of this international language is, that it opens up to the traveller, not merely one particular country, but the whole of Europe.
The book also aims at affording a practical guide to Esperanto for the student, who will find, in the section on Grammar, all that he needs to give him full insight into and grasp of the language, enabling him with very little effort to read, write and speak correctly.
By joining an Esperanto Group the learner may have frequent opportunity of conversational practice, and he will soon find that it is by no means a difficult matter to become as fluent in the auxiliary language as in his mother-tongue.1
Esperanto is not merely a language for tourists, but already possesses a rich literature of considerable extent, the beginnings of that "Weltlitteratur" foreseen by Goethe; it has a press of its own representing every country of importance in the world, and is constantly being made use of for professional purposes by doctors, scientists, teachers, lawyers, soldiers, sailors, merchants, etc., in every quarter of the globe. It is undoubtedly destined, ere many years have passed, to become a very important factor in the progress of the world.
London, 1908.
Letchworth: The Garden City Press Ltd.
Fifth Impression
The Esperanto Alphabet has 28 letters—23 consonants, 5 vowels:—
Characters. | Name and English Pronunciation. | Phonetics used. |
A, a | (ah) like a in father or pa; as patro (pah'troh). In unaccented syllables it should not be dwelt upon, and in all cases it should be pronounced quite purely, without the slight drawling r-sound which is sometimes added to the corresponding vowel in English | ah |
B, b | (bo) as in English | b |
C, c | (tsoh) like ts in gets, hits, and never as in English; as caro (tsah'roh) | ts |
Ĉ, ĉ | (cho) like ch in church; as ĉasi (chah'see) | ch |
D, d | (do) as in English, but with tip of tongue placed on back of teeth instead of on front ridge of roof of mouth | d |
E, e | (eh) like e in bend pronounced broadly, or a in hate shortly pronounced, but quite pure, entirely without the slight drawling ee-sound often heard after the English vowel; as beno (beh'noh) | e, eh |
F, f | (fo) as in English | f |
G, g | (go) like g in go, give, as gasto (gah'stoh), and never like g in gem, allege | g |
Ĝ, ĝ | (jo) like g in gem, general, and j in jovial; as ĝeni (jeh'nee) | j |
H, h | (ho) as in English | h |
Ĥ, ĥ | (ĥo) like ch in Scotch loch, ch in German hoch, j in Spanish mujer. This guttural sound is practically a very strongly aspirated h, and may be made by trying to pronounce "ho" with the throat arranged as for saying k:—ĥoro (khoro), ĥino (khino) | kh |
I, i | (ee) like ee in seen, as li (lee). In unaccented syllables, and before two consonants together, this i practically becomes the i in it or in wind; as ferminte (fehrr-min'teh) | ee, i |
[6] J, j | (yo) always like y in yet, as jes (yehss), vojo (vo'yo), and never like j in judge, joke | y |
It should be remembered that j is always a consonant, with the sound of the English y in you. Of course, when j occurs at the end of a word or before a consonant, it practically unites with the preceding vowel to form a diphthong, and loses the full consonantal sound which it has before a vowel. Thus: | ||
Aj (ahy), like ah y in ah yes (almost like y in my); as kaj (kah'y), rajdi (rah'y-dee), krajono (krah-yo'no) | ahy | |
Ej (ehy), like ay y in say yes; as plej (pleh'y, one syllable) | ehy | |
Oj (oy), like oh y in oh yes (almost like oy in toy); as ranoj (rah'noy), kojno (koy'noh) | oy | |
Uj (ooy), like oo y in too young; as tuj (too'y, one syllable), prujno (proo'yno, two syllables) | ooy | |
Ĵ, ĵ | (zho) like s in vision or pleasure, or j in French jeune, j'ai; as ĵeti (zheh'tee) | zh |
K, k | (ko) as in English | k |
L, l | (lo) as in English | l |
M, m | (mo) as in English | m |
N, n | (no) as in English | n |
O, o | (oh) like o in horse, not diphthongized, but pronounced purely and rather shortly, as bona (boh'nah NOT bow'nah), quite without the short oo-sound frequently heard with the English vowel in such words as note, boat. Its sound is almost equivalent to aw in caw, pronounced shortly and with the lips placed roundly as if for saying oh; as estonta (ess-tohn'tah) | o, oh |
P, p | (po) as in English | p |
R, r | (ro) as in English, but sounded much more forcibly, and always with a trill as in singing; as korpo (kohr'po) | r |
S, s | (so) like s in say, as suno (soo'noh), and never as s in rose; as pesi (peh'see) | s, ss |
[7] Ŝ, ŝ | (sho) like sh in show, she; as ŝipo (shee'poh) | sh |
T, t | (to) as in English, but dentally—with tip of tongue placed on back of teeth instead of on front ridge of roof of mouth | t |
U, u | (oo) like oo in boot, as nubo (noo'boh); and never as u in mute or but | oo |
Ŭ, ŭ | (wo) is equivalent to the English w, and is produced by a partial bringing together of the lips. It practically only occurs after a or e | w, ŏŏ |
(1) Aŭ. To say antaŭ, for instance, say "ahn'tah," and finish by bringing the lips slightly together to pronounce the ŭ (w). Similarly for laŭta (lah'w-tah). This sound is not exactly the English ou in house, but is just the au in the German Haus. The phonetic sign for aŭ, therefore is | ahw | |
(2) Eŭ, as in Eŭropo (ehw-ro'poh), is pronounced with a similar closing of the lips after the eh-sound | ehw | |
V, v | (vo) as in English | v |
Z, z | (zo) as in English | z |
In order to make the best progress in acquiring the words and sentences in the following pages, the student is recommended to learn a few at a time by repeating them aloud with the aid of the phonetic pronunciation in the third column.
Although the system of phonetics may seem a little cumbersome, practice will soon enable the student to pronounce the words easily and naturally. The following notes will be useful:—
1. Accent.—In Esperanto, every letter, whether vowel or consonant, is sounded. The accented syllable of a word is always the last but one. Thus, nobla (noh'blah), irado (ee-rah'do), telefono (teh-leh-foh'no), internacia (in-tehr-naht-see'ah), folio (fohlee'oh).
It should be borne in mind that j and ŭ are consonants, and do not, like the vowels, of themselves constitute a syllable. Thus, tiu (tee'oo, two syllables) and tiuj (tee'ooy, also two syllables), rajdi (rah'y-dee, not rah-ĭ'dee), antaŭ (ahn'tahw, not ahn-tah'ŏŏ).
[8] 2. The vowels, a, e, i, o, u, should in Esperanto be pronounced quite purely, and entirely without any drawling after-sound. Many English speakers diphthongize a, i, o, and pronounce late as "la-it," pale as "pa-il," paper as "pa-y-per," road as "row-d," etc. This habit of drawling the vowels, when transferred to Esperanto, thus: Mi ne povas bone paroli, mee'y nay'ee poh'ŏŏ-vah(r)ss boh'ŏŏ-nehy pah(r)-roh'ŏŏ-leey, immediately reveals the nationality of the speaker.
There is also an inclination to interpose an r-sound between la ("the") and a word beginning with a vowel, thus: la(r)ebleco instead of la ebleco, la(r)internacia lingvo instead of la internacia lingvo, etc. This should be avoided.
3. Combinations of Consonants.—There are a few consonantal combinations which offer a slight difficulty to English beginners, viz., gv, kn, kv, sc. The combinations gv, kn, and kv, as in gvidi (gvee'dee), knabo (knah'bo), kvieto (kvee-eh'toh), may be practised by first placing a vowel before the g or k, and gradually suppressing it. Thus, first say la knabo (lahk-nah'bo), and gradually drop the "lah," until finally knabo can be said without difficulty.
The combination sc, as in sceno (stseh'no), may be learnt thus: Say "last sane" several times, very distinctly pronouncing the st and the s, then gradually "'st sane", and finally sceno (stseh'no) without any preceding vowel-sound. When this combination follows a vowel, as in mi scias, it should cause no difficulty, for the s is easily pronounced with the first syllable, thus: meess-tsee'ahss.
Varsovio, 14.9.08.
Karaj Sinjoroj,—Kun plezuro kaj danko mi ricevis vian leteron de 10.9, kaj ankaŭ la presprovaĵon de "Esperanto Self-Taught."
Ĉar Sro Mann estas tre kompetenta kaj sperta esperantisto, tial mi estas tute certa, ke la libro verkita de li estos tre bona kaj tre utila.
(Signed) ZAMENHOF.
Warsaw, 14.9.08.
Dear Sirs,—I received your letter of Sept. 10, and the proofs of "Esperanto Self-Taught," with pleasure and thanks.
As Mr. Mann is a very competent and experienced Esperantist, I am quite certain that the book written by him will be very good and very useful.
(Signed) ZAMENHOF.
(See Notes on the Article, p. 77.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Air | aero | ah-eh'ro |
cloud | nubo | noo'bo |
cold | malvarmo | mahl-vahrr'mo |
darkness | mallumo | mahl-loo'mo |
dew | roso | ro'so |
dust | polvo | pohl'vo |
earth | tero | teh'ro |
east | oriento | o-ree-ehn'toh |
eclipse | eklipso | eh-klip'so |
fire | fajro | fahy'ro |
fog | nebulo | neh-boo'lo |
frost | frosto | frohst'o |
hail | hajlo | hahy'lo |
heat | varmo | vahrr'mo |
light | lumo | loo'mo |
lightning | fulmo | fool'mo |
moon; —, new | luno; nova luno | loo'no; no'vah loo'no |
—, full | plena luno | pleh'nah loo'no |
moonlight | lunlumo | loon'loo'mo |
nature | naturo | nah-too'ro |
north | nordo | nohrr'doh |
rain | pluvo | ploo'vo |
rainbow | ĉielarko | chee-ehl-ahr'ko |
shade, shadow | ombro | ohm'bro |
sky | ĉielo | chee-eh'lo |
snow | neĝo | neh'jo |
south | sudo | soo'doh |
star | stelo | steh'lo |
sun | suno | soo'no |
thaw | degelo | deh-geh'lo |
thunder | tondro | tohn'dro |
weather | vetero | veteh'ro |
west | okcidento | ohk-tsee-dehn'toh |
wind | vento | vehn'toh |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Bay | golfeto | golf-eh'toh |
beach | marbordo | mahrbohr'doh |
canal | kanalo | kanah'lo |
cape | terkapo | tehr-kah'po |
cliff | krutegaĵo | kroo-teh-gah'zho |
coast | marbordo | mahr-bohr'doh |
creek | kriko | kree'ko |
current | akvofluo | ahk'vo-floo'oh |
ebb | malfluso | mahl-floo'so |
flood (deluge) | inundo | in-oon'doh |
— (of the tide) | fluso | floo'so |
flow | fluo | floo'oh |
foam | ŝaŭmo | shahw'mo |
hill | monteto | mohn-teh'toh |
ice | glacio | glaht-see'oh |
island | insulo | in-soo'lo |
lake | lago | lah'go |
land | tero | teh'ro |
mainland | ĉeftero | chehf-teh'ro |
marsh | marĉo | mahr'cho |
moor | stepo | steh'po |
mountain | monto | mohn'toh |
mud | koto | ko'toh |
river | rivero | reeveh'ro |
rock | roko | ro'ko |
sand | sablo | sah'blo |
sea | maro | mah'ro |
sea-shore | marbordo | mahr-bohr'doh |
shingle | ŝtonetaĵo | shto-neh-tah'zho |
storm | ventego | ven-teh'go |
stream | rivereto | rivehr-eh'toh |
tide; —, high | tajdo; altmaro | tahy'doh; ahlt-mah'ro |
—, low | malaltmaro | mahl'ahlt-mah'ro |
valley | valo | vah'lo |
water; —, fresh | akvo; sensala akvo | ahk'vo; sen-sah'la ahk'vo |
—, salt | sala akvo | sah'la ahk'vo |
waterfall | akvofalo | ahk'vo-fah'lo |
wave | ondo | ohn'doh |
well | akvoputo | ahk'vo-poo'toh |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Alum | aluno | ahloo'no |
amber | sukceno | sookt-seh'no |
brass | latuno | lah-too'no |
bricks | brikoj | bree'koy |
bronze | bronzo | brohn'zo |
cement | cemento | tseh-mehn'to |
chalk | kreto | kreh'to |
clay | argilo | ahr-ghee'lo |
coal | karbo | kahrr'bo |
concrete | betono | beh-toh'no |
copper | kupro | koo'pro |
coral | koralo | kohrah'lo |
crystal | kristalo | kris-tah'lo |
diamond | diamanto | dee-ahmahn'toh |
emerald | smeraldo | smehrahl'doh |
glass | vitro | vee'tro |
gold | oro | oh'ro |
granite | granito | grahnee'toh |
gravel | gruzo | groo'zo |
iron | fero | feh'ro |
—, cast | fandfero | fahnd-feh'ro |
—, wrought | forĝfero | fohrj-feh'ro |
lead | plumbo | ploom'bo |
lime | kalko | kahl'ko |
marble | marmoro | mahrr-moh'ro |
mercury | hidrargo | heedrahrr'go |
mortar | mortero | mohr-teh'ro |
nickel | nikelo | nik-eh'loh |
opal | opalo | ohpah'lo |
ore | minaĵo | meenah'zho |
pearl | perlo | pehrr'lo |
ruby | rubeno | roobeh'no |
silver | arĝento | ahrr-jehn'toh |
slate | ardezo | ahrr-deh'zo |
soda | sodo | so'doh |
steel | ŝtalo | shtah'lo |
stone | ŝtono | shtoh'no |
tin | stano | stah'no |
zinc | zinko | zeen'ko |
(See Shopping, p. 108.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Animal | besto | beh'stoh |
barking | bojado | bo-yah'doh |
bear | urso | oorr'so |
bird | birdo | beerr'doh |
blackbird | merlo | mehrr'lo |
braying | azenbleko | ah-zehn-bleh'ko |
bull | bovoviro | bo'vo-veer'oh |
calf | bovido | bo-vee'doh |
canary | kanario | kanah-ree'oh |
cat | kato | kah'toh |
chicken | kokido | ko-kee'doh |
claw, nail | ungo | oon'go |
cock | koko | ko'ko |
cod | moruo | mo-roo'oh |
colt | ĉevalido | chehvah-lee'doh |
cow | bovino | bo-vee'no |
crab | krabo | krah'bo |
cuckoo | kukolo | koo-ko'lo |
deer | damcervo | dahm-tsehrr'vo |
dog | hundo | hoon'doh |
donkey | azeno | ah-zeh'no |
dove, pigeon | kolombo | ko-lohm'bo |
duck | anaso | ah-nah'so |
—, wild | sovaĝa anaso | so-vah'ja ah-nah'so |
eagle | aglo | ah'glo |
eel | angilo | ahn-ghee'lo |
elephant | elefanto | ehleh-fahn'toh |
feather | plumo | ploo'mo |
fins | naĝiloj | nah-jee'loy |
fish | fiŝo | fee'sho |
fowl | kortbirdo | kohrrt-beer'doh |
fox | vulpo | vool'po |
fur | felo | feh'lo |
game | ĉasaĵo | chah-sah'zho |
gills | brankoj | brahn'koy |
goat | kapro | kah'pro |
goose | ansero | ahn-seh'ro |
[13] gull | mevo | meh'vo |
haddock | eglefino | eh-gleh-fee'no |
hake | merluĉo | mehr-loo'cho |
hare | leporo | lepoh'ro |
hen | kokino | ko-kee'no |
herring | haringo | har-een'go |
hoof | hufo | hoo'foh |
horn | korno | kohrr'no |
horse | ĉevalo | cheh-vah'loh |
howling | blekado | bleh-kah'doh |
lamb | ŝafido | shah-fee'do |
lark | alaŭdo | ahl-ahw'doh |
lion | leono | leh-oh'no |
lobster | omaro | o-mah'ro |
mackerel | skombro | skohm'bro |
magpie | pigo | pee'go |
mane | kolhararo | kohl'har-ah'ro |
mewing | miaŭado | mee-ah-wah'doh |
monkey | simio | sim-ee'oh |
mouse | muso | moo'so |
mullet | mugelo | moo-gheh'lo |
nightingale | najtingalo | nahy-tin-gah'lo |
owl | strigo | stree'go |
ox | bovo | bo'vo |
oyster | ostro | oh'stro |
parrot | papago | pa-pah'go |
partridge | perdriko | pehr-dree'ko |
paw | piedo | pee-eh'doh |
peacock | pavo | pah'voh |
pheasant | fazano | fah-zah'no |
pig | porko | pohrr'ko |
pike | ezoko | eh-zo'ko |
plaice | plateso | plah-teh'so |
quail | koturno | ko-toorr'no |
rabbit | kuniklo | koo-nee'klo |
rat | rato | rah'toh |
raven | korvo | kohrr'vo |
rook | frugilego | froo-ghee-leh'go |
salmon | salmo | sahl'mo |
sheep | ŝafo | shah'fo |
snipe | marĉa skolopo | mar'chah sko-lo'po |
[14] sparrow | pasero | pa-seh'ro |
stork | cikonio | tsee-konee'oh |
swallow | hirundo | hee-roon'doh |
swan | cigno | tseeg'noh |
tail | vosto | vo'sto |
thrush | turdo | toorr'doh |
tiger | tigro | tee'gro |
tortoise | testudo | tess-too'doh |
trout | truto | troo'toh |
turbot | rombfiŝo | rohmb-fee'sho |
turkey | meleagro | meh-leh-ah'gro |
turtle | kelonio | keh-lo-nee'oh |
whale | baleno | bah-leh'no |
wing | flugilo | floo-ghee'lo |
wolf | lupo | loo'po |
wren | regolo | reh-go'lo |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Ant | formiko | fohrmee'ko |
bee | abelo | ah-beh'lo |
beetle | skarabo | skarah'bo |
bug | cimo | tsee'moh |
butterfly | papilio | pah-peelee'oh |
caterpillar | raŭpo | rahw'po |
flea | pulo | poo'lo |
fly | muŝo | moo'shoh |
frog | rano | rah'noh |
gnat | kulo | koo'lo |
grasshopper | akrido | ah-kree'doh |
insect | insekto | insek'toh |
moth; —, clothes- | faleno; tineo | fah-leh'no; teeneh'oh |
silkworm | silkraŭpo | silk-rahw'po |
snail | heliko | heh-lee'ko |
snake | serpento | sehr-pehn'toh |
spider | araneo | arah-neh'oh |
sting | pikilo | peekee'lo |
toad | bufo | boo'fo |
wasp | vespo | vehs'po |
worm | vermo | vehrr'mo |
(For Shopping, see p. 106.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Acorn | glano | glah'noh |
almond | migdalo | mig-dah'lo |
apple | pomo | poh'mo |
apricot | abrikoto | ahbree-ko'toh |
ash | frakseno | frahk-seh'noh |
asparagus | asparago | ahspah-rah'go |
banana | banano | bahnah'no |
bark | arbŝelo | ahrb-sheh'lo |
beans | faboj | fah'boy |
beech (-tree) | fago | fah'go |
beetroot | beto | beh'toh |
birch (-tree) | betulo | beh-too'lo |
blackberry | rubuso | roo-boo'so |
bouquet | bukedo | bookeh'do |
branch | branĉo | brahn'cho |
buttercup | ranunkulo | rahnoon-koo'lo |
cabbage | brasiko | brahsee'ko |
carrot | karoto | kahroh'toh |
cauliflower | florbrasiko | flohr'brah-see'ko |
celery | celerio | tseh-lehree'oh |
cherry | ĉerizo | chehree'zo |
chestnut (edible) | kaŝtano | kashtah'no |
chrysanthemum | krizantemo | krizahn-teh'mo |
cucumber | kukumo | kookoo'mo |
currants (dried) | korintoj | kohreen'toy |
daisy | lekanteto | leh-kahn-teh'toh |
dandelion | leontodo | leh-ontoh'doh |
elm (-tree) | ulmo | ool'mo |
evergreen | ĉiamverdulo | chee'ahm-vehrdoo'lo |
fern | filiko | feelee'ko |
fibre | fibro | fee'broh |
fig | figo | fee'go |
fir (-tree) | abio | ahbee'oh |
[16] flower | floro | floh'roh |
fruit-tree | fruktarbo | frookt-ahr'bo |
gooseberry | groso | groh'so |
grape | vinbero | veenbeh'ro |
holly | ilekso | eelek'so |
horse-chestnut | hipo-kaŝtano | hee'po-kahshtah'no |
horse-radish | kreno | kreh'no |
ivy | hedero | heh-deh'ro |
kernel | kerno | kehrr'no |
laurel | laŭro | lahw'ro |
leaf | folio | fohlee'oh |
lemon | citrono | tsee-troh'no |
lettuce | laktuko | lahk-too'ko |
lily | lilio | leelee'oh |
lily-of-the-valley | konvalo | kohn-vah'lo |
lime (fruit); -tree | limedo; tilio | leemeh'do; teelee'oh |
maize | maizo | mah-ee'zo |
maple | acero | aht-seh'ro |
melon | melono | meh-loh'no |
misletoe | visko | vees'ko |
mulberry | moruso | moh-roo'so |
nettle | urtiko | oortee'ko |
nut; walnut | nukso; juglando | nook'so; yooglahn'do |
oak (-tree) | kverko | kvehrr'ko |
onion | bulbo | bool'bo |
orange | oranĝo | ohrahn'jo |
parsnip | pastinako | pahstee-nah'ko |
peach | persiko | pehrr-see'ko |
pear | piro | pee'ro |
peas | pizoj | pee'zoy |
pine-apple | ananaso | ah-nahnah'so |
plant | kreskaĵo | kreskah'zho |
plum | pruno | proo'no |
potatoes | terpomo | tehrr-poh'mo |
primrose | primolo | pree-mo'lo |
privet | ligustro | lee-goost'ro |
pumpkin | kukurbo | kookoorr'bo |
radishes | rafanoj | rahfah'noy |
raisins | sekvinberoj | sek-vinbeh'roy |
raspberry | frambo | frahm'bo |
root | radiko | rahdee'ko |
[17] rose | rozo | roh'zo |
skin, shell (of fruit) | ŝelo | sheh'lo |
sloe | prunelo | prooneh'lo |
spinach | spinaco | speenaht'so |
stalk, stem | trunketo | troonkeh'toh |
strawberry | frago | frah'go |
stump | stumpo | stoom'po |
tomato | tomato | toh-mah'toh |
tree | arbo | ar'bo |
trunk (tree-) | trunko | troon'ko |
tulip | tulipo | toolee'po |
turnip | napo | nah'po |
vegetable marrow | medolkukurbo | mehdohl'kookoor'bo |
vine | vinberujo | vinbehr-oo'yoh |
violet | violo | vee-oh'lo |
willow | saliko | sahlee'ko |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Black | nigra | nee'gra |
blue | blua | bloo'ah |
brown | bruna | broo'na |
crimson | punca | poont'sah |
dark | malhela | mahl-heh'la |
green | verda | vehrr'da |
grey | griza | gree'za |
light | hela | heh'la |
orange | oranĝa | ohrahn'ja |
pink | rozkolora | rohz-kohlo'ra |
purple | purpura | poorr-poo'ra |
red | ruĝa | roo'ja |
scarlet | skarlata | skahr-lah'ta |
violet | violkolora | veeohl'kohlo'ra |
white | blanka | blahn'ka |
yellow | flava | flah'va |
(For Conversations, see p. 119.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Afternoon | posttagmezo | post-tahg-meh'zo |
Bank holidays | bankaj libertagoj | bahn'kahy lee-behrr-tah'goy |
Good Friday | Sankta Vendredo | sahnk'tah ven-dreh'doh |
[18] Easter Monday | Paska lundo | pah'skah loon'doh |
Whit-Monday | Pentekosta lundo | penteh-ko'stah loon'doh |
first Monday in August | la unua lundo en Aŭgusto | lah oo-noo'ah loon'doh en ahw-goo'sto |
Boxing-day | la tago post Kristnasko | lah tah'go post krist-nah'sko |
beginning | komenciĝo | koh-ment-see'jo |
birthday | naskotago | nah'sko-tah'go |
century | centjaro | tsehnt-yah'ro |
Christmas-day | Kristnasko | krist-nah'sko |
dawn, daybreak | tagiĝo | tah-ghee'jo |
day | tago | tah'go |
days of the week | tagoj de la semajno | tah'goy deh la sehmahy'no |
Sunday | dimanĉo | deemahn'cho |
Monday | lundo | loon'doh |
Tuesday | mardo | mahrr'doh |
Wednesday | merkredo | mehrr-kreh'doh |
Thursday | ĵaŭdo | zhahw'doh |
Friday | vendredo | vendreh'doh |
Saturday | sabato | sahbah'toh |
Easter | Pasko | pah'sko |
end | fino | fee'no |
evening | vespero | veh-speh'ro |
fortnight | du semajnoj | doo seh-mahy'noy |
half | duono | doo-oh'no |
half-a-century | duoncentjaro | doo-ohn'tsent-yah'ro |
half-an-hour | duonhoro | doo-ohn-ho'ro |
holiday | libertempo | libehr-tehm'po |
hour | horo | ho'ro |
last month | lastan monaton | lah'stahn monah'tohn |
last night | hieraŭ nokte | hee-eh'rahw nohk'teh |
last Sunday | lastan dimanĉon | lah'stahn deemahn'chon |
last week | lastan semajnon | lah'stahn seh-mahy'nohn |
leap year | superjaro | soo'pehrr-yah'ro |
Lent | la Fastsezono | la fahst'seh-zo'no |
Michaelmas | la tago de Sankta Miĥaelo | lah tah'go deh sahnk'tah meekhah-eh'lo |
midnight | noktomezo | nohk'toh-meh'zo |
midsummer | somermezo | so-mehr-meh'zo |
minute | minuto | mee-noo'toh |
month | monato | mo-nah'toh |
[19] months, the | la monatoj | la mo-nah'toy |
January | Januaro | yah-noo-ah'ro |
February | Februaro | feh-broo-ah'ro |
March | Marto | mahrr'toh |
April | Aprilo | ah-pree'lo |
May | Majo | mah'yo |
June | Junio | yoo-nee'oh |
July | Julio | yoo-lee'oh |
August | Aŭgusto | ahw-goost'oh |
September | Septembro | sep-tehm'bro |
October | Oktobro | ok-toh'bro |
November | Novembro | no-vehm'bro |
December | Decembro | deht-sehm'bro |
morning | mateno | mah-teh'no |
next day | la proksima(n) tago(n)3 | la proksee'mah(n) tah'goh(n) |
night | nokto | nok'toh |
noon | tagmezo | tahg-meh'zo |
quarter | kvarono | kvah-ro'no |
quarter of an hour | kvaronhoro | kvah-rohn-ho'ro |
season | sezono | seh-zo'no |
seasons | la sezonoj | la seh-zo'noy |
spring | printempo | prin-tehm'po |
summer | somero | soh-mehr'o |
autumn | aŭtuno | ahw-too'no |
winter | vintro | vin'tro |
second | sekundo | seh-koon'doh |
sunrise | sunleviĝo | soon'leh-vee'jo |
sunset | sunsubiro | soon'soobeer'o |
time | tempo | tehm'po |
to-day | hodiaŭ | hoh-dee'ahw |
to-morrow | morgaŭ | morr'gahw |
to-night | hodiaŭ nokte | hoh-dee'ahw nok'teh |
twilight | krepusko | krehpoos'ko |
week | semajno | seh-mahy'no |
week-day | labortago | lahbohr-tah'go |
Whitsuntide | Pentekosto | penteh-kohs'toh |
year | jaro | yah'ro |
yesterday | hieraŭ | hee-eh'rahw |
yesterday morning | hieraŭ matene | hee-eh'rahw mahteh'neh |
(For Conversations, see p. 106.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Bank | deklivo | deh-klee'vo |
bank (edge) | bordo | bohrr'doh |
barley | hordeo | hohrdeh'o |
barn | grenejo | greh-neh'yo |
bridge | ponto | pohn'toh |
brook | rivereto | reevehr-eh'toh |
building | konstruaĵo | kon-stroo-ah'zho |
bush, shrub | arbusto | ahrr-boo'sto |
cattle | brutoj | broo'toy |
cemetery | tombejo | tohm-beh'yo |
clover | trifolio | tree-fohl-ee'o |
corn | greno | greh'no |
cottage | dometo | doh-meh'toh |
country, the | la kamparo | lah kahm-pah'ro |
courtyard | korto | kohrr'toh |
crop | rikolto | ree-kohl'toh |
dairy | laktejo | lahk-teh'yo |
ditch | fosaĵo | foh-sah'zho |
drain | drenilo | drehn-ee'lo |
farm | farmbieno | fahrm'bee-eh'no |
farmer | farmisto | fahrm-ist'o |
fence | palisaro | pahlee-sah'ro |
field | kampo | kahm'po |
flock (of sheep) | ŝafaro | shahf-ah'ro |
foot-path | piedvojeto | pee-ehd'vo-yeh'toh |
foot-pavement | trotuaro | tro-tooahr'o |
forest | arbaro | ahr-bar'o |
garden | ĝardeno | jahrr-deh'no |
gate | barpordo | bahr-pohr'doh |
grass | herbo | hehrr'bo |
harvest | grenrikolto | grehn'reekohl'toh |
hay | fojno | foy'no |
hedge | plektobarilo | plek'toh-bahree'lo |
herd | bovaro | bo-vah'ro |
high road | ĉefvojo | chehf-vo'yoh |
hotel | hotelo | ho-teh'lo |
hut | kabano | kah-bah'noh |
[21] inn | gastejo | gah-steh'yoh |
labourer | laboristo | lah-bo-reest'o |
land, soil | tero | tehr'o |
library | biblioteko | bib-lee-oh-teh'ko |
log | ŝtipo | shtee'po |
manure | sterko | stehrr'ko |
market | vendejo | vendeh'yo |
market-place | vendeja placo | vendeh'ya plaht'so |
meadow | herbejo | hehr-beh'yo |
mile | mejlo | mehy'lo |
mill | muelilo | moo-ehlee'lo |
monument | monumento | mo-noomehn'toh |
oats | aveno | ah-veh'no |
palace | palaco | pah-laht'so |
place, spot | loko | lo'ko |
pasture | paŝtejo | pah-shteh'yo |
plough | plugilo | ploo-ghee'lo |
police-station | policejo | pohleet-seh'yo |
prison | malliberejo | mahl-lee-beh-reh'yo |
public-house | trinkejo | trin-keh'yoh |
restaurant | restoracio | restohraht-see'o |
river | rivero | ree-veh'ro |
road | vojo | vo'yoh |
rye | sekalo | seh-kah'lo |
school | lernejo | lehrr-neh'yo |
seed | semo | seh'mo |
shepherd | paŝtisto | pah-shteest'o |
shop | butiko | bootee'ko |
square | placo | plaht'so |
stack | stako | stah'ko |
street | strato | strah'toh |
street-lamp | stratlanterno | straht'lahn-tehrr'no |
tower | turo | toor'o |
town | urbo | oorr'bo |
town-hall | urbdomo | oorrb-doh'mo |
tramway | tramvojo | trahm-vo'yoh |
tree | arbo | ahrr'bo |
university | universitato | oonivehr-seetah'toh |
village | vilaĝo | veelah'jo |
waterfall | akvofalo | ahk'vo-fah'lo |
wheat | tritiko | treetee'ko |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Aunt | onklino | ohn-klee'no |
baby | infaneto | infahn-eh'toh |
boy | knabo | knah'bo |
bride | edzinigato | ed-zeenee-gah'toh |
bridegroom | edzigato | edzee-gah'toh |
brother | frato | frah'toh |
child | infano | infahn'o |
cousin | kuzo m., kuzino f. | koo'zo, koozee'no |
daughter | filino | feelee'no |
daughter-in-law | bofilino | bo-feelee'no |
family | familio | fahmee-lee'o |
father | patro | pah'tro |
father-in-law | bopatro | bo-pah'tro |
gentleman, Mr. | sinjoro | seenyohr'o |
girl | knabino | knah-bee'no |
grand-daughter | nepino | neh-pee'no |
grandfather | avo | ah'vo |
grandmother | avino | ah-vee'no |
grandson | nepo | neh'po |
husband | edzo | ehd'zo |
lady, Mrs. | sinjorino | seen-yohr-ee'no |
man, a | viro | vee'ro |
man (human being) | homo | ho'mo |
marriage | edziĝo | ed-zee'jo |
mother | patrino | pah-tree'no |
mother-in-law | bopatrino | bo-pah-tree'no |
nephew | nevo | neh'vo |
niece | nevino | neh-vee'no |
parents | gepatroj | gheh-pah'troy |
people, the | la popolo | lah po-po'lo |
person | persono | pehr-so'no |
single man, bachelor | fraŭlo | frahw'lo |
single woman, young lady, Miss | fraŭlino | frahw-lee'no |
sister | fratino | frah-tee'no |
sister-in-law | bofratino | bo-frahtee'no |
son | filo | fee'lo |
step-son | duonfilo | doo-ohn-fee'lo |
uncle | onklo | ohn'klo |
[23] widow | vidvino | vid-vee'no |
widower | vidvo | veed'vo |
wife | edzino | ed-zee'no |
woman | virino | veeree'no |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Abdomen | ventro | vehn'tro |
ankle | maleolo | mah-leh-o'lo |
arm | brako | brah'ko |
back | dorso | dohrr'so |
beard | barbo | bahrr'bo |
blood | sango | sahn'go |
body | korpo | kohrr'po |
bone | osto | oh'sto |
bowels | intestoj | intess'toy |
brain | cerbo | tsehrr'bo |
cheek | vango | vahn'go |
chest | brusto | broo'sto |
chin | mentono | men-toh'no |
complexion | vizaĝkoloro | veezahj'ko-lohr'o |
ear | orelo | o-reh'lo |
elbow | kubuto | kooboo'toh |
eye | okulo | o-koo'lo |
eyebrow | brovo | bro'vo |
eyelid | palpebro | pahlpeh'bro |
face | vizaĝo | vee-zah'jo |
finger | fingro | feen'gro |
foot | piedo | pee-eh'doh |
forehead | frunto | froon'toh |
hair, a; hair, -s | haro; la haroj | ha'ro; la hah'roy |
hand | mano | mah'no |
head | kapo | kah'po |
heart | koro | ko'ro |
heel | kalkano | kahlkah'no |
kidneys | renoj | reh'noy |
knee | genuo | gheh-noo'oh |
leg | kruro | kroo'ro |
limb | membro | mehm'bro |
lip | lipo | lee'po |
liver | hepato | heh-pah'toh |
lungs | pulmoj | pool'moy |
[24] moustache | lipharoj | leep-hah'roy |
mouth | buŝo | boo'sho |
nail | ungo | oon'go |
neck | kolo | ko'lo |
nose | nazo | nah'zo |
shoulder | ŝultro | shool'tro |
side | flanko | flahn'ko |
skin | haŭto | hahw'toh |
spine | spino | spee'no |
stomach | stomako | sto-mah'ko |
temple | tempio | tehmpee'oh |
throat | gorĝo | gohrr'jo |
thumb | dika fingro | dee'kah feen'gro |
toe | piedfingro | pee-ehd-feen'gro |
tongue | lango | lahn'go |
tooth | dento | dehn'toh |
whiskers | vangharoj | vahng-hah'roy |
wrist | karpeo | kahrr-peh'o |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Age | aĝo | ah'jo |
—, old | maljuneco | mahl-yoon-eht'so |
anger | kolero | ko-leh'ro |
art | arto | ahrr'toh |
breadth, width | larĝeco | lahrr-jeht'so |
character | karaktero | kar-ahk-teh'ro |
childhood | infaneco | infahn-eht'so |
depth | profundeco | pro-foon-deht'so |
dislike | malameti | mah-lah-meh'tee |
emotions | emocioj | eh-moht-see'oy |
fear | timo | tee'mo |
foolishness, folly | malsaĝeco | mahl-sah-jeht'so |
gentleness | mildeco | meel-deht'so |
goodness | boneco | bo-neht'so |
greatness | grandeco | grahn-deht'so |
hatred | malamo | mahl-ah'mo |
height | grandeco | grahn-deht'so |
stature | staturo | stah-too'ro |
honesty; dishonesty | honesteco; mal- | honest-eht'so; mahl- |
honour; dishonour | honoro; mal- | ho-noh'ro; mahl- |
[25] intellect | intelekto | intelehk'toh |
intelligence | inteligenteco | intehlee-ghen-teht'so |
joy | ĝojo | joh'yo |
judgment (faculty) | juĝkapablo | yooj'kah-pah'blo |
knowledge | scio | stsee'oh |
laughter; a laugh | ridado; rido | ree-dah'doh; ree'doh |
learning | klereco | klehr-eht'so |
length | longeco | lohn-geht'so |
love | amo | ah'mo |
manhood | vireco | veer-eht'so |
mind | menso | mehn'so |
patience | pacienco | paht-see-ehnt'so |
pleasure | plezuro | pleh-zoor'o |
politeness, courtesy | ĝentileco | jehn-tee-leht'so |
reason (faculty) | prudento | proo-dehn'toh |
science | scienco | stsee-ehnt'so |
senses, the | la sentoj | lah sehn'toy |
feeling, touch | palpado | pahl-pah'doh |
hearing | aŭdado | ahw-dah'doh |
seeing, sight | vidado | vee-dah'doh |
smelling, smell | flarado | flah-rah'do |
tasting, taste | gustumado | goostoom-ah'doh |
shape | formo | fohrr'mo |
size | amplekso | ahm-plek'so |
smell (odour) | odoro | oh-doh'ro |
smiling; a smile | ridetado; rideto | reedehtah'do; reedeh'toh |
sneezing; a sneeze | ternado; terno | tehrr-nah'doh; tehrr'no |
sorrow | malĝojo | mahl-jo'yo |
speaking, speech | parolado | pah-ro-lah'doh |
strength | forteco | fohrr-teht'so |
stupidity | stulteco | stool-teht'so |
surprise | surprizo | soorr-pree'zo |
taste (of a thing) | gusto | goos'toh |
thickness | dikeco | dee-keht'so |
thinking, thought | pensado | pehn-sah'doh |
thought, a | penso | pehn'so |
voice | voĉo | vo'cho |
weakness (quality) | malforteco | mahl-fohrr-teht'so |
wisdom | saĝo | sah'jo |
womanhood | virineco | vee-ree-neht'so |
youth (quality) | juneco | yoo-neht'so |
(For Conversations see p. 105.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Accident | akcidento | ahkt-see-dehn'toh |
ambulance | ambulanco | ahm-boo-lahnt'so |
bandage | bandaĝo | bahn-dah'jo |
biliousness | galmalsano | gahl-mahl-sah'no |
blister | veziketo | veh-zee-keh'toh |
bruise | kontuzo | kon-too'zo |
burn | brulvundo | brool-voon'doh |
chemist's (shop) | apoteko | ahpo-teh'ko |
chilblain | frostabsceso | frohst-ahbs-tseh'so |
chill, cold | malvarmumo | mahl-vahr-moo'mo |
contagion | kontaĝio | kon-tahjee'o |
corns | kaloj | kah'loy |
cough | tuso | too'so |
cramp | krampfo | krahmp'fo |
dentist | dentisto | dehn-tis'toh |
diarrhœa | lakso | lahk'so |
diet | dieto | dee-eht'o |
disease, illness | malsano | mahl-sah'no |
doctor | kuracisto | koo-raht-sis'toh |
dysentery | disenterio | dis-ehn-teh-ree'o |
exercise | ekzercado | ek-zehrt-sah'do |
exhaustion | ellaciĝo | ellaht-see'jo |
to faint | sveni | sveh'nee |
fainting | sveno | sveh'no |
fever | febro | feh'bro |
fit | atako (epilepsia) | ah-tah'ko (eh-peelep-see'ah) |
fracture | ostrompo | ost-rohm'po |
gout | podagro | po-dah'gro |
headache | kapdoloro | kahp-dolohr'o |
hospital | hospitalo | hospit-ah'lo |
ill, sick | malsana | mahl-sah'nah |
indigestion | dispepsio | dis-pep-see'o |
inflammation | inflamo | inflah'mo |
lame | lama | lah'ma |
medicine | medicino | med-eet-see'no |
nurse | flegistino | fleh-ghis-tee'no |
ointment | ungvento | oong-vehn'toh |
operation | operacio | oh-peh-raht-see'o |
pain | doloro | doh-lohr'o |
[27] paralysis | paralizo | pa-rah-lee'zo |
physician | medicinisto | mehdit-seen-eest'o |
pill | pilolo | pee-lo'lo |
poison | veneno | veh-neh'no |
poultice | kataplasmo | kah-tah-plahs'mo |
prescription | recepto | reht-sep'toh |
rest | ripozado | ree-po-zah'doh |
scald | brogo | broh'go |
sea-sickness | marmalsano | mahr-mahl-sah'no |
sprain | tordvundo | tohrd-voon'doh |
sting | pikvundo | peek-voon'doh |
tonic | stimulilo | stimoolee'lo |
unwell, to be | farti malbone | fahrr'tee mahlbo'neh |
well, to be | farti bone | fahrr'tee bo'neh |
wound | vundo | voon'doh |
(For Conversations see pp. 102–105.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Appetite | apetito | ah-peh-tee'toh |
beverages | trinkaĵoj | trin-kah'zhoy |
beer | biero | bee-ehr'o |
chocolate | ĉokolado | cho-ko-lah'doh |
cocoa | kakao | kah-kah'o |
coffee | kafo | kah'fo |
lemonade | citronakvo | tsee-trohn-ahk'vo |
milk | lakto | lahk'toh |
soda water | sodakvo | sohd-ahk'vo |
tea | teo | teh'o |
water | akvo | ahk'vo |
wine | vino | vee'no |
bill-of-fare | manĝokarto | mahn'jo-kahr'toh |
biscuits | biskvitoj | bisk-vee'toy |
bread | pano | pah'no |
brown bread | bruna pano | broo'nah pah'no |
new bread | freŝa pano | freh'shah pah'no |
stale bread | malfreŝa pano | mahl-freh'shah pah'no |
rolls | bulkoj | bool'koy |
hot roll | varma bulko | vahr'mah bool'ko |
boiled | bolkuirita | bohl'koo-eeree'tah |
bottle | botelo | boh-teh'lo |
butter | butero | boo-tehr'o |
[28] cake | kuko | koo'ko |
cheese | fromaĝo | fro-mah'jo |
chicken | kokidaĵo | koh-keed-ah'zho |
cinnamon | cinamo | tsee-nah'mo |
cooked; un- | kuirita; ne- | koo-eeree'tah; neh- |
cream | kremo | kreh'mo |
custard | flano | flah'no |
dessert | deserto | deh-sehr'toh |
eggs | ovoj | oh'voy |
fish, dried | sekigita fiŝo | seh-kee-ghee'tah fee'sho |
—, fresh | freŝa fiŝo | freh'shah fee'sho |
flour | faruno | fah-roo'no |
fowl | kokaĵo | koh-kah'zho |
fruits | fruktoj | frook'toy |
ginger | zingibro | zin-ghee'bro |
honey | mielo | mee-eh'lo |
hunger | malsato | mahl-sah'toh |
ice, an | glaciaĵo | glahtsee-ah'zho |
jam, preserve | konfitaĵo | konfee-tah'zho |
marmalade | marmelado | mahr-meh-lah'do |
meals | manĝoj | mahn'joy |
breakfast | matenmanĝo | maht-ehn-mahn'jo |
dinner | ĉefmanĝo | chehf-mahn'jo |
luncheon | lunĉo | loon'cho |
tea | teomanĝo | teh'o-mahn'jo |
supper | vespermanĝo | vespehr-mahn'jo |
meat | viando | vee-ahn'doh |
bacon | lardo | lahr'doh |
beef | bovaĵo | bo-vah'zho |
beefsteak | bifsteko | beef-steh'ko |
fat | graso | grah'so |
ham | ŝinko | sheen'ko |
kidneys | renoj | reh'noy |
lamb | ŝafidaĵo | shah-feedah'zho |
lean | malgraso | mahl-grah'so |
mutton | ŝafaĵo | shah-fah'zho |
mutton cutlet | ŝafkotletoj | shahf'kot-leh'toy |
pork | porkaĵo | pohrr-kah'zho |
sausage | kolbaso | kohl-bah'so |
veal | bovidaĵo | bo-veed-ah'zho |
mustard | mustardo | moos-tahr'doh |
[29] oil | oleo | o-leh'o |
omelet, an | omeleto | oh-meh-leh'toh |
pancake | krespo | kreh'spo |
pastry | kukaĵoj | koo-kah'zhoy |
pepper | pipro | pee'pro |
pie | pasteĉo | pahs-teh'cho |
poultry | kortbirdaĵo | kort-beerr-dah'zho |
pudding | pudingo | poo-deen'go |
rice | rizo | ree'zo |
roast(ed) | rostita | roh-stee'tah |
salad | salato | sah-laht'o |
salt | salo | sah'lo |
sauce, gravy | saŭco | sahwt'so |
smoking | fumado | foo-mah'doh |
cigar | cigaro | tsee-gahr'o |
cigarette | cigaredo | tsee-gahr-eh'doh |
matches | alumetoj | ahloo-meh'toy |
pipe | pipo | pee'po |
tobacco | tabako | tah-bah'ko |
tobacco-pouch | tabakujo | tah-bah-koo'yo |
soup | supo | soo'po |
sugar | sukero | soo-kehr'o |
sweets | dolĉaĵoj | dohl-chah'zhoy |
thirst | soifo | so-eef'o |
toothpick | dentpurigilo | dent'pooree-ghee'lo |
under-done | ne elkuirita | neh elkoo-eeree'tah |
vegetables | legomoj | leh-go'moy |
vinegar | vinagro | vee-nah'gro |
well-done | elkuirita | el-koo-eeree'tah |
(For Conversations See pp. 102–105.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Basin | pelvo | pehl'vo |
coffee-pot | kafpoto | kahf-po'toh |
corkscrew | korktirilo | kork-teeree'lo |
cruet-stand | kondimentujo | kondimehntoo'yo |
cup | taso | tah'so |
decanter | karafo | kah-rah'fo |
dish | plado | plah'do |
dish-cover | pladkovrilo | plahd'ko-vree'lo |
[30] filter | filtrilo | fil-tree'lo |
fork | forko | fohrr'ko |
frying-pan | pato | pah'toh |
glass, tumbler | glaso | glah'so |
grill | rostokrado | ro'sto-krah'doh |
jug | kruĉo | kroo'cho |
kettle | bolilo | bo-lee'lo |
knife | tranĉilo | trahn-chee'lo |
lid | kovrilo | ko-vree'lo |
mat | mato | mah'toh |
nut-crackers | nuksrompilo | nooks-rompee'lo |
oven | bakforno | bahk-fohr'no |
plate | telero | teleh'ro |
salt-cellar | salujo | sah-loo'yo |
saucepan | kaserolo | kah-sehr-oh'lo |
saucer | tastelero | tahss-teleh'ro |
serviette | buŝtuko | boosh-too'ko |
(soup-)ladle | (sup)kulerego | (soop')koo-lehr-eh'go |
spoon | kulero | koo-leh'ro |
stove | forno | fohrr'no |
strainer | kribrokulero | kree'bro-koo-leh'ro |
table-cloth | tablotuko | tah'blo-too'ko |
teapot | te-poto | teh-po'toh |
tea-spoon | te-kulero | teh-kooleh'ro |
tray | pleto | pleh'toh |
water-bottle | akvokarafo | ahk'vo-karah'fo |
wine-glass | vinglaso | veen-glah'so |
(See also Washing List, following, and Conversations pp. 108–112.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Bath | bano | bah'no |
bodice | korsaĵo | kor-sah'zho |
bonnet | kufo | koo'fo |
bootlaces | laĉoj | lah'choy |
boots | botoj | bo'toy |
bow | banto | bahn'toh |
bracelet | braceleto | braht-seh-leht'o |
braces | ŝelko | shehl'ko |
breeches | pantaloneto | pahn-tah-lo-neh'toh |
brooch | broĉo | bro'cho |
brush | broso | bro'so |
[31] brush, clothes- | vestbroso | vest-bro'so |
—, nail- | ungobroso | oon'go-bro'so |
—, tooth- | dentbroso | dent-bro'so |
buckle | buko | boo'ko |
button | butono | boo-to'no |
button-hook | butontirilo | boo-tohn'tee-ree'lo |
cap | ĉapeto | cha-peh'toh |
cloak | mantelo | mahn-teh'lo |
clothing, dress | vestaĵo | vestah'zho |
coat | vesto | veh'sto |
comb | kombilo | kohm-bee'lo |
corsets, stays | korseto | kor-seh'toh |
dress, gown | robo | ro'bo |
evening dress | frako | frah'ko |
eye-glasses | nazumo | na-zoo'mo |
frock-coat | redingoto | red-ingo'toh |
gaiters | gamaŝoj | gah-mah'shoy |
garters | ŝtrumpligiloj | shtroom-plee-ghee'loy |
gloves | gantoj | gahn'toy |
hairpin | harpinglo | har-peen'glo |
hat | ĉapelo | chahpeh'lo |
hatpin | ĉapelpinglo | chapehl-peen'glo |
jacket | jako | yah'ko |
jewellery | juveloj | yoo-veh'loy |
knot | nodo | no'do |
linen | tolaĵo | to-lah'zho |
lining | subŝtofo | soob-shtoh'fo |
looking-glass, mirror | spegulo | speh-goo'lo |
material (dress, etc.) | ŝtofo | shtoh'fo |
calico | kalikoto | kahlee-ko'toh |
cloth | drapo | drah'po |
cotton | katuno | kahtoo'no |
crape | krepo | kreh'po |
flannel | flanelo | flahneh'lo |
flannelette | flaneleto | flahneh-leh'toh |
fur | pelto | pehl'toh |
lace | punto | poon'toh |
leather | ledo | leh'doh |
linen | tolo | toh'lo |
muslin | muslino | mooss-lee'no |
katuno | kahtoo'no | |
[32] satin | atlaso | ahtlah'so |
silk | silko | seel'ko |
velvet | veluro | vel-oor'o |
velveteen | felpo | fehl'po |
wool | lano | lah'no |
morning-coat | ĵako | zhah'ko |
muff | mufo | moo'fo |
needle | kudrilo | koo-dree'lo |
overcoat | palto | pahl'toh |
parasol | sunombrelo | soon-ombreh'lo |
petticoat | subjupo | soob-yoo'po |
pins | pingloj | peen'gloy |
poŝo | po'sho | |
pocket-book | poŝlibro | pohsh-lee'bro |
purse | monujo | mo-noo'yo |
razor | razilo | rahzee'lo |
ribbon | rubando | roo-bahn'doh |
ring | ringo | reen'go |
scissors | tondilo | tohndee'loh |
sewing-cotton | kotonfadeno | ko-tohn'fah-deh'no |
sewing-silk | silkfadeno | silk-fahdeh'no |
shawl | ŝalo | shah'lo |
shoe-horn | ŝukorno | shoo-kohr'no |
shoes | ŝuoj | shoo'oy |
skirt | jupo | yoo'po |
sleeve | maniko | mah-nee'ko |
slippers | pantofloj | pahn-toh'floy |
soap | sapo | sah'po |
spectacles | okulvitroj | okool-vee'troy |
sponge | spongo | spohn'go |
stud | kolumbutono | koloom'boo-toh'no |
suit (clothes) | kompleto | kom-pleh'toh |
tape | rubandeto | roobahn-deh'toh |
thimble | fingringo | fin-green'go |
thread | fadeno | fah-deh'no |
tie, neck-tie | kravato | krah-vah'toh |
tooth-powder | dentpulvoro | dent-pool-vo'ro |
trousers | pantalono | pahn-tahlo'no |
tunic | tuniko | too-nee'ko |
umbrella | pluvombrelo | ploov-ombreh'lo |
veil | vualo | voo-ah'lo |
[33] waistcoat | veŝto | vesh'toh |
walking-stick | irbastono | eer-bah-sto'no |
watch | poŝhorloĝo | pohsh-horlo'jo |
waterproof (coat) | pluvmantelo | ploov-mahn-teh'lo |
(For Conversations see p. 111.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Aprons | antaŭtukoj | ahn'tahw-too'koy |
blankets | lanaj litkovriloj | lah'nahy leet'ko-vree'loy |
blouses | bluzoj | bloo'zoy |
bodices | korsaĵoj | kohr-sah'zhoy |
chemises | ĉemizoj virinaj | cheh-mee'zoy vee-reen'ahy |
collars, lace | puntaj kolumoj | poon'tahy ko-loo'moy |
collars, linen | tolaj kolumoj | to'lahy ko-loo'moy |
combinations | kombinaĵoj | kom-been-ah'zhoy |
cuffs | manumoj | mah-noo'moy |
drawers, pairs of | kalsonoj | kahl-so'noy |
dresses | roboj | ro'boy |
dressing-gowns | negliĝroboj | neh-gleej-ro'boy |
dusters | viŝtukoj | veesh-too'koy |
handkerchiefs, pocket | naztukoj | nahz-too'koy |
—, silk | silkaj naztukoj | seel'kahy nahz-too'koy |
napkins (child's) | tuketoj | tookeh'toy |
neckties | kravatoj | krahvah'toy |
night-shirts, -dresses | noktoĉemizoj | nok'toh-cheh-mee'zoy |
flannel petticoats | flanelaj subjupoj | flaneh'lahy soobyoo'poy |
pillow-cases | kapkuseningoj | kahp'koo-seh-neen'goy |
pinafores | antaŭtuketoj | ahn'tahw-too-keh'toy |
pyjamas (suits) | piĝamoj | pee-jah'moy |
serviettes | buŝtukoj | boosh-too'koy |
sheets | littukoj | leet-too'koy |
shirts | ĉemizoj viraj | cheh-mee'zoy veer'ahy |
sleeves | manikoj | mah-nee'koy |
socks | ŝtrumpetoj | shtroom-peh'toy |
stockings | ŝtrumpoj | shtroom'poy |
silk stockings | silkaj ŝtrumpoj | seel'kahy shtroom'poy |
table-cloths | tablotukoj | tah'blo-too'koy |
towels | manviŝiloj | mahn-vee-shee'loy |
under-vests | kamizoloj | kah-mee-zo'loy |
waistcoats | veŝtoj | vesh'toy |
—, flannel | flanelaj veŝtoj | fla-neh'lahy vesh'toy |
(For Shopping see p. 108.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Ante-room | antaŭĉambro | ahn'tahw-chahm'bro |
armchair | brakseĝo | brahk-seh'jo |
ashes | cindro | tseen'dro |
ash-pan | cindrujo | tsin-droo'yo |
attic | mansardo | mahn-sahrr'doh |
basket | korbo | kohrr'bo |
bathroom | banĉambro | bahn-chahm'bro |
bedstead, bed | lito | lee'toh |
bedroom | dormoĉambro | dohr'mo-chahm'bro |
bell | sonorilo | so-no-ree'lo |
blind | rulkurteno | rool-koor-teh'no |
bolster | transkuseno | trahns-koo-seh'no |
bolt | riglilo | reeglee'lo |
book | libro | lee'bro |
book-case | libroŝranko | lee'bro-shrahn'ko |
book-shelf | librobreto | lee'bro-breh'toh |
box | skatolo | skah-toh'lo |
bracket | krampobreto | krahmpo-breh'toh |
brick | briko | bree'ko |
broom | balailo | ba-la-ee'lo |
burner | flamingo | flah-meen'go |
candle | kandelo | kahn-deh'lo |
candlestick | kandelingo | kahn-deh-leen'go |
carpet | tapiŝo | tah-pee'sho |
ceiling | plafono | plah-fo'no |
cellar | kelo | keh'lo |
chair, seat | seĝo | seh'jo |
chamber-utensil | necesujo | neht-seh-soo'yo |
chandelier, lustre | lustro | loo'stro |
chest of drawers | tirkestaro | teer'kest-ah'ro |
clock | horloĝo | hohrr-lo'jo |
coals | karbo | kahrr'bo |
couch | kanapo | kah-nah'po |
counterpane | litkovrilo | leet'ko-vree'lo |
court-yard | korto | kohr'toh |
cradle | lulilo | loo-lee'lo |
cupboard | ŝranko | shrahn'ko |
curtain | kurteno | koor-teh'no |
[35] cushion | kuseno | koo-seh'no |
dining-room | manĝoĉambro | mahn'jo-chahm'bro |
dinner-waggon | telertablo | telehr-tah'blo |
door | pordo | pohrr'doh |
door-handle | anso | ahn'so |
drawing-room | akcepta salono | ahk-tsep'tah sah-lo'no |
dresser | telermeblo | telehr-meh'blo |
feather-bed | plumlito | ploom-lee'toh |
fender | fajrbarilo | fire-bah-ree'lo |
fire | fajro | fah'y-ro (fire-oh) |
fire-place | fajrejo | fahy-reh'yo |
flame | flamo | flah'mo |
floor | planko | plahn'ko |
floor, story | etaĝo | ehtah'jo |
footstool | skabelo | skah-beh'lo |
furniture, piece of | meblo | meh'blo |
garden | ĝardeno | jahr-deh'no |
gas | gaso | gah'so |
gas-bracket | gas-brako | gahss-brah'ko |
grate | fajrujo | fahy-roo'yo |
hall (entrance) | vestiblo | vestee'blo |
hand-basin | lavujo | lah-voo'yo |
(hearth-)rug | (kamen)tapiŝeto | (kah-mehn') tah-pee-sheh'toh |
house | domo | doh'mo |
key | ŝlosilo | shlo-see'lo |
kitchen | kuirejo | koo-ee-reh'yo |
lamp | lampo | lahm'po |
landing | etaĝ-placeto | ehtahj'plaht'seh'toh |
larder | manĝaĵejo | mahn-jah-zheh'yo |
latch | levriglilo | lehv-reeglee'lo |
library | biblioteko | bib-lee-o-teh'ko |
linoleum | linolo | lee-no'lo |
lock | seruro | seh-roo'ro |
mantel-piece | kamenbreto | kah-mehn'breh'toh |
mat | mato | mah'toh |
mattress | matraco | maht-raht'so |
oil-cloth | vakstolo | vahks-toh'lo |
ornament | ornamo | ohr-nah'mo |
passage | trairejo | trah-eer-eh'yo |
piano | fortepiano | fohrr-teh-pee-ah'no |
picture | bildo | beel'doh |
[36] pillow | kapkuseno | kahp'koo-seh'no |
poker | fajrincitilo | fire-int-sit-ee'lo |
porch | portiko | pohr-tee'ko |
rack (for dishes, &c.) | raŭfo | rahw'fo |
roof | tegmento | teg-mehn'toh |
room | ĉambro | chahm'bro |
screen | skreno | skreh'no |
scullery | vazlavejo | vahz'lah-veh'yo |
shovel | ŝovelilo | sho-veh-lee'lo |
sideboard | bufedo | boo-feh'do |
sink | pladlavujo | plahd-lah-voo'yo |
smoke | fumo | foo'mo |
sofa | sofo | so'fo |
soot | fulgo | fool'go |
spark | fajrero | fahy-reh'ro |
staircase | ŝtuparo | shtoo-pahr'o |
stairs, steps | la ŝtupoj | lah shtoo'poy |
suite (of rooms) | apartamento | ahpahrr-tah-mehn'toh |
table | tablo | tah'blo |
tapestry | tapeto | tah-peh'toh |
tile (of roof) | tegolo | teh-go'lo |
umbrella-stand | ombrelujo | ohm-breh-loo'yo |
vase | vazo | vah'zo |
wall | muro | moo'ro |
wall-paper | murpapero | moor-pa-peh'roh |
water-closet (w.c.) | necesejo | neht-seh-seh'yo |
window | fenestro | fen-eh'stro |
writing-desk | pupitro | poo-pee'tro |
(For Conversations, see p. 95.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Arrival | alveno | ahl-veh'no |
bill | kalkulo | kahl-koo'lo |
booking-office | biletejo | beeleht-eh'yo |
box (of carriage) | kondukseĝo | kondook-seh'jo |
brake | bremso | brehm'so |
bridle | brido | bree'doh |
cabman, coachman | veturigisto | vehtoo-ree-ghist'o |
carriage | kaleŝo | kahleh'sho |
change, to | vagonŝanĝi | vah-gohn-shahn'jee |
[37] cloak-room | deponejo | deh-po-neh'yo |
coach | diliĝenco | dee-lee-jehnt'so |
coffee-room | kafejo | kah-feh'yo |
communication-cord | danĝerŝnuro | dahn-jehr-shnoor'o |
compartment | kupeo | koo-peh'o |
conductor | konduktoro | kon-dooktoh'ro |
cushion | kuseno | koo-seh'no |
custom-house | dogano | doh-gah'no |
custom-house officer | doganisto | doh-gah-nist'o |
departure | ekveturo | ek-vehtoo'ro |
electric, electrical | elektra | eh-lehk'tra |
electricity | elektro | eh-lehk'tro |
embankment (rail.) | taluso | tah-loo'so |
engine | lokomotivo | lo-komo-tee'vo |
entrance | enirejo | eneer-eh'yo |
excursion | ekskurso | eks-koorr'so |
exit | elirejo | ehleer-eh'yo |
express (train) | ekspreso | eks-preh'so |
fare | veturprezo | vehtoor-preh'zo |
fast train | rapidira vagonaro | rahpee-dee'rah vahgo-nah'ro |
foot-warmer | piedvarmigilo | pee-ehd'vahrmee-ghee'lo |
full | plena | pleh'na |
guide | gvidisto | gvee-dist'o |
guide-book | gvidlibro | gveed'lee'bro |
hansom-cab | fiakro | fee-ah'kro |
hat-box | ĉapelujo | chah-peh-loo'yo |
hotel | hotelo | ho-teh'lo |
inside (of vehicle) | interno | in-tehr'no |
interpreter | interpretisto | intehr-preh-tist'o |
journey | vojaĝo | vo-yah'jo |
journey (train, etc.) | veturo | vehtoo'ro |
junction | vojkuniĝo | voy'koonee'jo |
key | ŝlosilo | shlo-see'lo |
label | etikedo | eh-tikeh'doh |
landlady | mastrino | mah-stree'no |
landlord | mastro | mah'stro |
lavatory | lavejo | lah-veh'yo |
lodging | loĝejo | lo-jeh'yo |
luggage | pakaĵoj | pah-kah'zhoy |
motor | motoro | mo-tohr'o |
motor 'bus | motorbuso | mo-tohr-boo'so |
[38] motor-car | aŭtomobilo | ahw-toh-mo-bee'lo |
omnibus | omnibuso | omnee-boo'so |
outside (of vehicle) | imperialo | impeh-ree-ah'lo |
package | pakaĵo | pah-kah'zho |
payment | pago | pah'go |
platform | fervoja perono | fehr-vo'yah peh-ro'no |
porter | portisto | pohr-tist'o |
portmanteau | valizo | vah-lee'zo |
rack (for parcels, &c.) | raŭfo | rah'w-fo |
railway | fervojo | fehr-vo'jo |
railway-carriage | vagono | vah-go'no |
railway-station | fervoja stacio | fehr-vo'yah staht-see'oh |
receipt | kvitanco | kvitahnt'so |
reins | kondukiloj, gvidrimenoj | kondoo-kee'loy, gveed'ri-meh'noy |
reserved | rezervita | rehzehr-vee'ta |
rug | tegilo | teh-ghee'lo |
saddle | selo | seh'lo |
seat | loko | lo'ko |
signal | signalo | seeg-nah'lo |
start, the | la ekveturo | la ek-veh-too'ro |
station-master | staciestro | staht-see-est'ro |
strap | rimeno | ree-meh'no |
terminus | finstacio | feen-staht-see'oh |
ticket | bileto | beeleh'toh |
time-table | veturhoraro | vehtoor'horah'ro |
tour | rondvojaĝo | rohnd-voyah'jo |
tourist | turist-o, -ino | toor-ist'o, -ee'no |
track | relvojo | rehl-vo'yo |
train | vagonaro | vah-go-nah'ro |
tram-car | tramveturilo | trahm'vehtoor-ee'lo |
tramway | tramvojo | trahm-vo'yo |
travel, to (train, &c.) | veturi | vehtoo'ree |
trunk | kofro | ko'fro |
tube (railway) | tubfervojo | toob-fehr-vo'yo |
tunnel | tunelo | too-neh'lo |
underground | subtera | soob-teh'rah |
valise, hand-bag | valizeto | vah-leezeh'toh |
waiter | kelnero | kel-nehr'o |
waiting-room | atendejo | ahtehn-deh'yo |
(For Conversations see p. 97.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Alongside, to come | albordiĝi | ahlbohrdee'jee |
anchor | ankro | ahn'kro |
berth | dormujo | dorr-moo'yo |
boat | boato | bo-ah'toh |
boiler | kaldrono | kahl-dro'no |
bow | antaŭo | antah'wo |
buoy | buo | boo'oh |
cabin | kajuto | kah-yoo'toh |
cable | kablo | kah-blo |
captain | kapitano | kahpee-tah'no |
compass | kompaso | kom-pah'so |
crane | argano | ahrrgah'no |
crew | ŝipanaro | sheepah-nah'ro |
deck | ferdeko | fehr-deh'ko |
disembark | elŝipiĝi | el-shipee'jee |
dock | doko | do'ko |
to embark | enŝipiĝi | en-shipee'jee |
engineer | maŝinisto | mahshee-nist'o |
fishing-boat | fiŝbarko | feesh-bahr'ko |
flag | flago | flah'go |
gangway | pasponteto | pahss'pon-teh'toh |
harbour, port | haveno | hahveh'no |
helm, rudder | direktilo | deerek-tee'lo |
hold | holdo | hohl'do |
to land | surteriĝi | soortehr-ee'jee |
landing-stage, pier | enŝipiĝejo | en-shipee-jeh'yo |
life-belt | savzono | sahv-zo'no |
life-boat | savŝipo | sahv-shee'po |
lighthouse | lumturo | loom-toor'o |
mast | masto | mah'sto |
oar | remilo | reh-mee'lo |
paddle-wheel | padelrado | pah-dehl-rah'doh |
passenger | pasaĝero | pah-sah-jehr'o |
pilot | piloto | pee-loh'toh |
port-hole | fenestreto | fehneh-streh'toh |
quay | kajo | kah'yo |
rope | ŝnuro | shnoor'o |
sail | velo | veh'lo |
sailing-ship | velŝipo | vehl-shee'po |
[40] saloon, first class | unua klaso | oonoo'ah klah'so |
screw-propeller | pelŝraŭbo, helico | pehl-shrahw'bo, heh-leet'so |
seaman, sailor | maristo | mahr-ist'o |
ship | ŝipo | shee'po |
start, to | ekveturi | ek-vehtoor'ee |
steam-boat, -ship | vaporŝipo | vahpohr-shee'po |
steerage, third class | tria klaso | tree'ah klah'so |
steersman | direktilisto | deerek-tee-list'o |
stern | posto | post'o |
steward | provizisto | pro-vee-zist'o |
stewardess | servistino | sehr-vis-tee'no |
tug | trenŝipo | trehn-shee'po |
voyage | vojaĝo | vo-yah'jo |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Africa | Afriko | ah-free'ko |
America | Ameriko | ah-mehree'ko |
American | Amerikano | ah-mehree-kah'no |
Asia | Azio | ah-zee'oh |
Australia | Aŭstralio | ahw-strahlee'oh |
Austria | Aŭstrio | ahw-stree'oh |
Belgium | Belgujo | belhgoo'yo |
Canada | Kanado | kahnah'doh |
China | Ĥinujo | kheenoo'yo |
Chinese, the | la Ĥinoj | la khee'noy |
Denmark | Danujo | dahnoo'yo |
Dutchman | Holandano | holahn-dah'no |
empire | imperio | impeh-ree'oh |
England | Anglujo | ahn-gloo'yo |
English, the | la Angloj | la ahn'gloy |
Englishman | Anglo | ahn'glo |
Europe | Eŭropo | ehw-ro'po |
France | Francujo | frahnt-soo'yo |
[41] French, the | la Francoj | la frahnt'soy |
Frenchman | Franco | frahnt'so |
German | Germano | ghehrr-mah'no |
Germany | Germanujo | ghehrr-mahnoo'yo |
Holland | Holando | holahn'doh |
India | Indio | indee'oh |
Ireland | Irlando | eerrlahn'doh |
Irish, the | la Irlandanoj | la eerrlahn-dah'noy |
Irishman | Irlandano | eerlahn-dah'no |
Italian | Italo | eetah'lo |
Italy | Italujo | eetahloo'yo |
Japan | Japanujo | yah-pahnoo'yo |
Japanese, the | la Japanoj | la yahpah'noy |
kingdom | regno | rehg'no |
Norway | Norvegujo | norrveh-goo'yo |
republic | respubliko | rehspooblee'ko |
Russia | Rusujo | roosoo'yo |
Scotland | Skotujo | sko-too'yo |
Scotch, the | la Skotoj | la sko'toy |
Scotchman | Skoto | sko'to |
Spain | Hispanujo | hispah-noo'yo |
United States, the | la Unuigitaj Ŝtatoj | la oonooee-ghee'tahy shtah'toy |
Sweden | Svedujo | svehdoo'yo |
Switzerland | Svisujo | svisoo'yo |
Turkey | Turkujo | toorkoo'yo |
Wales | Kimrujo | kimroo'yo |
Welsh, the | la Kimroj | la kim'roy |
(For Conversations see p. 112.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Ball (dance) | balo | bah'lo |
balloon | balono | bahloh'no |
balloonist | aerostatisto | ah-ehro-stah-tist'o |
circus | cirko | tseerr'ko |
concert | koncerto | kont-sehr'toh |
accompanist | akompanist-o, -ino | ahkompah-nist'o, -ee'no |
audience | aŭdantaro | ahwdahn-tah'ro |
bass | baso | bah'so |
chorus (singers) | ĥoro | khoh'ro |
conductor | orkestrestro | orkest-rest'ro |
[42] instruments | instrumentoj | instroo-mehn'toy |
—, brass | latunaj instrumentoj | lah-too'nahy instroo-mehn'toy |
—, reed | anĉinstrumentoj | ahnch'instroo-mehn'toy |
—, string | kordinstrumentoj | kohrrd'instroomehn'toy |
music | muziko | moo-zee'ko |
organ | orgeno | ohr-geh'no |
pianist | fortepianist-o, -ino | fohr'teh-pee-ahn-ist'o, -een'o |
piano | fortepiano | fohr'teh-pee-ah'no |
programme | programo | pro-grah'mo |
recital | muzika seanco | moozee'kah seh-ahnt'so |
recitation | deklamo | deh-klah'mo |
seats | benkoj | behn'koy |
—, (un)reserved | (ne)rezervitaj lokoj | (neh)rehzehr-vee'tahy lo'koy |
singer | kantant-o, -ino | kahntahnt'-o, -een'o |
—, (professional) | kantist-o, -ino | kahntist'-o, -een'o |
solo; duet | solo; duo | solo; doo'oh |
song | kanto | kahn'toh |
soprano | soprano | so-prah'no |
tenor | tenoro | teh-nohr'o |
ticket | bileto | beeleh'toh |
violin | violono | vee-ohlo'no |
exhibition | ekspozicio | eks-pozit-see'oh |
fête | festo | feh'sto |
flower-show | flor-ekspozicio | flohr'eks-pozit-see'o |
flying machine | aerveturilo | ah-ehr'veh-tooree'lo |
limelight-views | lumprojekcioj | loom'pro-yekt-see'oy |
museum | muzeo | moo-zeh'o |
picture-gallery | bildogalerio | bil'doh-galeh-ree'o |
refreshment-room | bufedo | boo-feh'doh |
sports and games | sportoj kaj ludoj | spor'toy kahy loo'doy |
bathing; to bathe | banado; bani | ba-nah'doh; bah'nee |
billiards | bilardo | bilahr'doh |
boating, to go | promeni boate | pro-meh'nee bo-ah'teh |
box, to | boksi | bok'see |
boxing-match | vetbokso | veht-bok'so |
chess | ŝako | shah'ko |
cricket | kriketo | krikeh'toh |
draughts | damoj | dah'moy |
fishing | fiŝkaptado | fish'kahptah'doh |
to fish | fiŝ-kapti | fish-kahp'tee |
[43] to go fishing | iri fiŝkapti | ee'ree fish-kahp'tee |
fishing-line | hokfadeno | hohk'fahdeh'no |
fishing-net | fiŝreto | fish-reh'toh |
fishing-rod | fiŝkaptilo | fish-kahp-tee'lo |
hunting; to hunt | ĉasado; ĉasi | chahsah'doh; chah'see |
fox-hunt | vulpĉaso | voolp-chah'so |
huntsman | ĉasisto | chahsist'o |
match | vetludo | veht-loo'doh |
playing; to play | ludado; ludi | loo-dah'doh; loo'dee |
races | ĉevalkuroj | chehvahl-koo'roy |
grand-stand | ĉeftribuno | chehf-triboo'no |
jockey | ĵokeo | zho-keh'o |
race-course | vetkurejo | veht-koo-reh'yo |
rowing; to row | remado; remi | reh-mah'doh; reh'mee |
shooting | pafĉasado | pahf-chah-sah'doh |
ammunition | municio | moonit-see'o |
bullet, ball | kuglo | koo'glo |
cartridge | kartoĉo | kahr-toh'cho |
game-bag | ĉasosako | chah'so-sah'ko |
gun | pafilo | pah-fee'lo |
shot | pafaĵo | pah-fah'zho |
to shoot | pafi | pah'fee |
skating; to skate | glitumado; glitumi | glitoomah'doh; glitoo'mee |
spectator | spektatoro | spek-tah-tohr'o |
swimming; to swim | naĝado; naĝi | najah'do; nah'jee |
tennis | teniso | tehnee'so |
to wrestle | lukti | look'tee |
tent | tendo | tehn'doh |
theatre | teatro | teh-ah'tro |
act | akto | ahk'toh |
—, to | ludi rolon | loo'dee ro'lohn |
actor, actress | aktoro, aktorino | ahktohr'o, ahktoree'no |
auditorium | aŭditorio | ahw-ditohr-ee'o |
ballet | baleto | baleh'toh |
boxes | loĝioj | lo-jee'oy |
box-office | lokoficejo | loh'ko-fit-seh'yo |
cloak-room | deponejo | dehponeh'yo |
comedian | komediisto | komeh-dee-ist'o |
curtain | kurteno | koor-teh'no |
dance | danco | dahnt'so |
dancer | dancist-o, -ino | dahntsist'-o, -een'o |
[44] exit | elirejo | ehlee-reh'yo |
footlights | planklampoj | plahnk-lahm'poy |
gallery | galerio | galeh-ree'o |
manager | direktoro | deerektoh'ro |
music-hall | muzikhalo | moozeek-ha'lo |
opera | opero | opeh'ro |
opera-glasses | lorno | lohrr'no |
opera-house | operejo | opeh-reh'yo |
orchestra, band | orkestro | orkest'ro |
pit | partero | pahr-tehr'o |
play | teatraĵo | teh-atrah'zho |
scene | sceno | stseh'no |
scenery (theat.) | scenpentraĵo | stsehn-pentrah'zho |
stage | scenejo | stseh-neh'yo |
stage-manager | reĝisoro | reh-jee-sohr'o |
stalls | foteloj (orkestraj) | fo-teh'loy (orkest'rahy) |
(See also Motoring, following, and Conversations pp. 114 to 116.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Accessories | akcesoraĵoj | ahk-tseh-sorah'zhoy |
acetylene | acetileno | aht-sehtee-leh'no |
axle | akso | ahk'so |
back-pedal, to | retropedali | reh'tro-pehdah'lee |
ball bearings | kuglokusenoj | koo'glo-koo-seh'noy |
bell | tintilo | tin-tee'lo |
bicycle | biciklo | bit-see'klo |
bolt (screw-) | bolto | bohl'toh |
brake | bremso | brehm'so |
cement | cemento | tseh-mehn'toh |
chain | ĉeno | cheh'no |
chainless | senĉena | sen-cheh'nah |
chain-regulator | ĉenĝustigilo | chehn'joostig-ee'lo |
chain-wheel | granda dentrado | grahn'da dent-rah'doh |
clutch | konektumo | kohnek-too'mo |
cone | konuso | ko-noo'so |
crank | kranko | krahn'ko |
crank-pin | krankokejlo | krahn'ko-keh'y-lo |
crooked | malrekta | mahlrek'tah |
cycle-shop | biciklobutiko | bitsee'klo-boo-tee'ko |
cycling race | vetbiciklado | veht'bitsee-klah'doh |
cycling track | bicikla dromo | bitsee'klah dro'mo |
[45] cyclist | (bi)ciklisto | (bee)tsee-klist'o |
lady cyclist | (bi)ciklistino | (bee)tsee-klist-ee'no |
cyclometer | ciklometro | tsee-klo-meh'tro |
detachable | deprenebla | deh-preneh'blah |
dismount, to | deseliĝi | deh-seh-lee'jee |
dress-guard | robŝirmilo | rohb'sheer-mee'lo |
duster | viŝilo | veeshee'lo |
electro-plate, to | nikeli | neekeh'lee |
enamel, to | emajli | emah'y-lee |
foot-rests | piedapogiloj | pee-ehd'apoh-ghee'loy |
foot-step | ŝtupo | shtoo'po |
fork | forko | fohr-ko |
frame | kadro | kah'dro |
free-wheel | libera rado | leebeh'ra rah'doh |
free-wheel, to | liberiri | leebeh-ree'ree |
friction | frotado | fro-tah'doh |
gear | rapidumo | rahpee-doo'mo |
high gear | granda rapidumo | grahn'da rahpeedoo'mo |
low gear | malgranda rapidumo | mahl-grahn'da rahpee-doo'mo |
two-speed gear | du-rapidumo | doo'rahpee-doo'mo |
gear-case | ĉenujo | cheh-noo'yo |
geared to | kun rapidumo de… | koon rahpeedoo'mo deh |
gearing | dentaĵo | dentah'zho |
handle-bar | gvidilo | gveedee'lo |
handles, grips | tenilo | teh-nee'lo |
hub | aksingo | ahk-seen'go |
indiarubber | kaŭĉuko | kahw-choo'ko |
indiarubber solution | kaŭĉuka solvaĵo | kahw-choo'ka sol-vah'zho |
inner tube | interna tubo | intehr'nah too'bo |
lamp | lanterno | lantehr'no |
lamp-bracket | lanternhoko | lahn-tehrn'ho'ko |
lamp-wick | meĉo | meh'cho |
light up, to | lumigi | loo-mee'ghee |
link | ĉenero | cheh-neh'ro |
lubricator | olekapsulo | oleh'kapsoo'lo |
lubricator protector | kapsulkovrilo | kapsool'ko-vree'lo |
luggage-carrier | pakportilo | pahk'pohr-tee'lo |
map | landkarto | lahnd-kar'toh |
mount, to | surseliĝi | soor-sehl-ee'jee |
[46] mudguard | kotkaptilo | koht-kaptee'lo |
nut | ŝraŭbingo | shrahw-been'go |
nut, safety- | fiksa ŝraŭbingo | feek'sa shrahw-been'go |
oil for burning | lumoleo | loom-oleh'o |
—, lubricating | ŝmiroleo | shmeer-oleh'o |
oil-can | oleujeto | ohleh-oo-yeh'toh |
outer cover | volvaĵo | vohl-vah'zho |
pedal | pedalo | peh-dah'lo |
pedal-rubber | pedalkaŭĉuko | pedahl'kahw-choo'ko |
pedal-brake | pedala bremso | peh-dah'la brehm'so |
pneumatic tyre | pneŭmatika bendo | pnehw-matee'ka behn'doh |
pump | pumpilo | poom-pee'lo |
pump up, to | ŝveligi | shveh-leeg'ee |
pump-tube | pumpiltubo | poom-peel-too'bo |
to put together, fit up to | munti | moon'tee |
rag | ĉifono | chifo'no |
repair, to | ripari | ripah'ree |
repairing outfit | riparilaro | ripah-ree-lah'ro |
ride a bicycle, to | bicikli | bit-see'klee |
rim | radrondo | rahd-rohn'doh |
rim-brake | radronda bremso | rahd-rohn'da brehm'so |
rivet | vinkto | vink'toh |
saddle | selo | seh'lo |
saddle-bag | selsaketo | sehl'sah-keh'toh |
saddle-pillar | selkolono | sehl-kolo'no |
screw | ŝraŭbo | shrahw'-bo |
screw, to | ŝraŭbi | shrahw'-bee |
screw-bolt of chain | ĉenbolto | chehn-bohl'toh |
screwdriver | ŝraŭbturnilo | shrahwb-toor-nee'lo |
spanner | ŝraŭbilo | shrahw-bee'lo |
spokes | radioj | rah-dee'oy |
spring | risorto | risohr'toh |
start, to | ekiri | ekeer'ee |
steer, to | gvidi | gvee'dee |
strap | rimeno | reemeh'no |
take to pieces, to | malmunti | mahl-moon'tee |
tighten up, to | streĉi | streh'chee |
toe-clip | piedingo | pee-ehd-een'go |
tricycle | triciklo | tritsee'klo |
trousers-clip | pantalonpinĉilo | pantalohn'pin-chee'lo |
unscrew, to | malŝraŭbi | mahl-shrahw'-bee |
[47] valve | valvo | vahl'vo |
valve-cap | valvkovrilo | vahlv'ko-vree'lo |
valve-tubing | valvtubaĵo | vahlv'too-bah'zho |
wheel, back | posta rado | po'stah rah'doh |
—, front | antaŭa rado | antah'wah rah'doh |
(See also Cycling above, and Conversations pp. 114 to 116.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Accumulator | akumulatoro | ahkoomoo-lahtohr'o |
battery | baterio | bahteh-ree'oh |
brake-collar | bremsorubando | brehm'so-roobahn'doh |
break down (stop), to | panei | pahneh'ee |
cam | kamo | kah'mo |
carburator | karburatoro | karboo-rahtohr'o |
chain adjustment | ĉenĝustigilo | chehn-joosti-ghee'lo |
charge, to | ŝargi | shahr'ghee |
chassis | ĉasio | chah-see'oh |
chauffeur, driver | veturigisto | vehtoo-reeghist'oh |
claw | ungo | oon'go |
contact-breaker (trembler) | kontakt-rompilo | kontahkt'-rompee'lo |
driving pinion | pelrado | pehl-rah'doh |
elbow | kubuto | kooboo'toh |
electric motor | elektra motoro | ehlek'tra motohr'o |
evaporate, to | vaporiĝi | vahpohr-ee'jee |
exhaust | gasforfluo | gahss-fohrfloo'oh |
exhaust-box (silencer) | silentigujo | seelehn-tigoo'yo |
exhaust-valve | forflua valvo | fohrfloo'ah vahl'vo |
feed-pump | nutro-pumpilo | noo'tro-poompee'lo |
fill, to | plenigi | plehnee'ghee |
flaw | difektaĵo | difek-tah'zho |
fly-wheel | inertrado | in-ehrt-rah'doh |
garage | remizo | rehmee'zo |
gas | gaso | gah'so |
generator | generatoro | ghenehrahtohr'o |
goggles | okulvitroj | okool-vee'troy |
gradient | deklivo | dehklee'vo |
handle | tenilo | tehnee'lo |
hooter | blekilo | blehkee'lo |
horse-power | ĉevalpovo | chehvahl-po'vo |
ignition | ignito, ignitigilo | ignee'toh, igniteeghee'lo |
[48] leakage | ellaso | el-lah'so |
lever | levilo | lehvee'lo |
motor | motoro | mohtohr'o |
— car | aŭtomobilo | ahwtomobee'lo |
— lamp | lanterno | lahn-tehr'no |
packing | stupo | stoo'po |
petrol | petrolo | pehtro'lo |
pressure, high | altpremo | alt-preh'mo |
—, low | malaltpremo | mahlalt-preh'mo |
rack (lifter) | rako | rah'ko |
reservoir, tank | rizervujo | rizehr-voo'yo |
reversing lever | irmaligilo | eer'mahleeghee'lo |
spare tyre | krom-bendo | krohm-behn'doh |
spark | sparko | spahr'ko |
sparking-plug | sparkilo | spahrkee'lo |
speed, full | plena rapideco | pleh'na rahpideht'so |
—, high | granda rapideco | grahn'da rahpideht'so |
—, low | malgranda rapideco | mahlgrahn'da rapideht'so |
speed-changing gear | rapidŝanĝa mekanismo | rahpeed-shahn'jah mekanis'mo |
starting-gear | ekiriga mekanismo | ekeeree'gah mekanees'mo |
starting handle | ekirigilo | eh-keereeghee'lo |
steering bar | gvidstango | gveed-stahn'go |
tap | krano | krah'no |
throw into gear, to | konekti | konek'tee |
throw out of gear, to | malkonekti | mahlkonek'tee |
(For Conversations see p. 117.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Amateur | amatoro | amah-tohr'o |
background | fono | fo'no |
—, cloth | tola fono | toh'la fo'no |
backing paper | fonpapero | fohn-papehr'o |
bath, positive | pozitiva bano | pozitee'va bah'no |
—, silver | arĝentbano | arjehnt-bah'no |
bulb | bulbo | bool'bo |
bulging | konveksigo | konvek-see'go |
burnisher | polurilo | poloor-ee'lo |
cameo | kameo | kameh'o |
camera | fotografilo, kamero | foto-grafee'lo, kameh'ro |
— bellows | balgo | bahl'go |
[49] camera, hand | mankamero | mahnkamehr'o |
—, stand | stativkamero | stateev'kamehr'o |
cutting moulds | tranĉkalibrilo | trahnch'kalibree'lo |
dark-room lamp | ruĝa lanterno | roo'jah lantehr'no |
dark slide (double) | kaseto (duobla) | kahseh'toh (doo-oh'bla) |
developing | rivelado | reeveh-lah'do |
dipper | trempilo | trehm-pee'lo |
dishes | kuvetoj | koo-veh'toy |
— for developing | rivelkuvetoj | rivehl'koo-veh'toy |
— for fixing | fikskuvetoj | fiks-koo-veh'toy |
— for toning | tonigbanoj | toh-neeg-bah'noy |
draining rack | sekigilo | sekighee'lo |
dry plates | sekaj platoj | seh'kahy plah'toy |
enlargement | pligrandigo | plee-grandee'go |
exposure | espozo | espo'zo |
—, snap | momenta espozo | momehn'ta espozo |
—, time | daŭra espozo | dahw'rah espo'zo |
fade, to | malnetiĝi | mahl-netee'jee |
flash lamp | magnezia lumigilo | magneh-zee'ah loomi-ghee'lo |
films | filmoj | feel'moy |
fixing | fiksado | fik-sah'doh |
focus | fokuso | fo-koo'so |
focus, to | enfokusigi | enfo-koo-see'ghee |
focussing glasses | lupeo | loopeh'o |
funnel | funelo | fooneh'lo |
glass measure | gradigita mezurilo | gradee-ghee'ta mezoo-ree'lo |
half-length | duonlonga | doo-ohn-lohn'gah |
half-tone | duontono | doo-ohn-toh'no |
intensifying | densigo | den-see'go |
iris diaphragm | irisdiafragmo | eereess-dee-afrahg'mo |
lens | lenso | lehn'so |
—, cap of | lenskovrilo | lehnss-kovree'lo |
mount, to | munti | moon'tee |
negative | negativo | nehgah-tee'vo |
over-exposed | hiperespozita | heepehr-espo-zee'ta |
photograph | fotografaĵo | foto-grafah'zho |
photographer | fotografisto | foto-grahfist'o |
plate | plato | plah'to |
plate-holder | platkaseto | plaht-kaseh'toh |
plate-lifter | platlevilo | plaht-leh-vee'lo |
platinotypes | platinotipoj | plah-teeno-tee'poy |
[50] printing | impresi | impreh'see |
printing frame | premkaseto | prehm-kaseh'toh |
printing-out paper | senrivela papero | sen-reeveh'la papeh'ro |
scales and weights | pesilo kaj peziloj | pehsee'loh kahy pehzee'loy |
sensitised | impresebla | impreh-seh'blah |
shutter | obturatoro | obtoo-rah-tor'o |
snap-shot | maldaŭra kapto | mahldahw'rah kahp'toh |
speed indicator | daŭrindikilo | dahw'r-indikee'lo |
spirit-level | nivelilo | neeveh-lee'lo |
spot, stain | makulo | makoo'lo |
squeegee | senakvigilo | sen-ahkvee-gee'lo |
stand | stativo | statee'vo |
transparent | diafana | dee-afah'nah |
tripods (twofold) | tripiedo (faldebla) | tree-pee-eh'doh (fahl-deh'bla) |
under-exposed | subespozita | soob'espo-zee'tah |
varnishing | lakizo | lah-kee'zoh |
view-finder | celilo | tseh-lee'lo |
vignetting-board | duonombrigilo | doo-ohn'ombrighee'lo |
(For Conversations, see p. 118.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Absolution | absolvo | absohl'vo |
aisle | flanknavo | flahnk-nah'vo |
altar | altaro | altah'ro |
baptism | bapto | bahp'toh |
belfry | sonorilejo | sonoh-reeleh'yo |
Bible | Biblio | biblee'oh |
breviary | breviero | brehvee-ehr'o |
burial | enterigo | entehree'go |
cardinal | kardinalo | kar-deenah'lo |
cathedral | katedralo | kateh-drah'lo |
cemetery | tombejo | tombeh'yo |
chapel | kapelo | kahpeh'lo |
choir (place) | ĥorejo | khoreh'yo |
choir (singers) | ĥoro | khoh'ro |
Christian | kristano | kris-tah'no |
Christianity | kristanismo | kristah-nees'mo |
church | preĝejo | preh-jeh'yo |
Church (as a body) | la Eklezio | la eklehzee'oh |
clergyman | ekleziulo | eklehzee-oo'lo |
Communion | komunio | komoonee'oh |
[51] confession | konfeso | kon-feh'so |
congregation | adorantaro | adohrahn-tah'ro |
convent | monaĥejo | monakheh'yo |
Creator, the | Kreinto | kreh-in'toh |
cross | kruco | kroot'so |
crucifix | krucifikso | kroot-sifik'so |
fast-day | fastotago | fah'sto-tah'go |
festival | festo | feh'sto |
font | baptujo | bahp-too'yo |
funeral | funebra ceremonio | fooneh'brah tsereh-mo-nee'oh |
God | Dio | dee'oh |
heaven | ĉielo | chee-eh'lo |
hell | infero | infehr'o |
Holy Ghost (Spirit) | la Sankta Spirito | la sahnk'ta speeree'toh |
hymn; -book | himno; himnaro | him'no; him-nah'ro |
lectern | legpupitro | lehg-poopee'tro |
litany | litanio | litahnee'oh |
liturgy | liturgio | litoorghee'oh |
Lord, the | la Sinjoro | la sinyoh'ro |
mass, high | alta meso | ahl'tah meh'so |
—, low | malalta meso | mal-ahl'tah meh'so |
matins | matenpreĝoj | mahtehn-preh'joy |
missal | meslibro | mehss-lee'bro |
nave | navo | nah'vo |
offertory (R.C.) | ofertorio | ohfehr-toree'oh |
— (collection) | monkolekto | mohn-kolek'toh |
papal | papa | pah'pa |
penance | pentofaro | pehn'toh-fah'ro |
pew | benko | behn'ko |
Pope | Papo | pah'po |
prayer | preĝo | preh'jo |
prayer-book | preĝaro | prehjah'ro |
priest, pastor | pastro | pah'stro |
Protestant | Protestanto | proteh-stahn'toh |
pulpit | katedro | kateh'dro |
Roman Catholic | Romkatoliko | rohm'katohlee'ko |
sacrament | sakramento | sakrah-mehn'toh |
salvation | savo | sah'vo |
Saviour, the | la Savinto | la sahveen'toh |
sermon | prediko | prehdee'ko |
service, divine | diservo | dee-sehr'vo |
[52] service, evening | vespera diservo | vespeh'ra dee-sehr'vo |
—, morning | matena diservo | mateh'na dee-sehr'vo |
sitting, seat | sidloko | seed-lo'ko |
synagogue | sinagogo | sinahgo'go |
tabernacle | tabernaklo | tabehr-nah'klo |
transept | transepto | trahnsehp'toh |
truth | vero | vehr'o |
verger | pedelo | pehdeh'lo |
vespers | vesperpreĝoj | vespehr-preh'joy |
vestry, sacristy | sakristio | sakris-tee'oh |
worship | adorado | adoh-rah'do |
worship, to | adori | adoh'ree |
(For Shopping, etc., see pp. 108 to 111.)
Note.—The names of workers in the various trades and professions are formed by adding the suffix -ist to the root-word. Thus: vendi, to sell—vendisto, a salesman; lampo, a lamp—lampvendisto, a lamp-seller, lampfaristo, a lamp manufacturer; maro, sea—maristo, a sailor; akrigi, to sharpen—akrigisto, a grinder, etc.
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Architect | arĥitekto | arkhitek'toh |
artist | artisto | artist'o |
baker | bakisto | bah-kist'o |
banker | bankiero | bahnkee-ehr'o |
barber | barbiro | barbeer'o |
bookseller | librovendisto | lee'bro-vendisto |
butcher | buĉisto | boo-chist'o |
carpenter, joiner | ĉarpentisto | charr-pehntist'o |
chambermaid | ĉambristino | chahmbristee'no |
chemist | farmaciisto | fahrmaht-see-ist'o |
clerk | skribisto | skreebist'o |
compositor | kompostisto | kom-postist'o |
confectioner | konfitisto | konfeetist'o |
consul | konsulo | kon-soo'lo |
cook | kuirist-o, -ino | koo-eerist'-o, -ee'no |
editor | redaktoro | redahk-tohr'o |
engineer | inĝeniero | injehnee-ehr'o |
fisherman | fiŝkaptisto | fish'kaptist'o |
fishmonger | fiŝvendisto | fish'vendist'o |
florist | floristo | flo-rist'o |
[53] fruiterer | fruktovendisto | frook'toh-vendist'o |
glazier | vitristo | veetrist'o |
goldsmith | oraĵisto | ohrah-zhist'o |
governess | guvernistino | goovehr-nistee'no |
greengrocer | legomvendisto | legohm'vendist'o |
grocer | spicisto | speet-sist'o |
hairdresser | frizisto | free-zist'o |
hatter | ĉapelisto | chapeh-list'o |
hosier | ŝtrumpaĵisto | shtroompah-zhist'o |
ironmonger | feraĵvendisto | fehrahzh'vendist'o |
jeweller | juvelisto | yoo-veh-list'o |
journalist | ĵurnalisto | zhoor-nalist'o |
labourer | penlaboristo | pehn'labohrist'o |
lawyer | advokato | ahdvokah'toh |
maid-servant | servistino | sehr-vistee'no |
man-servant | servisto | sehr-vist'o |
mason | masonisto | mahsonist'o |
mechanic | maŝinisto | mahsheenist'o |
merchant | negocisto | negoht-sist'o |
miller | muelisto | moo-ehlist'o |
mother's-help | helpistino | helpistee'no |
nurse | flegistino | fleh-ghistee'no |
nursemaid | vartistino | vahrtistee'no |
optician | optikisto | opteekist'o |
plumber | plumbisto | ploombist'o |
policeman | policano5 | polit-sah'no |
printer | presisto | preh-sist'o |
saddler | selisto | sehlist'o |
shoemaker | ŝuisto | shoo-ist'o |
shopkeeper | butikisto | bootikist'o |
smith | forĝisto | fohrjist'o |
stationer | paperaĵisto | pa-perah-zhist'o |
student | studento | stoodehn'toh |
tailor | tajloro | tahy-loh'ro |
teacher | instruisto | instroo-ist'o |
tobacconist | tabakvendisto | tabahk'vendist'o |
tradesman | komercisto | komehrt-sist'o |
tutor | guvernisto | goovehrnist'o |
waiter, waitress | kelnero, kelnerino | kelneh'ro, kel-nehr-ee'no |
workman | laboristo | labohrist'o |
(For Conversations see p. 123.)
English | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Accused, the | la akuzato | la ahkoozah'toh |
acquittal | malakuzo | mahlahkoo'zo |
to advance (money) | pruntedoni | proon'teh-doh-nee |
agreement, an | kontrakto | kontrahk'toh |
alibi, an | alibio | ahleebee'oh |
allege, to | alegi | ahleh'ghee |
apology, an | pardonpeto | pahrdohn-peh'toh |
appeal; to — | apelo; apeli | ahpeh'lo; ahpeh'lee |
arrangement, agreement | interkonsento | in'tehr-konsehn'toh |
arrears | restantaj ŝuldoj | rehstahn'tahy shool'doy |
arrest, to | aresti | ahreh'stee |
attest, to | atesti | ahteh'stee |
attorney | prokuratoro | prokoorah-toh'ro |
authorise, to | rajtigi | rahy-tee'ghee |
award, an | aljuĝo | ahl-yoo'jo |
award, to | aljuĝi | ahl-yoo'jee |
bail | kaŭcio | kahwtsee'oh |
bailiff | juĝplenumisto | yooj'plehnoomist'oh |
bond (for loan) | pruntkontrakto | proont'kontrahk'toh |
case (suit) | proceso | prohtseh'so |
charge, to | akuzi | ahkoo'zee |
client | kliento | klee-ehn'toh |
complainant, the | la plendanto | la plendahn'toh |
contract | kontrakto | kontrahk'toh |
conviction, a | kondamno | kondahm'noh |
costs | proceskosto | prohtsehs-kost'oh |
court of justice | tribunalo | treeboonah'lo |
criminal, a | krimulo | krim-oo'lo |
damages | monkompenso | mohn'kompehn'so |
decision (of case) | decido | dehtsee'doh |
deed | akto | ahk'toh |
defend, to | defendi | dehfehn'dee |
defendant (in a suit) | la akuzato | la ahkoozah'toh |
document | dokumento | dokoomehn'toh |
evidence | evidenco | ehvidehnt'so |
execution (of deed) | subskribigo | soobskreebee'go |
— (of a judgment) | plenumo | plehnoo'mo |
executor | administranto | ahdministrahn'to |
fee (of office) | honorario | honoh-rahree'oh |
[55] fine (penalty) | monpuno | mohn-poo'no |
information, to give | denunci | dehnoont'see |
informer | denunc-anto, -into6 | dehnoonts-ahn'toh, -in'toh |
injunction | injunkcio | inyoonk-tsee'oh |
inventory | inventario | invehn-tahree'oh |
jail | malliberejo | mahllibehr-ehyo |
judge, the | juĝisto | yoojist'oh |
jurisdiction | juĝorajto | yoo'jo-rah'y-toh |
jurisprudence | juro | yoo'ro |
law-suit | proceso | proht-seh'so |
non-suit, to | malakcepti | mahl-ahktsehp'tee |
oath, to take an | fari ĵuron | fah'ree zhoor'ohn |
parchment | pergameno | pehrgah-meh'no |
pardon | pardono | pahrdoh'no |
penal | punebla | pooneh'blah |
perjury | falsa ĵuro | fahl'sah zhoor'oh |
petitioner | petfarinto | peht'fahrin'toh |
police-office | policoficejo | pohleet'so-feetseh'yo |
— officer | policano | pohleet-sah'no |
— station | policejo | pohleet-seh'yo |
proof | pruvo | proo'voh |
prosecute to | persekuti | pehrsehkoo'tee |
prosecution (of suit) | persekuto | pehrsehkoo'toh |
prosecutor | persekut-anto, -isto7 | pehrsehkoot-ahn'toh, -ist'oh |
punishment | puno | poo'no |
quash | kasacii | kahsaht-see'ee |
robbery | rabo | rah'bo |
seal, a | sigelo | seegeh'lo |
sentence, a | sentenco | sehntehnt'so |
sheriff | skabeno | skahbeh'no |
statement (written) | deklaro (skribita) | dehklah'ro (skreebee'tah) |
sue, to | persekuti | pehrsehkoo'tee |
suit | proceso | prohtseh'so |
summons (of court) | asigno | ahseeg'no |
testator | testamentinto | tehstah-mehntin'toh |
theft | ŝtelo | shteh'lo |
thief | ŝtel-isto, -into | shtehl-ist'oh, -in'toh |
trial | proceso | prohtseh'so |
verdict | verdikto | vehrdeek'toh |
witness | atestanto | ahteh-stahn'toh |
writ | asignordono | ahseeg'nordoh'no |
(For Conversations see p. 125.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Account | konto | kon'toh |
—, current | kuranta konto | koorahn'ta kon'toh |
—, joint | komuna konto | komoo'na kon'toh |
—, to close an | fermi konton | fehr'mee kon'tohn |
—, to settle an | pagi konton | pah'gee kon'tohn |
acknowledgment | ricevavizo | ritseh'vahvee'zo |
agency | agentejo | ahghen-teh'yo |
agent | agento | ahghehn'toh |
apprentice | metilernanto | mehtee'lehr-nahn'toh |
arrear, in | malfrue | mahlfroo'eh |
assets | aktivo | ahktee'voh |
balance of account | saldo de konto | sahl'doh deh kon'toh |
balance-sheet | bilanco | bilahnt'so |
bank | banko | bahn'ko |
bankrupt; a — | bankrotin-ta; -to | bahn-krotin'-tah; -toh |
bankruptcy, failure | bankroto | bahn-kro'toh |
bearer | portanto | portahn'toh |
bill (account) | kalkulo | kahlkoo'lo |
bill (comml. document) | bilo | bee'lo |
— at sight | kambio je vido | kahmbee'oh yeh vee'doh |
— at 3 months' date | kambio je tri monatoj | kahmbee'oh yeh tree monah'toy |
— of exchange | kambio | kahm-bee'oh |
— of lading | ŝarĝatesto | shahr-jah-teh'stoh |
bond, a | obligacio | obligaht-see'o |
bond, in | kuŝanta en dogantenejo | kooshahn'ta en dogahn'teneh'yo |
bonded goods | komercaĵoj en dogano deponitaj | komehrt-sah'zhoy ehn dogah'no depohnee'tahy |
book-keeper | librotenisto | lee'bro-tenis'toh |
branch-establishment | filio | filee'oh |
broker | makleristo | mah-klehrist'o |
brokerage | kurtaĝo | koortah'jo |
business | la aferoj | la ahfeh'roy |
buyer | aĉetisto | ahchehtist'o |
cargo | ŝarĝo | shahr'jo |
carriage | transportprezo | trahnsport-preh'zo |
carriage-paid | kun transporto pagita | koon trahns-pohr'toh pah-ghee'tah |
cashier | kasisto | kahsist'o |
charter a ship, to | lui ŝipon | loo'ee shee'pohn |
[57] charter-party | ĉarto | chahr'toh |
catalogue | katalogo | kah-tahlo'go |
cheque | ĉeko | cheh'ko |
claim | pretendo | prehtehn'doh |
clerk | oficisto | ofeet-sist'o |
company | kompanio | kompah-nee'oh |
—, joint-stock | akcia kompanio | ahk-tsee'ah kompah-nee'oh |
—, limited | limigita kompanio | limighee'tah " |
compensation | kompenso | kompehn'so |
complaint | plendo | plehn'doh |
confiscate, to | konfiski | konfis'kee |
contract, a | kontrakto | kontrahk'toh |
cost, insurance and | kosto, asekuro kaj | kost'o, ahseh-koor'o |
freight (c.i.f.) | frajto | kahy frah'y-toh |
cost price | kostprezo | kost-preh'zo |
credit | kredito | krehdee'toh |
creditor | kreditoro | kreditohr'o |
custom-house | doganejo | doganeh'yo |
customs, the | la dogano | la dogah'no |
— clearing-house | doganesplorejo | dogahn'esploreh'yo |
customs duties | doganimpostoj | dogahn'impos'toy |
damage | difekto | difekt'o |
damages (law) | kompensaĵo | kompehn-sah'zho |
debenture shares | obligaciaj akcioj | obligaht-see'ahy ahkt-see'oy |
debit | debeto | debeh'toh |
debt | ŝuldo | shool'doh |
debtor | ŝuldanto | shool-dahn'toh |
deliver, to | liveri | liveh'ree |
delivered free | liverita afrankite | livehree'tah afrahnkee'teh |
demurrage | pago pro malfruiĝo | pah'go pro mahlfroo-ee'jo |
department | fako | fah'ko |
director, manager | direktoro | direktohr'o |
discount; to — | diskonto; diskonti | diskon'toh; diskon'tee |
dividend | dividendo | dividehn'doh |
dock and harbour dues | dok- kaj haven-impostoj | dohk- kahy havehn'-impos'toy |
double entry, by | per duobla enskribo | per doo-oh'bla enskree'bo |
draft | trato | trah'toh |
draw upon, to | trati (iun) | trah'tee (ee'oon) |
drawee | tratato | tratah'toh |
drawer | tratanto | tratahn'toh |
[58] duty, export | eksportimposto | eksport'impost'oh |
—, import | importimposto | import'impost'oh |
duty-free | senimposte | sen-impost'eh |
enclosed | entenata | entehnah'ta |
enclosure, an | enmetaĵo | enmeh-tah'zho |
endorse, to | ĝiri | jee'ree |
endorsee | ĝirato | jeerah'toh |
endorsement | ĝiro | jeer'o |
endorser | ĝiranto | jeerahn'toh |
exchange, an | interŝanĝo | intehr-shahn'jo |
— (place) | borso | bohr'so |
— (difference) | aĝio | ahjee'oh |
excise | akcizo | ahk-tsee'zo |
exports | eksportoj | ekspor'toy |
firm, a | firmo | feer'mo |
forwarding | eksped-o, -ado8 | ekspeh'-doh, -dah'doh |
free on board (f.o.b.) | afranke sur ŝipon | afrahn'keh soor sheep'ohn |
freightage | frajta prezo | frahy'tah preh'zo |
guarantee, a | garantio | garahntee'o |
imports | importoj | impohr'toy |
insolvent | nesolventa | nehsolvehn'ta |
insurance policy | asekura poliso | ahsehkoor'ah polee'so |
— premium | asekura premio | ahsehkoor'ah prehmee'oh |
insure, to | asekuri | ahsehkoo'ree |
introduction | prezento | prehzehn'toh |
—, letter of | prezenta letero | prehzehn'ta leteh'ro |
invest, to (money) | plasi | plah'see |
letter of advice | avizletero | ahveez'leteh'ro |
liabilities | pasivo, ŝuldaro | pahsee'vo, shool-dah'ro |
liable to duty | impostebla | imposteh'blah |
load, to | ŝarĝi | shahr'jee |
loss | malprofito | mahl-profee'toh |
manifest, a | manifesto | mah-nifeh'sto |
marine insurance | marasekuro | mahr'ahseh-koo'ro |
market | komercejo | komehrt-seh'yo |
foreign market | eksterlanda vendado | ekstehrlahn'da vendah'doh |
home market | enlanda vendado | enlahn'da vendah'doh |
London market | Londona vendado | londoh'na vendah'doh |
market-day | vendeja tago | vendeh'yah ta'go |
market dues | vendejaj impostoj | vendeh'yahy impos'toy |
[59] market price | vendeja prezo | vendeh'yah preh'zo |
not negotiable | nenegocebla | neh-nehgoht-seh'blah |
offer for sale, to | elmeti al vendo | elmeh'tee al vehn'doh |
office | oficejo | ofitseh'yo |
order, to (goods) | mendi | mehn'dee |
packing | pakado | pahkah'doh |
partner | partisto | pahrtist'o |
payable | pagebla | pa-geh'blah |
port of delivery | livera haveno | livehr'ah haveh'no |
preference shares | preferencaj akcioj | prefehrent'sahy ahk-tsee'oy |
prepaid | afrankita | afrahn-kee'ta |
price | prezo | preh'zo |
price-list | prezaro | prehzahr'o |
quarantine | kvaranteno | kvarahn-teh'no |
quotation (of price) | prezpropono | prehz'prohpo'no |
rate of interest | procento | prohtsehn'toh |
receipt | kvitanco | kvitahnt'so |
receiver | likvidisto | likvee-dist'o |
register, to | registri | reh-ghees'tree |
registered tonnage | registra tonaĵo | reh-ghees'tra tonah'zho |
registration | registr-o, -ado | reh-ghees'-tro, -trah'doh |
representative | reprezentanto | reprehzen-tahn'toh |
rent | luprezo | loo-preh'zo |
retail (adj. & adv.) | pomalgrand-a, -e | po-malgrahn'-da, -deh |
salesman, seller | vendisto | vehndist'o |
selling price | vendoprezo | vehn'doh-preh'zo |
settling days | pagtagoj | pahg-tah'goy |
shareholder | akciulo | ahk-tsee-oo'lo |
shares | akcioj | ahk-tsee'oy |
ship, to | enŝipigi | enshipee'ghee |
shippers | ekspedistoj | ekspeh-dis'toy |
shipping charges | ŝarĝadaj elspezoj | shahrja'dahy elspeh'zoy |
shop-assistant | komizo | komee'zo |
solvent | solventa | solvehn'ta |
stevedore | stivisto | steevist'o |
stow, to (cargo) | stivi | stee'vee |
telegraphic address | telegrafa adreso | telehgrah'fah ahdreh'so |
towing charges | trenŝipaj pagoj | trehn-shee'pahy pahgoy |
trade, commerce | komerc-o, -ado | komehrt'-so, -sah'doh |
transaction | negoco | nehgoht'so |
traveller, commercial | komerca vojaĝisto | komehrt'sah vo-yah-jist'o |
[60] underwriter | asekurinto | ahseh-koorin'toh |
unloading | malŝarĝ-o, -ado | mahlshahr'-jo, -jah'doh |
visa, to | vizi | vee'zee |
warehouse | magazeno | mah-gazeh'no |
weight, gross | kuntara pezo | koon-tah'ra peh'zo |
—, net | sentara pezo | sehn-tah'ra peh'zo |
wharf | ŭarfo | wahr'fo |
wharfage | ŭarfpago | wahrf-pah'go |
wholesale | pogrand-a, -e | po-grahn'-da, -deh |
winding-up | likvido | likvee'doh |
(For Conversations see p. 121.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Collection | kolekto | kolek'toh |
contents | enhavo | ehnhah'vo |
counterfoil | kontraŭfolio | kon'trahw-folee'oh |
customs declaration | dogandeklaro | dogahn'dehklar'o |
delivery | livero | livehr'o |
description | priskribo | pree-skree'bo |
despatch note | depeŝo | dehpeh'sho |
excess postage | afrankeksceso | afrahnk'eks-tseh'so |
letter post | letera poŝto | leteh'ra posh'toh |
letter-scales | leterpesilo | letehr'pehsee'lo |
mail, the | la kuriero | la kooree-ehr'o |
money order (foreign) | poŝtmandato eksterlanda | posht-mandah'toh eks-terlahn'da |
newspaper wrapper | banderolo | bahn-dero'lo |
parcel | paketo | pahkeh'toh |
— post | paketpoŝto | pahkeht-posh'toh |
pillar-box | leterkesto | letehr-kest'o |
post, the | la poŝto | la pohsh-toh |
postage paid | afrankita | afrahnkee'tah |
postal order | poŝtmandato enlanda | posht-mahndah'toh en-lahn'da |
post-card | poŝtkarto | pohsht-kahr'toh |
post-office | poŝtoficejo | posht-ofeet-seh'yo |
postman | leterportisto | letehr'pohrtist'o |
postmaster | poŝtestro | pohsh-tehs'tro |
re-address, to | readresi | reh-ahdreh'see |
register, to | registri | reh-ghees'tree |
reply paid | respondafrankita | respond'afrahn-kee'ta |
[61] stamps | poŝtmarkoj | posht-mahr'koy |
telegram | telegramo | teleh-grah'mo |
telegraph, to | telegrafi | teleh-grah'fee |
— form | telegrama folio | teleh-grah'ma folee'oh |
— messenger | telegramportisto | telehgrahm'pohrtist'o |
— office | telegrafejo | teleh-grafeh'yo |
telephone | telefono | teleh-fo'no |
— call office | telefonejo | teleh-foneh'yo |
— number | telefona numero | teleh-fo'na noomehr'o |
ring up, to | telefoni | teleh-fo'nee |
to be called for | poŝtrestante | posht-restahn'teh |
value, insured | asekurita valoro | ahsekooree'ta vahlohr'o |
weigh, to | pesi | peh'see |
weight, a | pezilo | pehzee'lo |
— (of anything) | pezo | peh'zo |
—, over | tro peza | tro peh'zah |
(For Conversations see p. 122.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Address | adreso | ah-dreh'so |
blotting-paper | sorba papero | sohr'ba pa-pehr'o |
date | dato | da'toh |
—, to | dat-i, -umi | dah'-tee, -too'mee |
envelope | koverto | ko-vehr'toh |
fasten, close, to | fermi | fehr'mee |
immediate | tuja | too'yah |
ink | inko | een'ko |
inkstand | inkujo | een-koo'yo |
letter | letero | letehr'o |
letter-box | leterkesto | leh-tehr-kest'o |
note | noto | no'toh |
note-paper | leterpapero | letehr'pa-pehr'o |
packet | paketo | pah-keht'o |
pen | plumo | ploo'mo |
—, fountain | fontoplumo | fon'toh-ploo'mo |
penholder | plumingo | ploom-een'go |
penknife | tranĉileto | trahn-chee-leh'toh |
pencil | krajono | krah-yo'no |
quire | kajero | kah-yeh'ro |
ream | rismo | rees'mo |
seal, a | sigelo | see-gheh'lo |
[62] seal, to | sigeli | see-gheh'lee |
sealing-wax | sigelvakso | see-ghehl-vahk'so |
sheet | folio | fo-lee'o |
signature | subskribo | soob-skree'bo |
urgent | urĝa | oorr'jah |
writing | la skribo | la skree'bo |
— materials | skribilaro | skree-bee-lah'ro |
(For Grammatical Notes see p. 78.)
0 | Nulo | (nool'oh) | 17 | dek sep | 79 | sepdek naŭ | ||
1 | unu | (oo'noo) | 18 | dek ok | 80 | okdek | ||
2 | du | (doo) | 19 | dek naŭ | 90 | naŭdek | ||
3 | tri | (tree) | 20 | dudek | 100 | cent | (tsehnt) | |
4 | kvar | (kvahr) | 21 | dudek unu | 101 | cent unu | ||
5 | kvin | (kvin) | 22 | dudek du | 102 | cent du | ||
6 | ses | (sehss) | 23 | dudek tri | 200 | du cent | (doot'sehnt) | |
7 | sep | (sehp) | 24 | dudek kvar | 300 | tricent | ||
8 | ok | (ohk) | 30 | tridek | 400 | kvarcent | ||
9 | naŭ | (nahw) | 35 | tridek kvin | 500 | kvincent | ||
10 | dek | (dehk) | 40 | kvardek | 600 | sescent | ||
11 | dek unu | 46 | kvardek ses | 700 | sepcent | |||
12 | dek du | 50 | kvindek | 800 | okcent | |||
13 | dek tri | 57 | kvindek sep | 900 | naŭcent | |||
14 | dek kvar | 60 | sesdek | 1,000 | mil | (meel) | ||
15 | dek kvin | 68 | sesdek ok | |||||
16 | dek ses | 70 | sepdek |
2,679 | dumil sescent sepdek naŭ. |
3,000 | trimil. |
10,000 | dek mil. |
20,000 | dudek mil. |
389,345 | tricent okdek naŭmil tricent kvardek kvin. |
1,000,000 | (unu) miliono [(oo'noo) meeleeoh'no]. |
4,000,000 | kvar milionoj. |
1908 … | Mil naŭcent ok. |
Note.—Observe that the cardinal numbers are grouped together (without hyphens) in thousands, hundreds, tens and units. Thus, 548 is kvincent kvardek ok, not kvincent-kvardek-ok, and 17 dek sep, not dek-sep.
(For Grammatical Notes see p. 78.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
First | unua | oonoo'ah |
second | dua | doo'ah |
third | tria | tree'ah |
fourth | kvara | kvah'rah |
fifth | kvina | kvee'nah |
sixth | sesa | seh'sah |
seventh | sepa | seh'pah |
eighth | oka | oh'kah |
ninth | naŭa | nah'wah |
tenth | deka | deh'kah |
eleventh | dek-unua | dehk-oonoo'ah |
twelfth | dek-dua | dehkdoo'ah |
thirteenth | dek-tria | dehktree'ah |
fourteenth | dek-kvara | dehk-kvah'rah |
fifteenth | dek-kvina | dehk-kvee'nah |
sixteenth | dek-sesa | dehkseh'sah |
seventeenth | dek-sepa | dehkseh'pah |
eighteenth | dek-oka | dehk-oh'kah |
nineteenth | dek-naŭa | dehknah'wah |
twentieth | dudeka | doodeh'kah |
twenty-first | dudek-unua | doo'dehk-oonoo'ah |
twenty-second | dudek-dua | doo'dehk-doo'ah |
twenty-third | dudek-tria | doo'dehk-tree'ah |
twenty-fourth | dudek-kvara | doo'dehk-kvah'rah |
twenty-fifth | dudek-kvina | doo'dehk-kvee'nah |
thirtieth | trideka | treedeh'kah |
thirty-second | tridek-dua | treedehk-doo'ah |
fortieth | kvardeka | kvahrdeh'kah |
fiftieth | kvindeka | kvindeh'kah |
sixtieth | sesdeka | sehsdeh'kah |
seventieth | sepdeka | sehpdeh'kah |
eightieth | okdeka | ohkdeh'kah |
ninetieth | naŭdeka | nahw-deh'kah |
hundredth | centa | tsehn'tah |
hundred and first | cent-unua | tsehnt-oonoo'ah |
two hundred and fifty-second | ducent-kvindek-dua | doot'sehnt-kvin'dehk- doo'ah |
thousandth | mila | mee'lah |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
All | ĉiom (da) | chee'ohm (dah) |
couple, a | paro | pah'ro |
double | duobla | doo-oh'blah |
doubly | duoble | doo-oh'bleh |
dozen, a | dekduo | dehk-doo'oh |
fifth, a | kvinono | kvee-no'no |
firstly | unue | oonoo'eh |
gross, a | cent kvardek kvar | tsehnt kvahr'dehk kvahr |
half-a-dozen | duondekduo | doo-ohn'dehkdoo'oh |
once | unufoje | oo'noo-fo'yeh |
one by one | unuope | oonoo-oh'peh |
one-half | unu duono | oo'noo doo-oh'no |
pair, a | paro | pah'ro |
part, portion | parto | pahr'to |
quarter, fourth part | kvarono | kvahro'no |
score, a | dudeko | doodeh'ko |
secondly | due | doo'eh |
single | unuopa | oonoo-oh'pah |
singly | unuope | oonoo-oh'peh |
third, a | triono | tree-oh'no |
thirdly | trie | tree'eh |
threefold | trioble | tree-oh'bleh |
three-quarters | tri kvaronoj | tree kvahro'noy |
three-sevenths | tri seponoj | tree sehpoh'noy |
twice | dufoje, dufojojn | doo-fo'yeh, doo fo'yoyn |
two by two | duope | doo-oh'peh |
two-sixths | du sesonoj | doo seh-so'noy |
whole, the | la tuto | la too'toh |
(For Grammatical Notes see p. 77.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Able (capable) | kapabla | kah-pah'blah |
bad, wicked | malbona | mahl-bo'nah |
beautiful, handsome | bela | beh'la |
beloved | amata | ahmah'tah |
bitter | maldolĉa | mahl-dohl'chah |
blind | blinda | bleen'dah |
blunt | malakra | mahl-ah'krah |
bold | kuraĝema | koorah-jeh'ma |
[65] brave | brava | brah'vah |
bright | hela | heh'la |
broad, wide | larĝa | lar'jah |
careful | zorgema | zorgeh'ma |
careless | senzorga | sen-zor'ga |
certain | certa | tsehr'tah |
cheap | malkara | mahl-kah'ra |
clean | pura | poo'rah |
clear | klara | klah'ra |
clever | lerta | lehr'tah |
cold | malvarma | mahl-vahr'ma |
comfortable | komforta | kohm-fohr'tah |
corpulent | korpulenta | korpoolehn'tah |
costly | multekosta | mool'teh-kohs'tah |
damp | malseka | mahl-seh'ka |
dangerous | danĝera | dahn-jeh'rah |
dark | malluma | mahl-loo'ma |
deaf | surda | soor'dah |
dear | kara | kah'ra |
deep | profunda | pro-foon'dah |
different | malsama | mahl-sah'ma |
dirty | malpura | mahl-poo'rah |
disagreeable | malagrabla | mahl-ahgrah'blah |
dry | seka | seh'ka |
dull (of weather) | malklara | mahl-klah'rah |
dusty | polva | pohl'vah |
early | frua | froo'ah |
easy | facila | faht-see'lah |
empty | malplena | mahl-pleh'na |
every | ĉiu | chee'oo |
false | malvera | mahl-vehr'ah |
fashionable | laŭmoda | lahw-mo'dah |
fat (stout) | dikkorpa | deek-kor'pa |
few | malmultaj | mahl-mool'tahy |
fine (excellent) | bonega | boneh'gah |
— (in quality) | delikata | dehlee-kah'tah |
fit (for) | taŭga | tahw'gah |
flat | plata | plah'tah |
foolish | malsaĝa | mahl-sah'jah |
fortunate | bonŝanca | bohn-shahnt'sah |
free | libera | libeh'ra |
[66] frequent | ofta | off'tah |
fresh | freŝa | freh'shah |
front | antaŭa | ahntah'wah |
full | plena | pleh'nah |
gay | gaja | gah'yah |
general, usual | kutima | kootee'ma |
gentle, polite | ĝentila | jentee'la |
good | bona | boh'nah |
grand | grandioza | grahndee-oh'zah |
great | granda | grahn'dah |
happy | feliĉa | fehlee'chah |
hard | malmola | mahl-mo'la |
heavy | peza | peh'zah |
high | alta | ahl'tah |
honest | honesta | honeh'stah |
hot | varmega | vahrmeh'ga |
hungry | malsata | mahl-sah'tah |
ill (unwell) | malsana | mahl-sah'nah |
important | grava | grah'va |
interesting | interesa | inteh-reh'sah |
just | justa | yoos'tah |
kind | bonkora | bohn-ko'ra |
lame | lama | lah'ma |
large, vast | larĝa | lahr'jah |
last | lasta | lah'stah |
late | malfrua | mahl-froo'ah |
light | luma | loo'ma |
little, small | malgranda | mahl-grahn'dah |
long | longa | lohn'gah |
loose | ne fiksita | neh fiksee'tah |
low (in place) | malalta | mahl-ahl'tah |
many | multaj | mool'tahy |
mild | milda | meel'dah |
muddy | kota | ko'tah |
narrow | mallarĝa | mahl-lahr'jah |
natural | natura | nahtoor'ah |
new | nova | no'vah |
nice, tasty | bongusta | bohn-goo'stah |
old (not new) | malnova | mahl-no'vah |
open | malfermita | mahl-fehrmee'tah |
patient | pacienca | paht-see-ent'sah |
[67] pleasant | agrabla | ahgrah'blah |
poor (not rich) | malriĉa | mahl-ree'chah |
poor (to be pitied) | kompatinda | kompah-teen'dah |
possible | ebla | eh'blah |
pretty | beleta | beh-leh'tah |
private | privata | pree-vah'tah |
probable | probabla | probah'blah |
proud | fiera | fee-eh'rah |
public | publika | pooblee'ka |
pure, clean | pura | poo'rah |
quick, swift | rapida | rahpee'dah |
quiet | kvieta | kvee-eh'tah |
rich | riĉa | ree'chah |
right | prava | prah-vah |
— (correct) | ĝusta | joo'stah |
ripe | matura | mahtoo'rah |
rough (not smooth) | malglata | mahl-glah'tah |
round | ronda | rohn'dah |
rude | malĝentila | mahl-jenteela |
sacred, holy | sankta | sahnk'tah |
sad | malĝoja | mahl-joya |
safe, secure | sekura | seh-koo'rah |
sharp | akra | ah'krah |
short | mallonga | mahl-lohn'ga |
silent | silenta | seelehn'tah |
simple | simpla | seem'plah |
slow | malrapida | mahl-rahpee'dah |
smooth | glata | glah'tah |
soft | mola | mo'lah |
sound, reliable | fidinda | feedeen'dah |
sour | acideca | ahtsee-deht'sah |
square | kvadrata | kvah-drah'tah |
straight | rekta | rehk'tah |
strange (curious) | stranga | strahn'gah |
strong | forta | fohr'tah |
stupid, dull | stulta | stool'tah |
sufficient | sufiĉa | soofee'chah |
sweet | dolĉa | dohl'chah |
tall | altkreska | ahlt-krehs'kah |
tender (loving) | amplena | ahm-pleh'nah |
thick | dika | dee'kah |
[68] thin | maldika | mahl-dee'ka |
thirsty | soifanta | so-eefahn'tah |
tough | koherema | ko-hehreh'mah |
true | vera | veh'rah |
ugly | malbela | mahl-beh'la |
unsettled (weather) | necerta | neht-sehr'tah |
useful | utila | ootee'la |
usual | kutima | kootee'ma |
valuable | multvalora | mooltvahlo'ra |
various | diversa | deevehr'sah |
warm | varma | vahr'ma |
weak | malforta | mahl-fohr'ta |
wet | malseka | mahl-seh'kah |
whole | tuta | too'tah |
willing | volonta | volohn'tah |
wise | saĝa | sah'jah |
wrong | malprava | mahl-prah'vah |
young | juna | yoo'nah |
(For Grammatical Notes see p. 81.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
To accept | akcepti | ahk-tsehp'tee |
" admire | admiri | ahdmeer'ee |
" answer, reply | respondi | rehspohn'dee |
" approve | aprobi | ahpro'bee |
" arrive | alveni | ahl-veh'nee |
" ascend | supreniri | soo'preh-neer'ee |
" ask | demandi | dehman'dee |
" attract, draw | altiri | ahl-teer'ee |
" awake, intr. | vekiĝi | vehkee'jee |
" be | esti | eh'stee |
" be hungry | malsati | mahl-sah'tee |
" be ignorant of | nescii | nehst-see'ee |
" be mistaken | trompiĝi | trohmpee'jee |
" be quiet, silent | silenti | seelehn'tee |
" be thirsty | soifi | so-ee'fee |
" beat | bati | bah'tee |
" begin, tr. | komenci | kohment'see |
" believe | kredi | kreh'dee |
" blame | mallaŭdi | mahl-lahw'dee |
" boil, intr.; —, tr. | boli; boligi | bo'lee; bo-lee'ghee |
[69] " borrow | pruntepreni | proon'teh-preh'nee |
" bring | alporti | ahl-por'tee |
" build | konstrui | konstroo'ee |
" button | butonumi | bootonoo'mee |
" buy | aĉeti | ahcheh'tee |
" carry | porti | pohr'tee |
" catch cold | malvarmumi | mahl-vahrmoo'mee |
" chat | babili | bahbee'lee |
" climb | grimpi | grim'pee |
" compare | kompari | kohmpah'ree |
" consent | konsenti | konsehn'tee |
" continue, intr. | daŭri | dahw'ree |
" cook | kuiri | koo-ee'ree |
" cough | tusi | too'see |
" cover | kovri | ko'vree |
" dance | danci | dahnt'see |
" decide | decidi | deht-see'dee |
" deny | nei | neh'ee |
" depart, go away | foriri | for-eer'ee |
" descend | malsupreniri | mahl-sooprehn-eer'ee |
" desire, wish (for) | deziri | deh-zeer'ee |
" dine | ĉefmanĝi | chehf-mahn'jee |
" do, make | fari | fah'ree |
" doubt | dubi | doo'bee |
" draw, pull | tiri | teer'ee |
" dream | sonĝi | sohn'jee |
" drink | trinki | trin'kee |
" dress | vesti | veh'stee |
" dwell, live | loĝi | lo'jee |
" eat | manĝi | mahn'jee |
" exchange | interŝanĝi | intehr-shahn'jee |
" excuse | ekskuzi | ekskoo'zee |
" explain | komprenigi | kompreh-nee'ghee |
" fall | fali | fah'lee |
" feel (by touch) | palpi | pahl'pee |
" feel (in mind) | senti | sehn'tee |
" find | trovi | tro'vee |
" finish, tr. | fini | fee'nee |
" follow | sekvi | sehk'vee |
" forget | forgesi | fohr-gheh'see |
" gather | kolekti | ko-lehk'tee |
[70] " get | akiri | ahkee'ree |
" get up | leviĝi | lehvee'jee |
" give | doni | doh'nee |
" go | iri | eer'ee |
" go in | eniri | ehneer'ee |
" go out | eliri | ehleer'ee |
" grow | kreski | kreh'skee |
" guide | gvidi | gvee'dee |
" hate | malami | mahlah'mee |
" have | havi | hah'vee |
" hear | aŭdi | ahw'dee |
" hesitate | heziti | heh-zee'tee |
" hide | kaŝi | kah'shee |
" hope | esperi | espehr'ee |
" imagine | imagi | imah'ghee |
" ignore | ignori | ignoh'ree |
" intend | intenci | intehnt'see |
" introduce (one) | prezenti | prehzehn'tee |
— (a thing) | enkonduki | ehnkon-doo'kee |
" joke | ŝerci | shehrt'see |
" jump | salti | sahl'tee |
" know | scii | stsee'ee |
" laugh | ridi | ree'dee |
" learn | lerni | lehr'nee |
" lend | pruntedoni | proon'teh-doh'nee |
" lie down | kuŝiĝi | koo-shee'jee |
" live (be alive) | vivi | vee'vee |
" look for | serĉi | sehr'chee |
" lose | perdi | pehr'dee |
" love | ami | ah'mee |
" marry, intr. (of a man) | edziĝi | ehdzee'-jee |
— (of a woman) | edziniĝi | ehdzee-nee'jee |
" meet | renkonti | rehn-kon'tee |
" mention | aludi | ahloo'dee |
" need, want | bezoni | behzoh'nee |
" object | oponi | opoh'nee |
" obtain | obteni | obteh'nee |
" offend | ofendi | ofehn'dee |
" offer | proponi | pro-po'nee |
" open | malfermi | mahl-fehr'mee |
" order (goods) | mendi | mehn'dee |
[71] " order, command | ordoni | ohrdoh'nee |
" pack up | paki | pah'kee |
" paint | pentri | pehn'tree |
" pay; repay | pagi; repagi | pah'ghee; reh-pah'ghee |
" plant | planti | plahn'tee |
" play | ludi | loo'dee |
" plough | plugi | ploo'ghee |
" pluck, pick | deŝiri | deh-sheer'ee |
" praise | laŭdi | lahw'dee |
" prove | pruvi | proo'vee |
" read | legi | leh'ghee |
" reap | rikolti | reekohl'tee |
" reckon, count | kalkuli | kahl-koo'lee |
" receive | ricevi | reetseh'vee |
" refuse | rifuzi | ree-foo'zee |
" regret | bedaŭri | behdahw'ree |
" remember | memori | meh-mohr'ee |
" repeat | ripeti | reepeh'tee |
" rest | ripozi | reepo'zee |
" return, come back | reveni | rehveh'nee |
— (go back) | reiri | reh-eer'ee |
— (give back) | redoni | reh-doh'nee |
" ring, tr. | sonorigi | so-no-ree'ghee |
" roast | rosti | roh'stee |
" run | kuri | koor'ee |
" say, tell | diri | dee'ree |
" search for | serĉi | sehr'chee |
" see | vidi | vee'dee |
" sell | vendi | vehn'dee |
" serve | servi | sehr'vee |
" sew, stitch | kudri | koo'dree |
" shave | razi | rah'zee |
" shine | brili | bree'lee |
" show | montri | mohn'tree |
" sign (letter, etc.) | subskribi | soob-skree'bee |
" sit down | sidiĝi | seedee'jee |
" sleep | dormi | dohr'mee |
" sneeze | terni | tehr'nee |
" sow (seed) | semi | seh'mee |
" speak | paroli | pahro'lee |
" spoil, tr. | difekti | deefehk'tee |
[72] " steal | ŝteli | shteh'lee |
" study | studi | stoo'dee |
" swear | ĵuri | zhoor'ee |
" take | preni | preh'nee |
" take off | depreni | deh-preh'nee |
" take a walk | promeni | pro-meh'nee |
" taste, tr. | gustumi | goostoo'mee |
" tell (a tale) | rakonti | rahkon'tee |
" thank | danki | dahn'kee |
" think | pensi | pehn'see |
" throw | ĵeti | zheh'tee |
" touch | tuŝi | too'shee |
" translate | traduki | trahdoo'kee |
" travel | vojaĝi | vo-yah'jee |
" unbutton | malbutonumi | mahl-bootohnoo'mee |
" unpack | malpaki | mahl-pah'kee |
" wash | lavi | lah'vee |
" weep | plori | plo'ree |
" weigh, tr.; —, int. | pesi; pezi | peh'see; peh'zee |
" will, be willing | voli | vo'lee |
" work | labori | lah-boh'ree |
" wrap up | envolvi | ehn-vol'vee |
" write | skribi | skree'bee |
" yield, give way | cedi | tseh'dee |
(For Grammatical Notes see p. 77.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
About (nearly) | proksimume | prokseemoo'meh |
about (concerning) | pri | pree |
above | super | soo'pehr |
above all | antaŭ ĉio | ahn'tahw chee'oh |
absolutely | absolute | ahbsoloo'teh |
according to | laŭ | lah'w |
across | trans | trahnss |
afresh | denove | dehno'veh |
after, next to | post | pohst |
afterwards | poste | pohss'teh |
again | ree | reh'eh |
against | kontraŭ | kohn'trahw |
all (of) | ĉiom (da) | chee'ohm (dah) |
[73] all at once, suddenly | subite | soobee'teh |
almost | preskaŭ | preh'skahw |
alone, solely | sole | so'leh |
aloud | laŭte | lahw'teh |
already | jam | yahm |
also, too, besides | ankaŭ | ahn'kahw |
although | kvankam | kvahn'kahm |
altogether, quite | tute | too'teh |
always | ĉiam | chee'ahm |
and | kaj | kah'y |
anywhere | kie ajn | kee'eh ah'yn |
around, round about | ĉirkaŭ | cheer'kahw |
as…as | tiel…kiel… | tee'ehl…kee'ehl… |
as much, as many | tiom | tee'ohm |
as much as | tiom kiom | tee'ohm kee'ohm |
as soon as, immediately | tuj kiam | too'y kee'ahm |
at | ĉe | cheh |
at first | unue | oonoo'eh |
at last | fine | fee'neh |
at least | almenaŭ | ahl-meh'nahw |
at [the] most | pleje | pleh'yeh |
at once | tuj | tooy' |
at present | nune | noo'neh |
badly | malbone | mahlbo'neh |
because | ĉar | chahr |
before | antaŭ | ahn'tahw |
behind | post | pohst |
below, under, beneath | sub | soob |
besides, beyond | krom | krohm |
better | pli bone | plee bo'neh |
between, among(st) | inter | een'tehr |
beyond | preter | preh'tehr |
briefly, shortly | mallonge | mahl-lohn'geh |
but | sed | sehd |
by the side of | apud, flanke de | ah'pood, flahn'keh deh |
by turns | laŭvice | lahw-veet'seh |
close to | apud | ah'pood |
consequently | sekve | sehk'veh |
daily | ĉiutage | chee-ootah'gheh |
doubtless | sendube | sehndoo'beh |
down (direction) | malsupren | mahlsoo'prehn |
[74] down (position) | malsupre | mahlsoo'preh |
during | dum | doom |
early, betimes | frue | froo'eh |
either…or | aŭ…aŭ | ahw…ahw |
elsewhere | aliloke | ahleelo'keh |
enough (of) | sufiĉe (da) | soofee'cheh (dah) |
even if | eĉ se | ehch seh |
everywhere | ĉie | chee'eh |
exactly | precize | preht-see'zeh |
exceedingly | treege | treh-eh'geh |
except, prep. | escepte | est-sehp'teh |
far, distant | malproksime | mahl-proksee'meh |
for, conj. | ĉar | chahr |
for, prep. | por | pohr |
formerly | antaŭe | ahntah'weh |
from | de | deh |
full of | plena de | pleh'nah deh |
fully | plene | pleh'neh |
hardly | apenaŭ | ahpeh'nahw |
here | ĉi tie, tie ĉi | chee tee'eh, tee'eh chee |
herewith | ĉi-kune | chee-koo'neh |
how, like | kiel | kee'ehl |
how much? | kiom? | kee'ohm? |
however | tamen | tah'mehn |
immediately | tuj | too'y |
in | en | ehn |
in every way | ĉiel | chee'ehl |
in front, before | antaŭe | ahntah'weh |
in future | en la estonteco | ehn lah estohn-teht'so |
in spite of | malgraŭ | mahl'grahw |
in the midst of | meze de | meh'zeh deh |
indeed | vere | veh'reh |
inside | interne de, en | intehr'neh deh, ehn |
instead of | anstataŭ | ahnstaht'ahw |
late | malfrue | mahl-froo'eh |
less | malpli | mahl'plee |
little (of) | malmulte (da) | mahl-mool'teh (dah) |
little by little | iom post iom | ee'ohm pohst ee'ohm |
more | pli | plee |
more or less | pli malpli | plee mahl'plee |
the more…the more | ju pli…des pli | yoo plee…dehs plee |
[75] much, very | tre | treh |
mutually | reciproke | reht'see-pro'keh |
near; — to | proksime; — de | prohksee'meh; — deh |
neither…nor | nek…nek | nehk…nehk |
never | neniam | neh-nee'ahm |
nevertheless | tamen | tah'mehn |
not | ne | neh |
not at all | tute ne | too'teh neh |
notwithstanding | malgraŭ (tio) | mahl'grahw (tee'oh) |
not yet | ankoraŭ ne | ahnkoh'rahw neh |
now | nun | noon |
nowadays | nuntempe, hodiaŭ | noon-tehm'peh, hoh-dee'ahw |
nowhere | nenie | neh-nee'eh |
of | de; da (after numerals) | deh; dah |
of course | kompreneble | kompreh-neh'bleh |
often | ofte | off'teh |
on, upon | sur | soor |
on account of | pro | pro |
on no account | nenial | neh-nee'ahl |
on the contrary | kontraŭe | kontrah'weh |
on the left | maldekstre | mahl-dek'streh |
on the right | dekstre | dehk'streh |
only | nur | noor |
opposite | kontraŭe | kontrah'weh |
or | aŭ | ahw |
otherwise | alie | ahlee'eh |
outside, out of | ekster | eks'tehr |
over | super | soo'pehr |
perhaps | eble | eh'bleh |
presently, soon | baldaŭ | bahl'dahw |
previously | antaŭe | ahntah'weh |
purposely | intence | intehnt'seh |
quickly | rapide | rahpee'deh |
rather, preferably | prefere | prehfeh'reh |
rather, somewhat | iom | ee'ohm |
save, excepting | escepte | ehst-sehp'teh |
scarcely | apenaŭ | ahpeh'nahw |
seldom, rarely | malofte | mahl-off'teh |
since, prep. | de | deh |
—, conj. | ĉar | chahr |
— (the time when) | de l' tempo kiam | dehl tehm'po kee'ahm |
[76] so, thus | tiel | tee'ehl |
so much | tiom | tee'ohm |
somehow | iel | ee'ehl |
something | io | ee'oh |
sometimes | kelkafoje | kehl'kah-fo'yeh |
soon | baldaŭ | bahl'dahw |
suddenly | subite | soo-bee'teh |
that, conj. | ke | keh |
that is | tio estas (abbr., t.e.) | tee'oh es'tahss |
then | tiam | tee'ahm |
then, conj. | do | doh |
thence | de tie | deh tee'eh |
there | tie | tee'eh |
through | tra | trah |
through (by means of) | per | pehr |
till, until | ĝis | jeess |
to | al | ahl |
together | kune | koo'neh |
too much, too | tro | tro |
towards | al, en la direkto de | ahl, ehn lah deerehk'toh deh |
unexpectedly | neatendite | neh-ahtehndee'teh |
unless | se…ne | seh…neh |
until | ĝis | jeess |
up, upwards | supren | soo'prehn |
up above | supre | soo'preh |
weekly | ĉiusemajne | chee'oo-sehmah'y-neh |
well | bone | bo'neh |
when | kiam | kee'ahm |
whence? | de kie? | deh kee'eh? |
where? | kie? | kee'eh? |
wherever | kie ajn | kee'eh ahyn' |
whether, if | ĉu | choo |
while, whilst | dum | doom |
why? | kial? | kee'ehl? |
willingly | volonte | volohn'teh |
wisely | saĝe | sah'jeh |
with | kun | koon |
within | interne | intehr'neh |
without | sen | sehn |
yearly | ĉiujare | chee'oo-yah'reh |
yet, as yet | ankoraŭ | ahnkoh'rahw |
The Definite Article the is in Esperanto represented by la. Like the article in English, la does not vary with the number or gender of the noun before which it is placed; e.g., la briko, the brick; la brikoj, the bricks; la patro, the father; la patrinoj, the mothers.
The Indefinite Article a is not expressed in Esperanto. Thus, "filo" is son or a son.
In Esperanto every noun in the singular ends in o. Thus: viro, a man; la libro, the book. The plural is formed from the singular by adding the termination -j. Thus: viroj, men; la libroj, the books.
In order to allow each nation to construct its sentences in the order to which it is accustomed, every noun in Esperanto has two forms or "cases," (1) the Nominative, or unchanged form, and (2) the Accusative, which is formed from the nominative by adding the termination -n. This is merely to distinguish between subject and object. The accusative form is also used to indicate motion towards, etc.
All adjectives end in the nominative singular in a. They may be placed either before or after the noun. As in the case of the noun, the plural is formed by adding the termination -j, and the accusative is formed by adding -n to the nominative. The adjective agrees in number and case with the noun which it qualifies. Ex.:—
Thanks to the accusative case, one might say without loss of clearness: Bluan libron legas la viro, or la viro bluan libron legas, or bluan libron la viro legas, etc.
There are three degrees of comparison, as in English:
The Positive, as bona, good; bela, beautiful; granda, big, great.
The Comparative is formed by placing pli (more) or malpli (less) before the positive, thus: bona, good—pli bona, better; bela, beautiful—malpli bela, less beautiful. The comparison may be heightened by using multe (much), thus: multe pli (or malpli) bela.
Than is translated by ol, thus: pli (or malpli) bela ol…, more (or less) beautiful than…
The Superlative degree is formed by using plej (most) with the positive; as bela, beautiful—plej bela, most beautiful.
Of with a superlative is translated by the preposition el (out of). La plej granda el ĉiuj, the greatest of all.
The more…the more, the less…the less, are translated by means of the particles ju and des. Thus: Ju pli oni studas, des pli oni lernas, the more one studies, the more one learns. Ju pli mi kun li parolas, des malpli mi lin estimas, the more I speak to him, the less I esteem him.
The Cardinal Numbers may be used as nouns, by the addition of the ending -o. Thus, unuo, a unit; trio, a trio; dekduo, a dozen; dudeko, a score; cento, a hundred; milo, a thousand. Note that miliono is ALWAYS used as a noun.
When a number or any other word is used as a noun of quantity, the noun which follows it must be preceded by the quantitative preposition da:—Dekduo da ovoj, a dozen eggs; milo da soldatoj, a thousand soldiers (one might of course also say dek du ovoj, mil soldatoj); du metroj da drapo, two metres of cloth; tri funtoj da sukero, three pounds of sugar.
The Ordinal Numbers are formed by adding the adjectival ending -a to the Cardinals. In Compound Ordinal Numbers, the groups of hundreds, tens, units, etc., are joined by hyphens, and the ending -a is added to the unit numeral. Thus: unu, one—unua, first; tria, third; dek-unua, eleventh; tridek-sepa, thirty-seventh; kvarcent-sesdek-dua, 462nd, and so on. Written in figures these would be 1a, 3a, 11a, 37a, 462a. The Ordinals are of course inflected like adjectives. (See page 77.)
Fractionals are formed by adding the suffix -on (plus the endings o, a, or e as required) to the Cardinal Numbers. Thus: unu duono, one-half; tri kvaronoj, three-quarters; dek sep dek-naŭonoj, 17/19; dudek tri kvarmil-kvincent-tridek-naŭonoj, 23/4539. Duone vera (or duonvera), half-true. Tri-kvaronoj da funto (or trikvaronfuntoj), ¾ lb. Duono da funto (or duonfunto), ½ lb.
Multiple Numbers are formed from the Cardinals by adding the suffix -obl, with the requisite grammatical ending o, a, or e. Thus: duobla, double; duoblo, a double; duoble, doubly; tridekoble, thirty-fold; sesoble naŭ estas (or faras) kvindek kvar, six nines are fifty-four; duoble du estas kvar, twice two are four.
Collective Numerals are formed by the addition of the suffix -op (plus the grammatical termination required). Thus: duope, two at a time, two together; naŭope, nine at a time; ili venadis dekope, they came in tens; dumilopa taĉmento, a detachment two thousand strong.
Distributives are shown by the preposition po, meaning at the rate of. Thus: li aĉetis por ĉiu infano po ses pomoj, he bought six apples for each child; li ricevas po dek ŝilingoj por ĉiu tago, he gets ten shillings a day; la vagonaro veturas po sesdek mejloj en ĉiu horo (or ĉiuhore), the train travels at (the rate of) sixty miles an hour, etc.
The Personal Pronouns are, in the nominative: Mi, I; vi, you (sing. and pl.); ni, we; li, he; ŝi, she; ĝi, it; ili, they.
The archaic English thou may be translated by ci.
[79] The Accusative case of the personal pronouns is formed like that of nouns and adjectives, by adding -n. Thus: Min, me; vin, you; nin, us; lin, him; ŝin, her; ĝin, it; ilin, them.
The Reflexive Pronoun of the 3rd person is si (accusative sin), standing for himself, herself, itself, one's-self, or themselves, as the case may be. There is no special reflexive form for the pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person, I, we, and you.
The Indefinite Personal Pronoun is oni (= the French on)—one, people, they, you. Ex.: Li amas sin, he loves himself; ŝi amas sin, she loves herself; ĝi montras sin, it shows itself; ili diras al si, they say to themselves; oni vidas sin, one sees one's-self; mi lavas min, I wash myself; vi laŭdas vin, you praise yourself.
By adding the adjectival ending -a to the personal pronouns, the Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns are obtained. Thus: Mia, my, mine; cia, thy, thine; via, your, yours; nia, our, ours; lia, his; ŝia, her, hers; ĝia, its; sia (reflexive), his, her(s), its, their(s), one's.
Note the following use of sia. In English the sentence, "He saw his friend with his brother," is not clear. Does it mean that he saw his friend (1) with his friend's brother, or (2) with his own brother? In Esperanto, the use of sia makes the meaning quite clear; (1) would be: Li vidis sian amikon kun LIA frato, and (2) would be: Li vidis sian amikon kun SIA frato.
The word mem, meaning -self or -selves, may be added to a personal pronoun to give emphasis. Thus: Konu vin mem, know thyself; li iris mem, he went himself; li mem, himself; li parolis al si mem, he spoke to himself.
Like other adjectives, possessives agree in case and number with the noun to which they refer. Ex.:
The Demonstrative Adjective and Pronoun "that" is rendered in Esperanto by the word tiu (acc. tiun); plural tiuj (acc. tiujn), those. The addition (either before or after) of the particle ĉi to the singular and plural respectively, gives this and these. Ex.:
Kiu?—who, which? Plural, kiuj? Kio?—what? Kies?—whose? Al kiu?—to whom? Kiun?—whom? (acc.), kiujn? (acc. plu.). [80] Ex.:
Kiu is also used with Adjectival meaning. Thus: Kiu libro estas via?—which book is yours? Kiun libron vi preferas?—which book do you prefer? Kiuj domoj apartenas al vi?—which houses belong to you? Kiujn stratojn vi konas?—which streets do you know? Kio estas tio?—what is that? Kion li volas?—what does he want?
The English -ever is translated by ajn. For example: Kiu ajn li estas, ne parolu al li, whoever he be, do not speak to him. Kies ajn, whosesoever. Kiu(j)n ajn, whomever.
The Relative Pronouns are identical with the Interrogative: Kiu(j), who, that, which, kiu(j)n, whom, that, which. Ex.:
Note.—Iu, ĉiu, and neniu are also used with nouns. Thus: Kiun libron vi deziras? Which book do you desire? Iun ajn libron. Any book. Iu homo, any man, some man or other. Ĉiu bona patro amas siajn infanojn, every good father loves his children. Ĉiuj liaj amikoj (or ĉiu lia amiko), all his friends, every friend of his. Mi renkontis neniun amikon, I met no friend.
Other Pronominal Words and Expressions are:
multaj(n), many; multo(n), much; malmultaj(n), malmulte da…, a few. Ex.: malmultaj personoj, few persons; malmulte da scio, little knowledge.
kelkajn, some, several; kelke da…, some. Ex.: kelkaj personoj, some persons, several persons; kelke da libroj, some (quantity of) books.
alia(n), another, other; aliaj(n), others. Ex.: ili parolis unu al alia, they spoke to one another; ni parolis unu al la alia, we spoke to each other; unu aŭ la alia taŭgos, either (one or the other) will do; nek unu nek la alia konvenas, neither (one nor the other) is suitable.
ambaŭ (invariable), both. Ex.: ambaŭ venis, both came; mi konas ambaŭ fratojn, I know both brothers; mi vidis ilin ambaŭ, I saw both of them; mi ŝatas ambaŭ, I like both.
The Verb in Esperanto has three main Tenses—the Present, Past, and Future. These are denoted by means of the verbal endings -as, -is, and -os. Thus, from the root vid, see, are formed:
Present. | Past. | Future. |
mi vidas, I see | mi vidis, I saw | mi vidos, I shall see |
Every Esperanto verb has three Moods—the Conditional, the Imperative, and the Infinitive, which are formed respectively by means of the endings -us, -u, and -i. Thus:
Conditional. | Imperative. | Infinitive. |
mi vidus, I should see | vidu, see! | vidi, to see |
The Conditional Mood is used to express supposition; the three Tenses, on the other hand, are used to express facts or actual happenings. (For examples, see "Conjunctions," page 83.)
The Imperative Mood is used to express an order, desire, wish, will, etc. (See page 84.) Used with the personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd persons, this mood corresponds to the English let, used as an expression of a wish. Thus: mi pensu, let me think; li venu morgaŭ, let him come to-morrow; ili parolu, let them speak.
Note that let sometimes means to allow, to give leave, in which case the verb lasi is used. Thus: let (allow) him come, lasu lin veni; leave it there, lasu ĝin tie.
The Imperative may be used interrogatively to translate the English shall, with an idea of wish or desire. Thus:
What will he do? would of course be simply Kion li faros?—for there is here no question of desire or wish, but merely a question of future action.
The Infinitive Mood is used to express the mere idea of the verb, without any limit of person or number, and corresponds to the English to before the verb. Thus: kuri, to run; paroli, to speak.
Note.—In Esperanto, as is largely the case in English, the mood and tense endings of the verb do not vary according to person or number. For instance: mi vidas, I see, li vidas, he sees; also ni vidis, we saw, ili vidis, they saw; vi vidos, you will see; oni vidos, one will see; ŝi vidus, she would see, vi vidus, you would see.
There are in Esperanto six participles, three active and three passive, corresponding to three tenses. They are formed in the Active by means of the endings -ant, -int, and -ont, and in the Passive by means of the endings -at, -it, -ot, with the addition of the adjectival termination -a. Thus:
Active. | Present. | Past. | Future. |
vidanta, seeing | vidinta, having-seen | vidonta, about-to-see | |
Passive. | |||
vidata, (being) seen | vidita, (having-been) seen | vidota, (about-to-be) seen |
[82] The Participles may be used either as Nouns, Adjectives, or Adverbs, the terminations -o, -a, -e being added to the participial endings as required. When used as nouns or adjectives, they of course take the sign of the Plural (-j) and of the Accusative (-n) when the construction of the sentence so requires. Ex.:
(1) Active. En la venonta jaro, in the coming year. La parolanto, the speaker. La aŭskultantoj, the audience (lit., listeners). Mi vidis lin skribantan, I saw him writing. Li foriris kurante, he went off at a run. Li revenis ne vidinte sian amikon, he returned without having seen his friend.
(2) Passive. La ekzamenato, the examinee. La mortigitoj kaj vunditoj, the killed and wounded. Estimata sinjoro, dear (lit., esteemed) sir. Frapote, li sin defendis, about to be struck, he defended himself. Mi aŭdis tiun himnon kantatan, I heard that hymn sung.
The Compound Tenses are formed by means of the auxiliary verb esti, to be. Thus, by the combination of the participles with the six tenses and moods, we obtain thirty-six compound tenses, enabling us to express with the utmost precision any time-relation whatsoever. We have in all:
li estas, or estus, |
or estis, or estu, |
or estos or esti |
vidanta or vidata vidinta or vidita vidonta or vidota |
The use of the participles is very easy when once one grasps the fact that the auxiliary esti serves to denote the particular division of time, or the particular manner, of the occurrence of the action denoted by the participle. Ex.:
The word by after a Passive is translated by the preposition de. Thus: The wood was being chopped by the boy, la ligno estis hakata de la knabo. He has been seen by all, li estas vidita de ĉiuj.
Note.—The Compound Tenses should not be used if the Simple Tenses suffice to show the meaning clearly. Thus, I have seen him is more neatly expressed by mi jam vidis lin than by mi estas vidinta lin. Li jam foriris might stand for either he had gone or he has gone, according to circumstances, and the context would clearly show which was meant. Li parolas is generally quite right for he is speaking. Li estas parolanta should be used only when it is particularly intended to show that he is actually engaged in the act of speaking.
In Esperanto, Adverbs are denoted by the ending -e, and may be placed in any position, either before or after the verb. Thus: bela, beautiful—bele, beautifully; vera, true—vere, truly. Li parolas saĝe, he speaks wisely. Li rapide kuras, he runs quickly.
Adverbial Numbers are formed by adding -e to the Cardinals. Thus: unue (1e), firstly; trie (3e), thirdly; sepe (7e), etc.
In English, one preposition often has many different meanings. In Esperanto, on the contrary, every preposition, with the exception of the word je, has one precise and fixed meaning.
The preposition je is the only one in Esperanto without a definite meaning. It sometimes happens that one wishes to use a preposition of some sort or other, but is uncertain just which preposition will precisely express the idea. In such cases je is used. Thus: He laughed at me, li ridis je mi; full of water, plena je akvo; six metres long, longa je ses metroj; fear of him, timo je li, etc.
Je should not be abused. Its too frequent use is a mark of the beginner in the language.
When there is no ambiguity to be feared, the preposition je, and even other prepositions, are often omitted in Esperanto; and the word to which the preposition, if expressed, would have referred is put into the accusative. Thus, instead of saying li ridas je mi (he is laughing at me), one might say li ridas min; similarly, du metrojn alta would stand for alta je du metroj. Ĝi kostis je tri ŝilingoj is more usually expressed: ĝi kostis tri ŝilingojn. Mi restis tie dum kvin horoj (I stayed there for five hours) could be: mi restis tie kvin horojn; and so on.
Certain prepositions, viz., antaŭ, before, ĉe, at, en, in, sub, under, sur, on, kontraŭ, against, super, over, and trans, across, are often used to denote movement towards, whereas of themselves they only express rest at. In order to make it quite clear whether motion or rest is intended, use is made of the accusative. Thus: li promenis en la urbo, he took a walk in the city; but li promenis en la urbon, he took a walk into the city. Li kuris antaŭ mi, he ran (along) before or in front of me; but li paŝis antaŭ min, he stepped in front of me; and so on.
Adverbs are sometimes used with prepositional force. Thus: proksime de la domo, near the house; dekstre de la arbo, on the right of the tree, etc.
A full list of Conjunctions will be found on page 72. The following constructions should be noted:
Note that in Esperanto the verb is put in the exact time or tense used by the speaker. Thus: mi ne sciis, ĉu li venos, I did not know whether he would (lit., will) come; ili ne diris, ĉu ili vin renkontis, they did not say whether they had met you.
After verbs expressing wish, intention, will, or desire, or command, the verb following is put in the Imperative Mood. Thus: mi ordonas, ke li venu, I order that he come (him to come); mi tre deziris, ke li vivu, I very much wanted him to live; ili intencis, ke ni perdu, they intended us to lose. Here the actual expressions used were: li venu, li vivu, ili perdu.
The following are the principal Interjections:
adiaŭ! | adieu! farewell! |
ah! | ah! |
antaŭen! | forward! |
atentu! | look out! |
bis! | encore! |
bone! | good! |
certe! | certainly! |
ĉu ne? or ĉu ne vere? | is not that so? |
ĉu vere? | is that so? |
efektive! | indeed! |
fi! | fie! |
for! | away! be off! |
ha! | ha! |
halt! | halt! |
he! | hey! halloo! |
ho! | oh! |
ho ve! | alas! |
hontinde! | shameful! |
jen! | there! |
kompreneble! | naturally! of course! |
ne! | no! |
neeble! | impossible! |
nu! | well! |
rapide! | quick! |
rapidu! | hurry up! |
In Esperanto, considerable use is made of prefixes and suffixes, every one of which has a clear, fixed meaning. Great economy of vocabulary is thus effected, one root-word in Esperanto sufficing, when modified by suitable affixes, to translate many English words. Many of the affixes are often met with as single words. In such cases the English translation is added after the various examples of the affix in question.
bo- denotes Relationship by Marriage: patro, father, bopatro, father-in-law; filo, son, bofilo, son-in-law.
dis- denotes Separation: ĵeti, to throw, disĵeti, to scatter, throw about; peli, to drive along, dispeli, to dispel, fali, to fall, disfali, to fall apart, fall to pieces.
ek- denotes a Beginning of an Action, a Momentary Action: iri, to go, ekiri, to begin to go, to start; brili, to shine, ekbrili, to begin to shine, to flash.
[85] ge- denotes the Two Sexes Taken Together: patro, father, gepatroj, father and mother, parents; frato, brother, gefratoj, brother(s) and sister(s); Gesinjoroj B., Mr. and Mrs. B.
mal- denotes the Opposite of an Idea: bona, good, malbona, bad; ŝati, to like, malŝati, to dislike; amiko, friend, malamiko, enemy; laŭta, loud, mallaŭte, softly.—Malo, an opposite; male, on the contrary.
pra- is a prefix of Relationship, corresponding to the English FORE-, GREAT-: patro, father, prapatro, forefather, ancestor; avo, grandfather; praavo, great-grandfather; nepo, grandson, pranepo, great-grandson.
re- denotes Return and Repetition: iri, to go, reiri, to go back, or to go again; repreni, to take back; revidi, to see again.—Ree, again.
-aĉ denotes that a word is used in a Bad Sense, with Disparagement: domo, a house, domaĉo, a hovel; ridi, to laugh, ridaĉi, to sneer.
-ad denotes Continuation or Duration of an action: paroli, to speak, paroladi, to make a speech; kanto, a song, kantado, singing; vojaĝo, a voyage, vojaĝado, travelling; rido, a laugh, ridado, laughter.
-aĵ denotes some Concrete Thing characterized by the idea contained in the root: bela, beautiful, belaĵo, a beautiful thing; nutri, to feed, nourish, nutraĵo (or nutrantaĵo), food; ĝentila, polite, ĝentilaĵo, a polite act, act of politeness; bovo, ox, bovaĵo, beef.—Aĵo, a thing.
-an denotes a Partisan of, a Member, an Inhabitant: Kristo, Christ, Kristano, a Christian; eklezio, a church, ekleziano, a churchman; Londonano, a Londoner.—Ano, a member.
-ar denotes a Collection of, a Number of: arbo, tree, arbaro, a forest; homo, a human being, homaro, mankind; vorto, a word, vortaro, a dictionary.—Aro, a collection, number, gathering.
-ĉj added to the first two to five letters of a word, is used to denote Masculine Diminutives of Endearment: Johano, John, Joĉjo, Jack; patro, father, paĉjo, papa, daddy.
-ebl denotes Possibility, and corresponds to the English suffixes -ABLE, -IBLE: kredi, to believe, kredebla, credible; videbla, visible; al, to, iri, to go, alirebla, accessible.
-ec denotes Abstract Ideas, Qualities and corresponds to the English suffixes -NESS, -SHIP, etc.: feliĉa, happy, feliĉeco, happiness; alta, high, alteco, height; reĝo, king, reĝeco, kingship.
-eg denotes Augmentation, Intensity of Degree: granda, big, great, grandega, enormous; bela, beautiful, belega, magnificent; ŝtono, stone, ŝtonego, rock; pafilo, a gun, pafilego, cannon.
-ej denotes a Place specially set apart for or allotted to: preĝi, to pray, preĝejo, church; manĝi, to eat, manĝejo, refectory; kuirejo, kitchen; enirejo, entrance; elirejo, exit.
-em denotes Propensity, Inclination, Disposition: paroli, to talk, parolema, talkative; mensogi, to lie, mensogema, untruthful.
-er denotes an Element of, a Unit, a Grain: polvo, dust, polvero, a grain of dust; fajrero, a spark; hajlero, hailstone; mono, money, monero, a coin.—Ero, particle, grain, element.
[86] -estr denotes a Chief, Leader, Head: regno, state; regnestro, head of the state, ruler; lernejo, school, lernejestro, head-master.—Estro, leader, chief; estraro, the authorities; estri, to act as chief.
-id denotes a Descendant, Offspring, Young of: bovo, ox, bovido, calf; ŝafo, a sheep, ŝafido, lamb; Izraelido, Israelite; la homidoj, the sons of man; Sro. Brown kaj la Brownidoj, Mr. Brown and the little Browns.—Ido, a descendant, child; idaro, descendants, offspring.
-et denotes Diminution of Degree (compare -eg above): bela, beautiful, beleta, pretty; venteto, breeze; ridi, to laugh, rideti, to smile; bona, good, boneta, fairly good, mediocre.—Eta, tiny.
-ig denotes a Making, Rendering, Causing to Be: granda, great, grandigi, to enlarge; venigi kuraciston, to send for (cause to come) a doctor; halti, to stop (intr.), haltigi, to stop (tr.); tranĉigi al si la harojn, to get one's hair cut.—Igi, to make, render.
-iĝ denotes a Becoming, Getting, Growing, Being made: hela, bright, heliĝi, to grow or become bright; ruĝa, red, ruĝiĝi, to redden, blush; disiĝi, to separate (intr.).—Iĝi, to become.
With transitive verbs iĝ- is used to make intransitive verbs, thus: renversi, to overthrow, turn upside down, renversiĝi, to turn (intr.) upside down, to get overthrown; fari, to make, fariĝi, to become; perdiĝi, to get lost; vidiĝi, to be seen.
Used with intransitive verbs, iĝ- gives the idea of a becoming, a Gradual Transition from one state to another: morti, to die, mortiĝi, to become dead, to die away, to expire; sidi, to be seated, sidiĝi, to become seated, to sit down.
Note that, since verbs in -iĝ are of necessity intransitive, their participles should only be used in the active form. Thus: renversiĝinta, having become overthrown, and not renversiĝita; perdiĝinta, having become lost, not perdiĝita; and so on. One might of course simply say renversita, overthrown, and perdita, lost, though the meaning would in that case not be quite the same.
-il denotes an Instrument, Tool, or Means: tranĉi, to cut, tranĉilo, a knife; filtri, to filter, filtrilo, a filter; teni, to hold, tenilo, a handle.—Ilo, tool, instrument; ilaro, set of tools.
-ind denotes Worthiness (English -WORTHY): laŭdi, to praise, laŭdinda, praiseworthy; vidinda, worth seeing, vidindaĵoj, things worth seeing, sights.—Inda (je), worthy (of); indeco, worthiness.
-ing denotes the Holder of a Single Object (compare -uj below): plumo, pen, plumingo, penholder; fingro, finger, fingringo, thimble; cigaringo, cigar-holder.—Ingo, a socket, holder.
-in denotes Feminines: viro, a man, virino, a woman; patro, father, patrino, mother.—Ino, a female.
-ist denotes Trade, Occupation, Profession: labori, to work, laboristo, workman; kuraci, to treat (medically), kuracisto, doctor.
-nj added to the first two to five letters of a word, is used to form Feminine Diminutives of Endearment (compare -ĉj above): Johanino, Jane, Johanjo, Jenny; patrino, mother, panjo, mamma.
-uj denotes a Receptacle which contains or bears a Collection or a Quantity of things or material (compare -ing above): mono, money, monujo, purse; inko, ink, inkujo, inkstand.—Ujo, a utensil case, bin.
[87] The suffix -uj is also used to denote Trees bearing certain fruits: pomo, apple, pomujo, apple-tree; ĉerizujo, cherry-tree; rozujo, rose-bush. The word arbo, however, is more frequently used in such cases: pomarbo, rozarbeto, etc.
-Uj is also used to denote the Names of Countries: Anglo, Englishman, Anglujo, England; Franco, a Frenchman, Francujo, France. (See footnote 4, p. 40.)
-ul denotes a Being characterised by the Idea contained in the Root-word: bela, beautiful, belulino, a beautiful woman, a beauty; kulpo, blame, kulpulo, culprit; laŭdindulo, one worthy to be praised; bonulo, a good fellow; bonegulo, a jolly good fellow.
-um is an Indefinite Suffix, like the word je among the prepositions, Thus: pleni, to fill, plenumi, to fulfil (compare plenigi, to fill); kolo, neck, kolumo, collar; aero, air, aerumi, to air (a room, clothes, etc.).
[Words containing -um should be learnt as independent roots.]
In Esperanto, any word can be combined with any other word or words to form a compound word. Considerable use is made of prepositions for this purpose. The requisite grammatical ending must of course be added in each case. The student should carefully study the following words, and also those given above, and endeavour to form words for himself.9 Ability to form words readily is absolutely necessary to fluent speech or composition in the language. In the examples given below the component parts of the words are separated by a small stroke ('), but these are of course omitted in ordinary usage:
El'iri, | to go out |
antaŭ'ĉambro, | antechamber |
pri'pensi, | to think over, reflect upon |
preter'paŝi, | to pass by |
per'labori, | to earn (gain by working) |
per'forto, | violence |
tra'vivi, | to live through, experience |
supre'n'iri, | to go up, ascend |
inter'rompi, | to interrupt |
kun'veno, | an assembly, meeting |
al'paroli, | to address, accost |
inter'rilati, | to relate one with another |
inter'rilatoj, | inter-relations |
inter'nacia, | international |
skrib(o)'tablo, | writing-table |
dorm(o)'ĉambro, | bedroom |
naz'tuko, | handkerchief |
ter'tremo, | earthquake |
glit'iri, | to skate |
glit'veturilo, | a sleigh |
pied'ir'anto, | a pedestrian |
bru'fermi, | to slam |
facil'mova, | agile, easy-moving |
hom'amo, | philanthropy |
bon'far'anto, | benefactor |
strat'lanterno, | street-lamp |
bot'far'isto, | bootmaker |
sam'profesi'anoj, | members of the same profession |
ĉio'potenca, | all-powerful |
libr'amanto, | a book-lover |
doktor'edzino, | doctor's wife |
mon'akir'ilo, | a means of getting money |
ĉio'n'faranta, | all-doing |
alt'anima, | high-souled |
vivi'pova, | capable of life |
ali'landulo, | foreigner |
ali'maniere, | in another way |
tiu'speca, | of that kind |
INDEFINITE | Interrog. Rel. K | Demonstrative T | Distributive Ĉ | Negative NEN | |
QUALITY | IA Some (kind of) Any (kind of) |
KIA What (sort of)? |
TIA That sort of Such (a) |
ĈIA Each kind of Every (kind of) |
NENIA No (kind of) |
REASON | IAL For some reason For any reason |
KIAL For what reason? Why? |
TIAL For that reason Therefore |
ĈIAL For every reason On every account |
NENIAL For no reason On no account |
TIME | IAM At some time Sometimes, ever |
KIAM At what time? When? |
TIAM At that time Then |
ĈIAM At all times Always, each time |
NENIAM At no time Never |
PLACE | IE At any place Somewhere |
KIE At what place? Where? |
TIE In that place There |
ĈIE At each place Everywhere |
NENIE At no place Nowhere |
MANNER | IEL In some way anyhow |
KIEL In what way? How? Like, as |
TIEL In that way So, thus, as |
ĈIEL In every way In each way |
NENIEL In no way Nohow |
POSSESSION | IES Somebody's Anybody's |
KIES Whose? What person's? |
TIES That one's That person's |
ĈIES Everyone's Each one's |
NENIES Nobody's No one's |
THING | IO Something Anything |
KIO What (thing)? |
TIO That (thing) |
ĈIO All Everything |
NENIO Nothing Nought |
QUANTITY | IOM Some A little |
KIOM How much? What Quantity? |
TIOM So much That quantity |
ĈIOM All The whole quantity |
KIU What person? |
TIU That one |
ĈIU Everyone, every |
NENIU Nobody, no one |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Do you speak English? | Ĉu vi parolas angle? | choo vee pahro'lahss ahn'gleh? |
I do not speak English. | Mi ne parolas angle. | mee neh pahro'lahss ahn'gleh |
Is there anyone here who speaks Esperanto? | Ĉu estas ĉi tie iu, kiu parolas Esperante? | choo eh'stahss chee tee'eh ee'oo, kee'oo pahro'lahss espehrahn'teh? |
How long have you learnt? | Dum kiom da tempo vi lernadis? | doom kee'ohm dah tehm'po vi lehrnah'deess? |
A short time only | Dum nur mallonga tempo | doom noor mahl-lohn'gah tehmpo |
You have a good accent | Vi havas bonan akcenton | vee ha'vahss boh'nahn ahk-tsehn'ton |
I find the pronunciation very easy | Mi trovas la elparoladon tre facila | mee tro'vahss lah ehl-parolah'dohn treh faht-see'lah |
If you please | Se plaĉas | seh plah'chahss |
Thank you; thanks! | Mi dankas; dankon! | mee dahn'kahss; dahn'kohn! |
I thank you | Mi dankas vin | mee dahn'kahss veen |
Much obliged | Vi estas tre kompleza | vee eh'stahss treh kohmpleh'zah |
Have the goodness | Havu la bonecon | hah'voo lah bo-neht'sohn |
Yes, sir | Jes, sinjoro | yehss, seen-yoh'roh |
Yes, miss | Jes, fraŭlino | yehss, frahw-lee'no |
No, madam | Ne, sinjorino | neh, seen-yoh-ree'no |
Allow me | Permesu (min) | pehrmeh'soo (meen) |
Bring me | Alportu al mi | ahlpohr'too ahl mee |
Do you understand? | Ĉu vi komprenas? | choo vee kohmpreh'nahss? |
I do not understand | Mi ne komprenas | mee neh kohm-preh'nahss |
I understand | Mi komprenas | mee kohm-preh'nahss |
[90] Give me | Donu al mi | doh'noo ahl mee |
Send me | Sendu al mi | sehn'doo ahl mee |
Tell me | Diru al mi | deer'oo ahl mee |
Will you kindly tell me? | Ĉu vi afable dirus al mi? | choo vee ahfah'bleh deer'ooss ahl mee? |
What do you say? | Kion vi diras? | kee'ohn vee deer'ahss? |
I beg your pardon | Mi petas vian pardonon | mee peh'tahss vee'ahn pahrdoh'nohn |
Speak louder | Parolu pli laŭte | pa-ro'loo plee lah'w-teh |
What did you ask? | Kion vi demandis? | kee'ohn vee deh-mahn'deess? |
What does it signify? | Kion tio signifas? | kee'ohn tee'oh signee'fahss? |
It is nothing | (Ĝi) estas nenio | (jee) eh'stahss neh-nee'o |
It is all the same to me | Estas por mi indiferente | ehstahss pohr mee indifehrehn'teh |
Never mind | Ne zorgu pri tio | neh zor'goo pree tee'oh |
What is the matter? | Kio estas? | kee'oh eh'stahss? |
Nothing | Nenio | nehnee'oh |
It is all a mistake | Estas pura eraro | eh'stahss poor'ah ehrahr'oh |
What is it about? | Pri kio estas? | pree kee'oh eh'stahss? |
What is to be done? | Kion fari? | kee'ohn fahr'ee? |
I haven't a notion | Mi tute ne scias | mee too'teh neh stsee'ahs |
That depends | Tio dependas | tee'oh dehpehn'dahss |
I don't believe it | Mi ne kredas ĝin | mee neh kred'ahss jeen |
Of course | Kompreneble | kohmpreh-neh'bleh |
On the contrary | Kontraŭe | kohntrah'weh |
Once for all | Unu fojon por ĉiam | oonoo foyohn por chee'ahm |
After all | Kiam ĉio estas konsiderita | kee'ahm chee'oh eh'stahss kohn-seedeh-ree'tah |
That is of no consequence | Tio ne estas grava | tee'oh neh eh'stahss grah'vah |
The other day | La alian tagon | lah ahlee'ahn tah'gohn |
At the end of a year | Post unu jaro | post oo'noo yah'ro |
Between ourselves | Inter ni | in'tehr nee |
Everybody knows | Ĉiu scias | chee'oo stsee'ahss |
I remember it | Mi memoras tion | mee meh-mohr'ahss tee'ohn |
All at once | Subite | soobee'teh |
Sooner or later | Frue aŭ malfrue | froo'eh ahw mahlfroo'eh |
Ever so little | Tre tre malmulte | treh treh mahl-mool'teh |
You are joking | Vi ŝercas | vee shehrt'sahss |
You are right | Vi estas prava | vee eh'stahss pra'vah |
[91] Leave me alone | Lasu min trankvila | lahsoo meen trahnkvee'lah |
Don't be angry | Ne koleru | neh ko-lehr'oo |
So much the more | Tiom pli | tee'ohm plee |
For want of time | Pro manko de tempo | pro mahn'ko deh tehm'po |
Take this | Prenu tion | preh'noo tee'ohn |
Make haste! | Rapidu! | rahpee'doo! |
Come along! | Venu! | veh'noo! |
Take care! | Zorge! | zohr'gheh! |
Look out! | Atentu! | ahtehn'too! |
Listen! | Aŭskultu! | ahw-skool'too! |
Come in! | Eniru! | ehneer'oo! |
(Come) here! | (Venu) tien ĉi! | (veh'noo) tee'ehn chee! |
Go away! | Foriru! | for-eer'oo! |
This way | Tien ĉi | tee'ehn chee |
That way | Tien | tee'ehn |
Too soon | Tro frue | tro froo'eh |
Too late | Tro malfrue | tro mahl-froo'eh |
Who is it calls me? | Kiu min vokas? | kee'oo meen vo'kahss? |
What do you want? | Kion vi volas? | kee'ohn vee vo'lahss? |
Would you kindly? | Ĉu vi afable…? | choo vee ahfah'bleh…? |
Do your best | Faru vian eblon | fahroo vee'ahn eh'blohn |
It only depends upon you | Tio dependas nur de vi | tee'oh dehpehn'dahss noor deh vee |
With all my heart | Kun mia tuta koro | koon mee'ah too'tah kohr'oh |
I am going to town | Mi iras urbon | mee eer'ahss oor'bohn |
Are we going anywhere? | Ĉu ni ien iras? | choo nee ee'ehn eer'ahss? |
Where have you come from? | De kie vi venis? | deh kee'eh vee veh'neess? |
Don't go away | Ne foriru | neh for-eer'oo |
I shall go home | Mi iros hejmen | mee eer'ohss heh'y-mehn |
He has come back | Li revenis | lee rehveh'neess |
He has just come in | Li ĵus eniris | lee zhooss ehneer'eess |
On horseback | Surĉevale | soor-chehvah'leh |
From top to bottom | De supre ĝis malsupre | deh soo'preh jees mahl-soo'preh |
Upstairs | Supre | soo'preh |
Downstairs | Malsupre | mahl-soo'preh |
In some way or other | Iel | ee'ehl |
In the meantime | Intertempe | in'tehr-tehm'peh |
First of all | Unue | oonoo'eh |
That is just like you! | Jen ja via maniero! | yehn yah vee'ah mah-nee-ehr'oh! |
[92] It is not my fault | Mi ne estas kulpa pri tio | mee neh eh'stahss kool'pah pree tee'oh |
That is what vexes me | Jen kio min kolerigas | yehn kee'oh meen kol-ehree'gahss |
Don't imagine that… | Ne imagu (al vi), ke… | neh imah'goo (ahl vee), keh… |
What good is it? | Kion (ĝi) utilas? | kee'ohn jee ootee'lahss? |
Where was I? | Kie mi estis? | kee'eh mee eh'steess? |
As for me | Pri mi mem | pree mee mehm |
He began to laugh | Li komencis ridi | lee komehnt'seess ree'dee |
I cannot see any longer | Mi ne plu povas vidi | mee neh ploo po'vahss vee'dee |
Three are enough for me | Tri sufiĉas por mi | tree soofee'chahss pohr mee |
One is as good as the other | Unu estas tiel bona, kiel la alia | oo'noo eh'stahss tee'ehl bo'nah, kee'ehl la ah-lee'ah |
Will you give me? | Ĉu vi donos al mi? | choo vee doh'nohss ahl mee? |
Everything considered | Post plena konsiderado | post pleh'nah konsid-eh-rah'doh |
I can do without it | Ĝi ne estas nepre necesa | jee neh eh'stahss neh'preh nehtseh'sah |
I have been told | Oni diris al mi | o'nee deer'eess ahl mee |
I have come to tell you | Mi venis por diri al vi | mee veh'neess por deer'ee ahl vee |
I am sure of it | Mi estas certa pri tio | mee eh'stahss tsehr'tah pree tee'oh |
I don't think much of it | Mi ne multe ŝatas ĝin | mee neh mool'teh shah'tahss jeen |
I have nothing to say against it | Mi havas nenion por diri kontraŭ ĝi | mee hah'vahss nehnee'ohn pohr deeree kohn-trahw jee |
As much as I can | Tiom, kiom mi povas | tee'ohm, kee'ohm mee po'vahss |
I like being here | Mi ŝatas esti tie ĉi | mee shah'tahss eh'stee tee'eh chee |
That comes to the same thing | Tio estas la sama afero | tee'oh eh'stahss la sahmah ahfeh'ro |
It answers the purpose | Ĝi taŭgas por la celo | jee tah'w-gahss pohr la tseh'lo |
I value it very much | Mi tre alte taksas ĝin | mee treh ahl'teh tahk'sahss jeen |
I cannot do it | Mi ne povas fari ĝin | mee neh po'vahss fahr'ee jeen |
I am used to it | Mi kutimas tion | mee kootee'mahss tee'ohn |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
What is it? | Kio estas? | kee'oh eh'stahss? |
Is it possible? | Ĉu (estas) eble? | choo (eh'stahss) eh'bleh? |
Indeed! | Ĉu vere! | choo vehr'eh! |
That is impossible | Tio estas neebla | tee'oh eh'stahss neh-eh'blah |
That cannot be | Tio ne povas esti | tee'oh neh po'vahss eh'stee |
I am sorry for it | Mi bedaŭras tion | mee behdahw'rahss tee'ohn |
You surprise me | Vi surprizas min | vee soorpree'zahss min |
Oh, it's nothing! | Oh, estas nenio! | oh, eh'stahss nehnee'oh! |
I am quite vexed about it | Mi estas efektive kolera pri ĝi | mee eh'stahss ehfektee'veh ko-lehr'ah pree jee |
How vexing! | Kiel malagrable! | kee'ehl mahlah-grah'bleh! |
I am sorry | Mi tre bedaŭras | mee treh beh-dah'w-rahss |
What a pity! | Kiel domaĝe! | kee'ehl domah'jeh! |
It is a sad thing | Malĝoje estas | mahl-jo'yeh eh'stahss |
I am very glad | Mi tre ĝojas | mee treh jo'yahss |
It gives me much pleasure | Tio faras al mi multe da plezuro | tee'oh fah'rahss ahl mee mool'teh dah pleh-zoor'oh |
How beautiful! | Kiel bela! | kee'ehl beh'lah! |
What a shame! | Kia honto! | kee'ah hohn'toh! |
How could you do so? | Kiel vi povis tiel fari? | kee'ehl vee po'veess tee'ehl fah'ree? |
I am ashamed of you | Mi hontas pri vi | mee hohn'tahss pree vee |
For shame! | Hontinde! | hohnteen'deh! |
You are very much to blame | Vi estas tre kulpa | vee eh'stahss treh kool'pa |
Don't apologise | Ne petu pardonon | neh peh'too pahr-dohn'ohn |
I beg (your) pardon | Mi petas (vian) pardonon | mee peh'tahss (vee'ahn) pahr-doh'nohn |
Pray don't mention it | Ne parolu pri tio, mi petas | neh pahro'loo pree tee'oh, mee peh'tahss |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Will you kindly…? | Ĉu vi afable…? | choo vee ahfah'bleh…? |
Do you understand me? | Ĉu vi min komprenas? | choo vee meen kohm-preh'nahss? |
Do you hear me? | Ĉu vi aŭdas min? | choo vee ah'w-dahss meen? |
[94] What is that? | Kio estas tio? | kee'oh eh'stahss tee'oh? |
What do you mean? | Kion vi volas diri? | kee'ohn vee vo'lahss deer'ee? |
Are you sure? | Ĉu vi estas certa? | choo vee eh'stahss tsehr'tah? |
Can I speak to (see) Mr. A.? | Ĉu mi povas paroli al (vidi) Sinjoro(n) A.? | choo mee po'vahss pah-ro'lee ahl (vee'dee) seen-yohr'oh(n) A.? |
When does he return? | Kiam li revenos? | kee'ahm lee rehveh'nohss? |
Where is…? | Kie estas…? | kee'eh eh'stahss…? |
What do you call that? | Kiel vi nomas tion? | kee'ehl vee no'mahss tee'ohn? |
What does that mean? | Kion tio signifas? | kee'ohn tee'oh signee'fahss? |
What is that for? | Por kio estas tio? | pohr kee'oh eh'stahss tee'oh? |
Who is that? | Kiu estas tiu? | kee'oo eh'stahss tee'oo? |
Who is there? | Kiu estas tie? | kee'oo eh'stahss tee'eh? |
Is that Mr. A.? | Ĉu tiu estas Sinjoro A.? | choo tee'oo eh'stahss seenyohr'oh A.? |
Which is the way to…? | Kiu estas la vojo al…? | kee'oo eh'stahss la vo'yo ahl…? |
How can I get to…? | Kiel mi povas iri al…? | kee'ehl mee po'vahss eer'ee ahl…? |
Is there a conveyance? | Ĉu estas veturilo? | choo ehstahss veh-toor-ee'lo? |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Apartments to let | Luebla apartamento | loo-eh'blah apart-ah-mehn'toh |
Dogs not admitted | Hundoj malpermesataj | hoon'doy mahlpehrmehsah'tahy |
Entrance; exit | Enirejo; elirejo | ehneereh'yo; eleereh'yoh. |
Fire alarm | Fajravertilo | fire-ahvehr-tee'lo |
Free library | Senpaga biblioteko | sehnpah'gah beebleeoh-teh'ko |
Furnished rooms | Meblitaj ĉambroj | mehblee'tahy chahm'broy |
Knock; ring | Frapu; sonorigu | frah'poo; so-nohree'goo |
No admittance | Eniro estas malpermesata | ehneer'oh eh'stahss mahlpehr-mehsah'tah |
No road | Trairo malpermesata | trah-eer'oh mahlpehr-mehsah'tah |
Keep off the grass | Ne iru sur la herbo | neh eer'oo soor lah hehr'boh |
Refreshments | Bufedo | boo-feh'doh |
[95] No smoking allowed | Estas malpermesate fumi | estahss mahlpehr-meh-sah'teh foo'mee |
Notice | Avizo | ahvee'zo |
Please do not touch | Oni volu ne tuŝi | oh'nee vo'loo neh too'shee |
Please wipe your feet | Oni estas petata viŝi la piedojn | ohnee ehstahss pehtah'tah, vee'shee lah pee-eh'doyn |
Private | Privata | pree-vah'tah |
Pull; push | Tiru; puŝu | teer'oo; poo'shoo |
Road closed | Vojo fermita | vo'yo fehrmee'tah |
Unfurnished rooms to let | Senmeblaj ĉambroj | sen-meh'blahy chahm'broy |
Warning; caution | Averto; atentu | ahvehr'toh; ahtehn'too |
Danger(ous) | Danĝero | dahn-jehr'oh |
(For Vocabulary see page 36.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
To the…station | Al la…stacio | ahl lah…staht-see'oh |
Get my luggage; here is the ticket | Alportu miajn pakaĵojn; jen la bileto | ahlpohr'too mee'ahyn pakah'zhoyn; yehn lah beeleh'toh |
Here is my luggage | Jen miaj pakaĵoj | yehn mee'ahy pakah'zhoy |
Take it to the cloakroom | Portu ilin al la deponejo | pohr'too eeleen ahl la dehponeh'yo |
I wish to register my luggage for… | Mi deziras registri miajn pakaĵojn al… | mee dehzeer'ahss reh-ghis'tree mee'ahyn pakah'zhoyn ahl… |
The luggage is overweight | La pakaĵoj estas preter la pezo permesata | lah pakah'zhoy ehstahss preh'tehr lah peh'zo pehr-mehsah'tah |
Where is the railway-station? | Kie estas la fervoja stacio? | kee'eh eh'stahss lah fehrvo'yah staht-see'oh? |
— booking-office? | — biletejo? | — beeleh-teh'yo? |
— enquiry office? | — informejo? | — infohrmeh'yo? |
— ladies' waiting-room? | — atendejo de l' sinjorinoj? | — ahtehn-deh'yo dehl seenyohree'noy? |
— refreshment room? | — bufedo? | — boofeh'doh? |
— lavatory (w.c.)? | — necesejo? | — neht-sehseh'yo? |
— train for…? | — vagonaro al…? | — vahgo-nah'roh ahl…? |
Are you going by the express? | Ĉu vi veturos per la ekspreso? | choo vee vehtoor'ohss pehr la ekspreh'so? |
When does the train start? | Kiam ekveturos la vagonaro? | kee'ahm ekvehtoor'ohss lah vahgo-nahr'oh? |
[96] Show me the timetable | Montru al mi la horlibron | mohn'troo ahl mee la hohr-lee'brohn |
Can I book through to…? | Ĉu mi povas havi bileton rekte al…? | choo mee po'vahss hah'vee beeleh'tohn rek'teh ahl…? |
I want a first-class (ticket) to… | Mi deziras unuaklasan bileton al… | mee dehzeer'ahss oon-oo'ah-klah'sahn bee-leh'tohn ahl… |
Second return, Paris | Duaklasan iro-reiran, Parizo | doo'ah-klah'sahn eer'o-reh-eer'ahn, pahree'zo |
Two third singles, Rome | Du triaklasajn irbiletojn, Romo | doo tree'ah-klah'sahyn eer-beeleh'toyn, ro'mo |
One-and-a-half | Unu kaj duonon | oonoo kahy doo-oh'nohn |
What is the fare to Bonn? | Kiom kostas la veturo al Bonno? | kee'ohm ko'stahss la vehtoor'oh ahl bonno? |
What class, sir? | Kiu klaso, sinjoro? | kee'oh klah'so, seen-yohr'oh? |
How much is it? | Kiom estas? | kee'ohm eh'stahss? |
We want a sleeping carriage | Ni deziras dormkupeon | nee dehzeer'ahss dorm-koopeh'ohn |
— a corridor carriage | — koridoran vagonon | — koridor'ahn vahgo'nohn |
— a carriage for ladies | — kupeon rezervitan al sinjorinoj | — koopeh'ohn rehzehrvee'tahn ahl seenyoree'noy |
— a smoking compartment | — kupeon por fumantoj | — koopeh'ohn pohr foo-mahn'toy |
— a non-smoking compartment | — kupeon por nefumantoj | — koopeh'ohn pohr neh-foomahn'toy |
— platform tickets | — peronbiletojn | — pehrohn'beeleh'toyn |
Is this the train for…? | Ĉu tiu ĉi estas la vagonaro por…? | choo tee'oo chee eh'stahss lah vahgonahr'o pohr…? |
Do I change anywhere on the journey? | Ĉu mi devos vagonŝanĝi dum la veturo? | choo mee deh'vohss vah-gohn-shahn'jee doom la vehtoor'o? |
Where must I change for…? | Kie mi devas vagonŝanĝi por…? | kee'eh mee deh'vahss vahgohn-shahn'jee por…? |
Is this seat engaged? | Ĉu tiu ĉi loko estas okupita? | choo tee'oo chee lo'ko eh'stahss okoopee'tah? |
There is no room | Ne estas loko | neh eh'stahss lo'ko |
The train is just going to start | La vagonaro tuj ekveturos | la vahgo-nahr'o too'y ehk-veh-toor'ohss |
[97] Call the guard | Alvoku la konduktoron | ahlvo'koo lah kondooktohr'ohn |
Open the window | Malfermu la fenestron | mahlfehr'moo la fehneh'strohn |
Close the door | Fermu la pordon | fehr'moo la pohr'dohn |
Here is a station | Jen estas stacio | yehn eh'stahss stahtsee'oh |
Do we stop here? | Ĉu ni haltas ĉi tie? | choo nee hahl'tahss chee tee'eh? |
Do we get out here? | Ĉu ni devas tie ĉi elvagoniĝi? | choo nee deh'vahss tee'eh chee ehlvahgonee'jee? |
Do we change carriages here? | Ĉu ni devas vagonŝanĝi ĉi tie? | choo nee deh'vahss vahgohn'shahn-jee chee tee'eh? |
How long do we stop here? | Dum kiom da tempo ni haltos ĉi tie? | doom kee'ohm dah tehm'po nee hahl'tohss chee tee'eh? |
Give up your ticket | Donu vian bileton | doh'noo vee'ahn beeleh'tohn |
Here it is! | Jen! | yehn! |
My luggage is lost | Miaj pakaĵoj estas perditaj | mee'ahy pakah'zhoy ehstahss pehrdee'tahy |
Take your seats! | Envagoniĝu! | ehnvahgonee'joo! |
Change for…! | Vagonŝanĝu por…! | vahgohn'shahnjoo por…! |
All change! | Ĉiuj elvagoniĝu! | chee'oohy ehlvah-gonee'joo! |
Show your tickets | Montru viajn biletojn | mohntroo vee'ahyn beeleh'toyn |
All tickets must be shown | Ĉiu devas montri sian bileton | chee'oo dehvahss mohntree see'ahn beeleh'tohn |
Tickets, please | La biletojn mi petas | la beeleh'toyn, mee pehtahss |
(For Vocabulary see page 39.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Is this the boat for…? | Ĉu tiu ĉi estas la ŝipo por…? | choo tee'oo chee eh'stahss la shee'po por…? |
Where is this boat going? | Kien iras ĉi tiu ŝipo? | kee'ehn eer'ahss chee tee'oo shee'po? |
When do we start? | Kiam ni ekveturos? | kee'ahm nee ehkvehtoor'ohss? |
When shall we arrive? | Kiam ni alvenos? | kee'ahm nee ahl-veh'nohss? |
Time is up | Estas la horo | eh'stass la hohr'o |
Where is your luggage? | Kie estas viaj pakaĵoj? | kee'eh eh'stahss vee'ahy pakah'zhoy? |
Look for my things | Serĉu miajn aĵojn | sehr'choo mee'ahyn ah'zhoyn |
[98] There is another trunk | Estas ankoraŭ unu kofro | eh'stahss ahnkohr'ahw oo'noo ko'fro |
Let us go down into the cabin | Ni malsupreniru en la kajuton | nee mahlsoo'prehneer'oo ehn la kahyoo'tohn |
Where is my berth? | Kie estas mia dormujo? | kee'eh eh'stahss mee'ah dohr-moo'yo? |
I want a cabin to myself | Mi deziras kajuton por mi sola | mee dehzeer'ahss kahyoo'tohn por mee so'la |
Is the sea smooth? | Ĉu la maro estas trankvila? | choo la mah'ro ehstahss trahnk-vee'la? |
The sea is rough | La maro estas maltrankvila | la mah'ro estahss mahltrahnk-vee'la |
It is blowing a gale | Ventegas | vehnteh'gahss |
I feel sick | Mi sentas naŭzon | mee sehn'tahss nahw'zohn |
Can you get me some tea? | Ĉu vi povas havigi al mi iom da teo? | choo vee povahss havee'ghee ahl mee ee'ohm dah teh'oh? |
Call the stewardess | Alvoku la servistinon | ahlvo'koo la sehrvistee'nohn |
Where is the steward? | Kie estas la provizisto? | kee'eh eh'stahss la proveezist'o? |
Where are we now? | Kie ni estas nun? | kee'eh nee eh'stahss noon? |
We are nearly there | Ni preskaŭ alvenis | nee preh'skahw ahlveh'nees |
Passengers are requested to keep clear of the gangway | La pasaĝeroj estas petataj, ne restadi sur la pasponteto | la pahsah-jehr'oy eh'stahss pehtah'tahy, neh rehstah'dee soor la pahss'pohnteh'toh |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Come to the custom-house | Venu al la doganejo | veh'noo ahl la doh-gahneh'yo |
The custom-house officer | La doganisto | lah doh-gahnist'oh |
Have you your passport? | Ĉu vi havas vian pasporton? | choo vee ha'vahss veeahn pahsport'ohn? |
Will you examine this trunk? | Ĉu vi vizitos tiun ĉi kofron? | choo vee veezee'tohs tee'oon chee ko'frohn? |
Here are the keys | Jen la ŝlosiloj | yehn la shlo-see'loy |
Open it | Malfermu ĝin | mahl-fehr'moo jeen |
Unlock this box | Malfermu tiun ĉi skatolon | mahl-fehr'moo tee'oo chee skahtoh'lohn |
[99] Can I remove it? | Ĉu mi povas nun forporti ĝin? | choo mee po'vahss noon forport'ee jeen? |
Have you anything to declare? | Ĉu vi havas ion deklarindan? | choo vee hah'vahss ee'ohn dehklarin'dahn? |
I have nothing liable to duty | Mi havas nenion deklarindan | mee hah'vahss nehnee'ohn dehklarin'dahn |
Have you any tobacco or cigars? | Ĉu vi havas tabakon aŭ cigarojn? | choo vee ha'vahss tahbah'kohn ahw tsee-gah'royn? |
I have a few cigars | Mi havas kelkajn cigarojn | mee ha'vahss kehl'kahyn tsee-gah'royn |
Those are free | Pri tiuj vi ne devas pagi | pree tee'ooy vee neh deh'vahss pah'ghee |
Is that all? | Ĉu tio estas ĉio? | choo tee'oh eh'stahss chee'oh? |
What is the duty? | Kiom estas la imposto? | kee'ohm eh'stahss la impoh'sto? |
Is my luggage passed? | Ĉu oni vizitis miajn pakaĵojn? | choo oh'nee veezee'teess mee'ahyn pakah'zhoyn? |
(For Vocabulary see page 36.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Call a cab | Venigu fiakron | vehnee'goo feeah'krohn |
Closed, open | Fermitan, malfermitan | fehrmee'tahn, mahl- |
I want a hansom | Mi bezonas duradan fiakron | mee behzo'nahss doo-rah'dahn feeah'krohn |
Get me a four-wheeler | Venigu kvarradan fiakron | vehnee'goo kvar-rah'dahn feeah'krohn |
Cab, sir? | Veturilon, sinjoro? | vehtooree'lohn, seenyo'ro? |
Put my luggage in the cab | Metu miajn pakaĵojn en la fiakron | meh'too mee'ahyn pak-ah'zhoyn ehn la fee-ah'krohn |
Where do you want to go, sir? | Kien vi deziras iri, sinjoro? | kee'ehn vee dehzeer'ahss eer'ee, seen-yo'ro? |
Drive me to… | Veturigu min al… | vehtoo-ree'goo min ahl… |
Driver, what is the fare by the journey? | Veturigisto, po kiom kostas la veturo laŭ distanco? | vehtooreeg-ist'o, po kee-ohm ko'stahss la vehtoor'o lahw distahntso? |
By the hour? | Laŭhore? | lahw-ho'reh? |
Drive quickly | Veturigu rapide | vehtooree'goo rahpee'deh |
Drive slower | — pli malrapide | — plee mahlrahpee'deh |
Stop! Go on! | Haltu! Daŭrigu! | hahl'too! dahwree'goo! |
(For Vocabulary see page 36.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Where can I get a 'bus to…? | Kie mi povas trafi omnibuson al…? | kee'eh mee po'vahss trah'fee omnee-boo'sohn ahl…? |
Is there a 'bus to…? | Ĉu oni povas omnibuse veturi al…? | choo o'nee po'vahss omnee-boo'seh vehtoor'ee ahl…? |
We will take a 'bus | Ni iros omnibuse | nee eer'ohss omneeboo'seh |
The tram station | La tramstacio | la trahm'staht-see'oh |
Cars stop here | Tramveturiloj haltas ĉi tie | trahm'vehtoo-ree'loy hahl'tahss chee tee'eh |
Does this car go to…? | Ĉu tiu ĉi veturilo iras al…? | choo tee'oo chee vehtoo-ree'lo eer'ahss ahl…? |
No, the next one | Ne, la sekvonta | neh, la sehkvohn'tah |
Wait till the car stops | Atendu, ĝis la veturilo haltos | ahtehn'doo, jees la vehtoo-ree'lo hahltohss |
Do you pass…? | Ĉu vi preterveturas…? | choo vee preh'tehr-veh-too'rahss…? |
Put me down at… | Lasu min eliĝi ĉe… | lah'soo meen ehlee'jee cheh… |
Give me a ticket | Donu al mi bileton | doh'noo ahl mee beeleh'tohn |
Any more fares? | Ĉu ĉiuj pagis? | choo chee'ooy pah'gheess? |
Tickets, please | La biletojn, mi petas | la beeleh'toyn, mee peh-tahss |
Outside only | Nur ekstere | noor eksteh'reh |
Full inside | Plena interne | pleh'nah intehr'neh |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Which is the best hotel? | Kiu estas la plej bona hotelo? | kee'oo ehstahss la plehy' bo'nah hoteh'lo? |
Furnished apartments | Meblita apartamento | mehblee'tah ahpartahmehn'toh |
Apartments to let | Luebla apartamento | loo-eh'blah ahpartahmehn'toh |
Unfurnished house | Nemeblita domo | nehmeh-blee'tah dohmo |
Can I see your rooms? | Ĉu mi povas vidi viajn ĉambrojn? | choo mee po'vahss vee'dee vee'ahyn chahm'broyn? |
Let me see the room | Montru al mi la ĉambron | mohn'troo ahl mee la chahm'brohn |
What rooms do you want? | Kiujn ĉambrojn vi bezonas? | kee'ooyn chahm'broyn vee beh-zo'nahss? |
[101] I want a bedroom and sitting-room | Mi bezonas dormoĉambron kaj salonon | mee behzo'nahss dor'mo-chahm'brohn kahy saloh'nohn |
What is the price of this room? | Kioma estas la prezo de tiu ĉambro? | kee'ohma eh'stahss la preh'zo deh tee'oo chahm'bro? |
What do you charge? | Kiom vi postulas? | kee'ohm vee postoo'lahss? |
I want a cheaper one | Mi deziras pli malkaran | mee dehzeer'ahss plee mahl-kah'rahn |
That is too dear | Tio estas tro kara | tee'oh eh'stahss tro kah'rah |
Have you a double-bedded room? | Ĉu vi havas dulitan ĉambron? | choo vee hah'vahss doolee'tahn chahm'brohn? |
Are the beds well-aired? | Ĉu la litoj estas bone aerumitaj? | choo la lee'toy eh'stahss bo'neh ah-ehroomee'tahy? |
We will take these rooms | Ni luos ĉi tiujn ĉambrojn | nee loo'ohss chee tee'ooyn chahm'broyn |
How long do you want them for? | Dum kiom da tempo vi ilin bezonos? | doom kee'ohm dah tehm'po vee ee'leen behzo'nohss? |
We shall stay a week | Ni restos dum unu semajno | nee reh'stohss doom oo'noo sehmahy'no |
Are our rooms ready? | Ĉu niaj ĉambroj estas pretaj? | choo nee'ahy chahm'broy ehstahss prehtahy? |
Let us have supper at once | Volu pretigu tuj nian vespermanĝon | vo'loo preh-tee'goo tooy nee'ahn vespehrmahn'john |
Have you a table d'hôte? | Ĉu vi havas komunan manĝotablon? | choo vee hah'vahss komoo'nahn mahn'joh-tah'blohn? |
Are there any letters for me? | Ĉu estas leteroj por mi? | choo eh'stahss lehtehr'oy pohr mee? |
Can I have a warm bath? | Ĉu mi povas havi varman banon? | choo mee po'vahss ha'vee vahrmahn bahnohn? |
Give me the key of my room | Donu al mi la ŝlosilon de mia ĉambro | doh'noo ahl mee la shlosee'lohn deh mee'ah chahm'bro |
Bring me some warm water | Alportu al mi varman akvon | ahlport'oo ahl mee vahrmahn ahk'vohn |
Where is the w.c.? | Kie estas la necesejo? | kee'eh ehstahss la nehtsehseh'yo? |
[102] Take my luggage down | Portu miajn pakaĵojn malsupren | port'oo mee'ahyn pakah'zhoyn mahl-soo'prehn |
Give me a candle | Donu al mi kandelon | doh'noo ahl mee kahndeh'lohn |
I have no matches | Mi ne havas alumetojn | mee neh hah'vahss ahloomeh'toyn |
Call me at seven | Veku min je la sepa | veh'koo min yeh la sehpah |
We leave early to-morrow morning | Ni foriros frue morgaŭmatene | nee foreer'ohss froo'eh mor'gahw-mahteh'neh |
My bill, please | La kalkulon, mi petas | la kahlkoo'lohn, mee peh'tahss |
(For Vocabularies see pages 12 to 17 & 27 to 30.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Is breakfast ready? | Ĉu la matenmanĝo estas preta? | choo la mahtehn-mahn'jo eh'stahss preh'tah? |
Breakfast is ready | La matenmanĝo estas preta | la mahtehn-mahn'jo eh'stahss preh'tah |
Is the tea made? | Ĉu la teo estas farita? | choo la teh'oh eh'stahss fahree'tah? |
Is the coffee strong enough? | Ĉu la kafo estas sufiĉe forta? | choo la kah'fo eh'stahss soofee'cheh fort'ah? |
We want more cups | Ni bezonas pluajn tasojn | nee behzo'nahss ploo'ahyn tah'soyn |
Take some more sugar | Prenu iom plu da sukero | preh'noo ee'ohm ploo dah sookeh'ro |
A piece of toast | Peco de rostita pano | peht'so deh ro-stee'tah pa'noh |
Do you drink tea or coffee? | Ĉu vi trinkas teon aŭ kafon? | choo vee trin'kahss tehohn ahw kah'fohn? |
Cold meat | Malvarma viando | mahl-vahr'ma vee-ahn'doh |
Will you take an egg? | Ĉu vi manĝos ovon? | choo vee mahn'johss o'vohn? |
A rasher of bacon | Tranĉo de lardo | trahn'cho deh lahr'doh |
These eggs are hard | Ĉi tiuj ovoj estas malmolaj | chee tee'ooy o-voy eh'stahss mahl-mo'lahy |
Pass me the butter | Transdonu al mi la buteron | trahns-doh'noo ahl mee la bootehr'ohn |
Give me the salt | Donu al mi la salon | doh'noo ahl mee la sahlon |
Some rolls | Kelke da bulkoj | kehl'keh dah bool'koy |
This butter is not fresh | Tiu ĉi butero ne estas freŝa | tee'oo chee bootehr'oh neh ehstahss freh'shah |
[103] Bring some more… | Alportu iom plu da… | ahlport'oo ee'ohm ploo dah… |
Do you take milk and sugar? | Ĉu vi deziras lakton kaj sukeron? | choo vee dehzeer'ahss lahk'tohn kahy sookehr'ohn? |
No sugar, thank you | Ne sukeron, mi dankas | neh sookehr'ohn, mee dahn'kahss |
Coffee without milk | Kafo sen lakto | kah'fo sehn lahk'toh |
Coffee with milk | Kafo kun lakto | kah'fo koon lahk'toh |
A little more fish? | Iom plu da fiŝo? | ee'ohm ploo dah fee'sho? |
Yes, please | Jes, mi petas | yehss, mee peh'tahss |
Nothing more | Nenion plu | nehnee'ohn ploo |
(For Vocabularies see pages 12 to 17 & 27 to 30.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
What time is dinner? | Je kioma horo estas la ĉefmanĝo? | yeh kee-oh'ma ho'ro eh-stahss la chehfmahn'jo? |
When do you dine? | Je kioma horo vi ĉefmanĝas? | yeh kee-oh'ma ho'ro vee chehfmahn'jahss? |
We shall dine at six o'clock | Ni ĉefmanĝos je la sesa | nee chehfmahn'johss yeh la seh'sah |
Give me (show me) the bill-of-fare | Donu (montru) al mi la manĝokarton | doh'noo (mohn'troo) ahl mee la mahn'jo-kar'tohn |
Waiter! | Kelnero! | kelnehr'oh! |
What have you ready? | Kion vi havas preta? | kee'ohn vee hah'vahss preh'tah? |
Have you any roast beef? | Ĉu vi havas rostitan bovaĵon? | choo vee hah'vahss ro-stee'than bovah'zhohn? |
Are you hungry? | Ĉu vi malsatas? | choo vee mahlsah'tahss? |
I am hungry | Mi malsatas | mee mahlsah'tahss |
Are you thirsty? | Ĉu vi soifas? | choo vee so-ee'fahss? |
I am very thirsty | Mi tre soifas | mee treh so-ee'fahss |
What will you take? | Kion vi manĝos? | kee'ohn vee mahnjohss? |
What shall I help you to? | Kion mi donu al vi? | kee'ohn mee dohnoo ahl vee? |
What soup will you have? | Kian supon vi volas? | kee'ahn soo'pohn vee vo'lahss? |
Will you take some soup? | Ĉu vi prenos iom da supo? | choo vee preh'nohss ee'ohm da soo'po? |
Well done; under done | Elkuirita; ne elkuirita | ehlkoo-eeree'tah; neh ehlkoo-eeree'tah |
Here are spinach and broccoli | Jen spinako kaj brokolio | yehn speenah'ko kahy brokohlee'oh |
[104] Help yourself | Servu vin | sehr'voo veen |
It is excellent | Ĝi estas bonega | jee eh'stahss bo-neh'gah |
What fish have you? | Kiajn fiŝojn vi havas? | kee'ahyn fee'shoyn vee hah'vahss? |
Fried soles | Frititaj soleoj | fritee'tahy so-leh'oy |
Will you take some more? | Ĉu vi deziras iom plu? | choo vee dehzeer'ahss ee'ohm ploo? |
No, thank you | Ne, mi dankas | neh, mee dahn'kahss |
Change the plates | Ŝanĝu la telerojn | shahnjoo la tehlehr'oyn |
Give me a clean fork | Donu al mi puran forkon | doh'noo ahl mee poor'ahn fohr'kohn |
A clean knife | Pura tranĉilo | poorah trahnchee'lo |
Bring me a glass of water | Alportu al mi glason da akvo | ahlport'oo ahl mee glah'sohn dah ahk'vo |
Give me something to drink | Donu al mi ion por trinki | doh'noo ahl mee ee'ohn pohr trin'kee |
A bottle of wine | Botelo da vino | bo-teh'lo dah vee'no |
What wines will you have? | Kiajn vinojn vi deziras? | kee'ahyn vee'noyn vee dehzeer'ahss? |
Here is the list | Jen la listo | yehn la leest'oh |
This wine is flat | Tiu ĉi vino sengustiĝis | tee'oo chee vee'no sehn-goost-ee'jees |
What do I owe? | Kiom mi ŝuldas? | kee'ohm mee shool'dahss? |
What is the charge? | Kiom estas? | kee'ohm eh'stahss? |
(For Vocabularies see pages 12 to 17 & 27 to 30.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Will you come to tea? | Ĉu vi venos por trinki teon? | choo vee veh'nohss pohr trin'kee teh'ohn? |
Tea is ready | La teo estas preta | la teh'oh ehstahss prehtah |
Pour out the tea | Verŝu la teon | vehr'shoo la teh'ohn |
Ring, if you please | Sonorigu, mi petas | so-noree'goo, mee peh'tahss |
A little more milk | Iom plu da lakto | ee'ohm ploo dah lahk'toh |
Some more bread and butter | Iom plu da pano kaj butero | ee'ohm ploo dah pah'no kahy bootehr'oh |
Do you like your tea strong? | Ĉu vi ŝatas vian teon forta? | choo vee shah'tahss vee'ahn teh'ohn fort'ah? |
Not too strong | Ne tro forta | neh tro fort'ah |
I like it rather strong | Mi ŝatas ĝin iom forta | mee shah'tahss jeen ee'ohm fort'ah |
[105] Bring a saucer | Alportu subtason | ahlport'oo soobtah'sohn |
Do you take cream? | Ĉu vi prenas kremon? | choo vee preh'nahss kreh'mohn? |
This cream is sour | Tiu ĉi kremo estas malfreŝa | tee'oo chee kreh'mo eh'stahss mahlfreh'shah |
Another cup of tea? | Ankoraŭ tason da teo? | ahnkoh'rahw tah'sohn dah teh'oh? |
Is your tea sweet enough? | Ĉu via teo estas sufiĉe sukerita? | choo vee'ah teh'oh eh'stahss soofee'cheh soo-kehree'tah? |
I should like a little less milk | Mi preferas iom malpli da lakto | mee prefehr'ahss ee'ohm mahl'pli dah lahk'toh |
(For Vocabulary see page 26.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
How are you? | Kiel vi fartas? | kee'ehl vee fahr'tahss? |
I am very well | Mi tre bone fartas | mee treh bo'neh fahr'tahss |
I am ill | Mi estas malsana | mee eh'stahss mahlsah'nah |
I am not very well | Mi ne tre bone fartas | mee neh treh bo'neh fahr'tahss |
Are you quite well? | Ĉu vi bone fartas? | choo vee bo'neh fahr'tahss? |
Quite well, thank you | Tute bone, mi dankas | too'teh bo'neh, mee dahn-kahss |
Pretty well, thanks | Sufiĉe bone, dankon | soofee'cheh bo'neh, dahn-kohn |
How do you feel? | Kiel vi vin sentas? | kee'ehl vee vin sehn'tahss? |
I don't feel well | Mi ne sentas min en tre bona stato | mee neh sehntahss min ehn treh bo'nah stahtoh |
I feel better | Mi sentas min en pli bona stato | mee sehn'tahss min ehn plee bo'nah stahtoh |
I hope you will soon be better | Mi esperas ke vi baldaŭ resaniĝos | mee espeh'rahss, keh vee bahl'dahw rehsahnee'johss |
Do you sleep well? | Ĉu vi bone dormas? | choo vee bo'neh dohr-mahss? |
I have caught a chill | Mi malvarmumis | mee mahlvahrmoo'meess |
I have a headache | Mi havas kapdoloron | mee ha'vahss kahp-dolohr'ohn |
I feel sick | Mi sentas naŭzon | mee sehn-tahss nahw'zohn |
Send for the doctor | Venigu la kuraciston | vehnee'goo lah kooraht-sees'tohn |
[106] She has a bad cough | Ŝi havas malbonan tuson | shee ha'vahss mahlbo'nahn too'sohn |
How much is the doctor's fee for a visit? | Kiom estas la honorario de l' kuracisto por vizito? | kee'ohm eh'stahss lah honoh-rahree'oh dehl kooraht-see'stoh pohr veezee'toh? |
Where is there a chemist's? | Kie estas apoteko? | kee'eh eh'stahss ahpoh-teh'ko? |
Have this prescription made up | Plenumigu tiun ĉi recepton | plehnoomee'goo tee'oon chee rehtsehp'tohn |
One tablespoonful three times a day | Unu granda plenkulero tri fojojn ĉiutage | oonoo grahndah plehn'kooleh'roh tree foh'yoyn chee'oo-tah'gheh |
To be taken after each meal | Prenota post ĉiu manĝo | prehno'tah post chee'oo mahn'jo |
Shake the bottle | Skuu la botelon | skoo'oo lah boteh'lohn |
For outward application only | Nur por ekstera aplikado | noor pohr eksteh'rah ahpleekah'doh |
Poison | Veneno | vehneh'no |
(For Vocabulary see page 20.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Where shall we go? | Kien ni iru? | kee'ehn nee ee'roo? |
Which is the way to…? | Kiu estas la vojo al…? | kee'oo eh'stahss la vo'yo ahl…? |
To the right—left | Dekstren—maldekstren | dehkstrehn—mahldehk'strehn |
Straight before you | Rekte antaŭen | rek'teh ahntah'wehn |
Is it far from here? | Ĉu malproksime de tie ĉi? | choo mahl-proksee'meh deh tee-eh chee? |
About a mile | Proksimume unu mejlon | proksee-moo'meh oonoo may'lohn |
Go up the street | Supreniru la straton | soo'prehn-eer'oo lah strah'tohn |
Where does this road lead to? | Kien kondukas tiu ĉi vojo? | kee'ehn kondoo'kahss tee'oo chee vo'yo? |
How far is it to…? | Kiom da vojo estas ĝis…? | kee'ohm dah vo'yo eh'stahss jeess…? |
Show me the way | Montru al mi la vojon | mohn'troo ahl mee la vo'yohn |
Straight on | Rekte antaŭen | rek'teh ahntah'wehn |
Turn to the right | Turnu dekstren | toor'noo dehk'strehn |
Second turning to the right | La dua vojo dekstren | la doo'ah vo'yo dehk'strehn |
Keep to the left | Iradu maldekstren | eerah'doo mahl-dehk'strehn |
[107] Take the third on the left | Sekvu la trian maldekstren | sehk'voo la tree'ahn mahl-dehk'strehn |
At the top of this street | Ĉe la fino de tiu ĉi strato | cheh la fee'no deh tee'oo chee strah'toh |
Cross the road | Transiru la vojon | trahnseer'oo la vo'yohn |
Let us go! | Ni iru! | nee eer'oo! |
In what street is…? | En kiu strato estas…? | ehn kee'oo strah'toh eh'stahss…? |
Is this the way to…? | Ĉu tiu estas la vojo al…? | choo tee'oo eh'stahss la vo'yo ahl…? |
Do you know Mr. F.? | Ĉu vi konas Sinjoron F.? | choo vee ko'nahss seenyohr'ohn F.? |
I don't know anyone of that name | Mi ne konas iun tiel nomitan | mee neh ko'nahss ee'oon, tee'ehl no-mee'tahn |
I know him very well | Mi tre bone konas lin | mee treh boneh ko'nahss leen |
He is a friend of mine | Li estas unu el miaj amikoj | lee eh'stahss oo'noo ehl mee'ahy ahmee'koy |
Where does he live? | Kie li loĝas? | kee'eh lee lo'jahss? |
Can you direct me to his house? | Ĉu vi povas direkti min al lia domo? | choo vee po'vahss deerek'tee meen ahl lee'ah do'mo? |
Can I see Mr. F.? | Ĉu mi povas vidi Sinjoron F.? | choo mee po'vahss veedee seenyohr'ohn F.? |
He is out just now | Nunmomente li ne estas hejme | noon-mo-mehn'teh lee neh ehstahss hehy'meh |
Is Mrs. F. at home? | Ĉu Sinjorino F. estas hejme? | choo seenyo-ree'no F. eh'stahss hehy'meh? |
Mrs. F. is not at home | S-no F. ne estas hejme | seenyo-ree'no F. neh es'tahss hehy'meh |
I will call again | Mi revenos | mee rehveh'nohss |
I expect him every moment | Mi atendas lian venon ĉiumomente | mee ahtehn'dahss lee-ahn veh'nohn chee'oo-mo-mehn'teh |
Have you your card? | Ĉu vi havas vizitkarton? | choo vee ha'vahss vee-zeet-kahr'tohn? |
Does he expect you? | Ĉu li atendas vin? | choo lee ahtehn'dahss veen? |
He is expecting me | Li atendas mian venon | lee ahtehn'dahss mee'ahn veh'nohn |
I have an appointment with him | Mi havas rendevuon kun li | mee ha'vahss rehndeh-voo'ohn koon lee |
I am engaged | Mi estas okupata kun iu | mee eh'stahss ohkoopah'tah koon ee'oo |
[108] Good morning! | Bonan matenon! | bo'nahn ma-teh'nohn! |
Good day! | Bonan tagon! | bo'nahn tah'gohn! |
How do you do? | Kiel vi fartas? | kee'ehl vee fahr'tahss? |
How is Mrs. F.? | Kiel fartas S-no F.? | kee'ehl fahr'tahss seen-yo-ree'no F.? |
Give my compliments to Miss F. | Prezentu miajn komplimentojn al Fraŭlino F. | prehzehn'too mee'ahyn komplee-mehn'toyn ahl frahw-lee'no F. |
So pleased to see you | Tre kontenta vidi vin | treh kontehn'tah vee'dee vin |
Good-bye! | Adiaŭ! | ahdee'ahw! |
Farewell! | Ĝis revido! | jeess rehvee'doh! |
Must you go yet? | Ĉu vi devas jam foriri? | choo vee deh'vahss yahm foreer'ee? |
I must go | Mi devas foriri | mee deh'vahss foreer'ee |
Good evening! | Bonan vesperon! | bo'nahn vespehr'ohn! |
Good night! | Bonan nokton! | bo'nahn nok'tohn! |
(For Vocabularies see pages 11 to 19, & 27 to 36.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
I wish to buy | Mi volas aĉeti | mee vo'lahss ah-cheh'tee |
Do you keep…? | Ĉu vi havas…? | choo vee ha'vahss…? |
We have none in stock | Ni ne havas en magazeno | nee neh ha'vahss ehn ma-gahzeh'no |
We can get you some | Ni povas iom por vi akiri | nee po'vahss ee'ohm pohr vee ahkeer'ee |
What price would you like? | Je kioma prezo vi ĝin deziras? | yeh kee-oh'ma preh'zo vee jeen dehzeer'ahss? |
About half-a-crown a yard | Po ĉirkaŭ duonkrono par jardo | po cheer'kahw doo-ohn-kro'no pohr yahrdoh |
May we get it for you? | Ĉu ni ĝin por vi akiru? | choo nee jeen pohr vee ahkeer'oo? |
What is the price? | Kiom estas la prezo? | kee'ohm eh'stahss lah preh'zo? |
How much? | Kiom? | kee'ohm? |
That is too much | Tio estas tro kara | tee'oh eh'stahss tro kah'rah |
Have you a different pattern? | Ĉu vi havas alian specon? | choo vee ha'vahss ah-lee'ahn speht'sohn? |
— a better material? | — pli bonan ŝtofon? | — plee bo'nahn shto'fohn? |
Can you recommend it? | Ĉu vi povas ĝin rekomendi? | choo vee po'vahss jeen rehkomehn'dee? |
We can recommend this | Ni povas rekomendi tion | nee po'vahss rehkomehn'dee tee'ohn |
[109] We guarantee this quality | Ni tiun ĉi kvaliton garantias | nee tee'oon chee kvah-lee'tohn gahrahn-tee'ahss |
I should like to see some ribbons | Mi dezirus vidi rubandojn | mee dehzeerooss veedee roobahn'doyn |
I want some calico | Mi deziras iom da kalikoto | mee dehzeer'ahss ee'ohm dah kahlee-ko'toh |
This colour is too dark | Tiu ĉi koloro estas tro malpala | tee'oo chee ko-lohr'oh ehstahss tro mahlpah'lah |
It is faded | La koloro iom malaperis | la ko-lohr'oh ee'ohm mahl-ahpehr'eess |
Have you any narrower? | Ĉu vi havas pli mallarĝan? | choo vee ha'vahss plee mahl-lahr'jahn? |
What is this a yard? | Kiom tio kostas por unu jardo? | kee'ohm tee'o kost'ahss pohr oo'noo yahr'doh? |
This will do | Tio ĉi taŭgos | tee'oh chee tahw'gohss |
I will take this | Mi tion prenos | mee tee'ohn preh'nohss |
A reel of cotton | Unu bobeno da kotono | oonoo bo-beh'no dah ko-toh'no |
A skein | Fadenaro | fahdeh-nah'ro |
A packet of mixed pins | Paketo da miksitaj pingloj | pahkeh'toh dah miksee'tahy peen'gloy |
Not so fine | Ne tiel delikata | neh tee'ehl dehleekah'tah |
Show me some gloves | Montru al mi gantojn | mohntroo ahl mee gahn'toyn |
Try on these | Prove surmetu ĉi tiujn | pro'veh soormeh'too chee tee'ooyn |
What are they a pair? | Kiom kostas unu paro? | kee'ohm ko'stahss oo'noo pah'ro? |
That is too dear | Tio estas tro kara | tee'oh eh'stahss tro kah-rah |
They fit you very well | Ili tre bone taŭgas | ee'lee treh bo'neh tah'w-gahss |
I will take them with me | Mi kunprenos ĉion | mee koon-preh'nohss chee'ohn |
Please give me my bill | Volu doni mian kalkulon | vo'loo doh'nee mee'ahn kahl-koo'lohn |
Send all this home at once | Sendu ĉion ĉi hejmen tuj | sehn'doo chee'ohn chee hehy'mehn tooy |
Can I send them for you? | Ĉu mi povas sendi ilin por vi? | choo mee po'vahss sehn'dee ee'leen pohr vee? |
Send them to… | Sendu ilin al… | sehn'doo ee'leen ahl… |
Will you send them at once? | Ĉu vi tuj sendos ilin? | choo vee tooy sehndohss ee'leen? |
What name, please? | Kiu nomo, mi petas? | kee'oo no'mo, mee peh'tahss? |
To what address? | Al kiu adreso? | ahl kee'oo ahdreh'so? |
(For Vocabulary see page 30.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Here is the dressmaker | Jen estas la modistino | yehn eh'stahss lah mo-distee'no |
Ask her to wait | Petu, ke ŝi atendu | peh'too, keh shee ah-tehn'doo |
Show her in | Enirigu ŝin | ehneeree'goo sheen |
Have you brought my dress? | Ĉu vi alportis mian robon? | choo vee ahlpohr'teess mee'ahn ro'bohn? |
Here it is, madam | Jen, sinjorino | yehn, seenyoh-ree'no |
Will you try it on? | Ĉu vi prove surmetos ĝin? | choo vee pro'veh soor-meh'tohss jeen? |
It fits you very well | Ĝi tre ĝuste taŭgas al vi | jee treh joo'steh tah'w-gahss ahl vee |
It is not a good fit | Ĝi ne ĝuste taŭgas | jee neh joo'steh tah'w-gahss |
The skirt is too narrow | La jupo estas tro mallarĝa | lah yoo'po eh'stahss tro mahl-lahr'jah |
It is too short-waisted | La talio estas tro mallonga | lah tahlee'oh eh'stahss tro mahl-lohn'gah |
The sleeves are not wide enough | La manikoj ne estas sufiĉe larĝaj | lah mahnee'koy neh eh'stahss soofee'cheh lahr'jahy |
Make all these alterations | Faru ĉiujn ĉi ŝanĝojn | fah'roo chee'ooyn chee shahn'joyn |
What trimming would you put on? | Per kio vi ĝin garnus? | pehr kee'oh vee jeen gahr'nooss? |
Pale pink ribbon | Pala rozkolora rubando | pah'lah rohz-ko-loh'rah roobahn'doh |
When can you let me have it? | Kiam vi povos doni ĝin al mi? | kee'ahm vee po'vohss doh'nee jeen ahl mee? |
You shall have it on Saturday | Vi havas ĝin sabaton | vee ha'vohss jeen sah-bah'tohn |
Without fail | Nepre | neh'preh |
Don't disappoint me | Ne trompu miajn esperojn | neh trohmpoo mee'ahyn espehr'oyn |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
I wish to see some ladies' boots | Mi deziras vidi botojn por sinjorinoj | mee dehzeer'ahss vee'dee bo-toyn pohr seen-yoh-ree'noy |
Take my measure | Prenu mian mezuron | preh-noo mee-ahn meh-zoor'ohn |
The soles are rather thick | La plandumoj estas iom dikaj | la plahndoo'moy eh'stahss ee-ohm dee'kahy |
They are too tight | Ili tro premas | ee-lee tro preh-mahss |
[111] I cannot get my foot in | Mi ne povas enigi la piedon | mee neh po-vahss ehnee'ghee la pee-eh'dohn |
Here is a shoe-horn | Jen estas ŝukorno | yehn eh-stahss shookohr'no |
Are they comfortable? | Ĉu ili ĝenas? | choo ee-lee jeh-nahss? |
I cannot walk in them | Mi ne povas iri en ili | mee neh po-vahss eer-ee ehn ee-lee |
They hurt my heel | Ili dolorigas mian kalkanon | ee-lee doh-loree'gahss meeahn kahlkah'nohn |
I must have them as soon as possible | Estas necese, ke mi ilin havu kiel eble plej baldaŭ | eh-stahss nehtsah'seh, keh mee ee-leen ha-voo kee-ehl eh-bleh plehy' bahl-dahw |
I want some bootlaces | Mi bezonas laĉojn | mee behzoh'nahss lah'choyn |
How much are they a pair? | Kiom kostas unu paro? | kee-ohm ko-stahss oo-noo pah-ro? |
I want these shoes soled and heeled | Mi deziras lasi plandumi kaj kalkanumi tiujn ĉi ŝuojn | mee dehzeer'ahss lahsee plahndoo'mee kahy kahlkahnoo'mee tee-ooyn chee shoo-oyn |
Send my boots to be mended | Sendu ripariĝi miajn botojn | sehn-doo ripahree'jee mee'ahyn bo-toyn |
When will they be done? | Kiam ili estos pretaj? | kee-ahm ee-lee ehstohss preh' tahy? |
(For Washing List see page 33.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
I want this linen washed | Mi volas lavigi ĉi tiun tolaĵon | mee vo-lahss lahvee'ghee chee tee-oon toh-lah'zhohn |
I miss a collar | Mankas unu kolumon | mahn-kahss oo-noo ko-loo'mohn |
You don't put enough starch in | Vi ne enmetas sufiĉe da amelo | vee neh ehnmeh'tahss soofee'cheh dah ah-meh'lo |
This is too limp | Tio ĉi estas tro mola | tee-oh chee ehstahss tro mo-lah |
See how badly that is done | Vidu, kiel malbone tio estas farita | vee-doo, kee-ehl mahl-bo'neh tee-oh ehstahss fahree'tah |
You must take it back | Vi devas reporti ĝin | vee deh-vahss rehpohr'tee jeen |
This is badly ironed | Tio ĉi estas malbone gladita | tee-oh chee eh-stahss mahlbo'neh glahdee'tah |
[112] You have scorched this dress | Vi iom brulbrunigis tiun ĉi robon | vee ee-ohm brool'broo-nee'gheess tee'oon chee ro-bohn |
You put too much blue in my linen | Vi metas tro da bluo en mian tolaĵon | vee meh-tahss tro dah bloo-oh ehn mee-ahn tohlah'zhohn |
This is not my handkerchief | Tio ĉi ne estas mia naztuko | tee-oh chee neh eh'stahss mee-ah nahz-too'ko |
You have torn the lace | Vi ŝiris la punton | vee sheer-eess la poon-tohn |
When can I have it? | Kiam mi povos havi ĝin? | kee-ahm mee po-vohss hah-vee jeen? |
Return this linen on… | Resendi tiun ĉi tolaĵon la… | rehsehn'dee tee-oon chee tohlah'zhohn la… |
You must bring back this list | Estas necese, ke vi reportu tiun ĉi liston | eh-stahss nehtseh'seh, keh vee rehpohr'too tee-oon chee lee-stohn |
Have you your bill? | Ĉu vi havas vian kalkulon? | choo vee ha-vahss veeahn kahlkoo'lohn? |
I will pay you | Mi pagos vin | mee pa-gohss veen |
(For Vocabulary see page 41.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Shall we go to the theatre? | Ĉu ni iru al la teatro? | choo nee eer-oo ahl la teh-ah'tro? |
What is on at the…? | Kion oni ludas ĉe la…? | kee-ohn ohnee loo-dahss cheh la…? |
When does the performance begin? | Kiam komenciĝas la prezentado? | kee-ahm komehnt-see'jahss la prezentah'doh? |
What time do the doors open? | Je kioma horo oni malfermas la pordojn? | yeh kee-oh'mah ho-ro ohnee mahlfehr'mahss la pohr-doyn? |
Is the box-office open? | Ĉu la lokoficejo estas malfermita? | choo la loh'kofeetseh'yo eh-stahss mahlfehrmee'tah? |
Where can we book seats? | Kie oni povas antaŭe rezervi lokojn? | kee-eh oh-nee po-vahss ahntah'weh rehzehr'vee lo-koyn? |
I should like to see a plan | Mi dezirus vidi planon | mee dehzeer'ooss veedee plah-nohn |
Let us take a box | Ni prenu loĝion | nee preh-noo lohjee'ohn |
These seats are reserved | Ĉi tiuj seĝoj estas rezervitaj | chee tee'ooy seh-joy eh'stahss rehzehrvee'tahy |
[113] We will take four seats | Ni prenos kvar lokojn | nee preh-nohss kvahr lo-koyn |
Where are our seats? | Kie estas niaj lokoj? | kee-eh ehstahss nee'ahy lo-koy? |
Where is the cloakroom? | Kie estas la vestodeponejo? | kee-eh eh-stahss la veh-sto-dehpohneh'yo? |
Give me a programme | Donu al mi programon | doh-noo ahl mee prohgrah'mohn |
What is the play? | Kion oni ludas? | kee-ohn ohnee loo-dahss? |
How well the band plays! | Kiel bone la orkestro ludas! | kee-ehl bo-neh la or-keh'stro loo-dahss! |
There is a fine orchestra | Estas bonega orkestro | ehstahss bo-neh'gah orkeh'stro |
What an excellent pianist! | Kiel bonega pianisto! | kee-ehl bo-neh'gah pee-ahnist'o! |
An interval of fifteen minutes | Intertempo de dek-kvin minutoj | in'tehr-tehm'po deh dehk-kveen meenoo'toy |
Would you like some refreshment? | Ĉu vi deziras ion manĝi aŭ trinki? | choo vee dehzeer'ahss ee-ohn mahn-jee ahw trinkee? |
Shall we go to the buffet? | Ĉu ni iru al la bufedo? | choo nee ee-roo ahl la boofeh'doh? |
Is there a good museum? | Ĉu estas ĉi tie bona muzeo? | choo eh-stahss chee tee-eh bo-nah moozeh'oh? |
The works of art are very fine | La artaĵoj estas tre belaj | la ahrtah'zhoy eh-stahss treh beh'lahy |
Are tickets required? | Ĉu oni devas havi biletojn? | choo oh-nee deh-vahss hah-vee beeleh'toyn? |
Who sells them? | Kiu vendas ilin? | kee-oo ven-dahss eeleen? |
The coach leaves at ten | La diliĝenco ekveturas je la deka | la deelee-jehnt'so ehk-veh-toor'ahss yeh la deh-kah |
How much will it cost? | Kiom ĝi kostos? | kee-ohm jee ko-stohss? |
It will take all day to go there | La veturo tien okupos la tutan tagon | la vehtoor'oh tee-ehn ohkoo'pohss la too-tahn tah-gohn |
Can you put us up some refreshment? | Ĉu vi povas kunmeti por ni iom da nutraĵo? | choo vee po-vahss koon-meh'tee pohr nee ee-ohm dah nootrah'zho? |
We should like some sandwiches | Ni deziras sandviĉojn | nee dehzeer'ahss sahnd-vee'choyn |
Is there a good place for lunch? | Ĉu estas bona loko, kie oni povas tagmanĝi? | choo eh-stahss bo-nah lo-ko, kee-eh ohnee po-vahss tahg-mahn'jee? |
(For Vocabularies see pages 44 to 48.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
I want to hire a machine | Mi deziras lui biciklon | mee dehzeer'ahss loo-ee beetsee'klohn. |
With all accessories | Kun ĉiuj akcesoraĵoj | koon chee-ooy ahktseh-so-rah'zhoy |
By the hour | Laŭhore | lahw-ho'reh |
By the day | Laŭtage | lahw-tah'gheh |
What are your terms? | Kiom vi postulas? | kee-ohm vee postoo'lahss? |
Have you a cycle shelter? | Ĉu vi havas remizon por bicikloj? | choo vee hah-vahss reh-mee'zohn pohr beet-see'kloy? |
Tighten this nut | Fiksu tiun ĉi ŝraŭbingon | fik-soo tee-oon chee shrahw-been'gohn |
Loosen the chain | Malstreĉu la ĉenon | mahl-streh'choo la cheh-nohn |
What are the roads like? | Kiaj estas la vojoj? | kee-ahy eh-stahss la vo-yoy? |
Are the roads good? | Ĉu la vojoj estas bonaj? | choo la vo-yoy ehstahss bo'nahy? |
The roads are bad | La vojoj estas malbonaj | la voyoy ehstahss mahl-bo'nahy |
The roads are in good condition | La vojoj estas en bona stato | la vo-yoy eh-stahss ehn bo-nah stah-toh |
We will start at… | Ni ekiros je la… | nee ekeer'ohss yeh la… |
Are you ready? | Ĉu vi estas preta? | choo vee eh-stahss preh-tah? |
Make haste! | Rapidu! | rahpee'doo! |
Turn to the right | Turnu dekstren | toor-noo dehk-strehn |
Keep straight on | Iru rekte antaŭen | ee-roo rehkteh ahntah'wehn |
This hill is dangerous | Ĉi tiu deklivo estas danĝera | chee tee-oo dehklee'vo eh-stahss dahn-jeh'rah |
Ring your bell | Tintigu vian tintilon | tintee'goo vee-ahn tin-tee'lohn |
Don't go so fast | Ne iru tiel rapide | neh ee-roo tee-ehl rah-pee'deh |
Look out! Stop! | Atentu! Haltu! | ahtehn'too! hahl-too! |
The chain is off | La ĉeno deiĝis | la cheh-no deh-ee'jeess |
I must pump up my tyres | Estas necese, ke mi ŝveligu la pneŭmatikojn | eh-stahss nehtseh'seh, keh mee shvehlee'goo la pnehw-mahtee'koyn |
My tyre is punctured | Mia pneŭmatiko estas trapikita | mee-ah pnehw-mahtee'ko eh-stahss trahpee-kee'tah |
[115] The back tyre is burst | La malantaŭa pneŭmatiko krevis | la mahl-ahntah'wah pnehw-matee'ko kreh-veess |
I have broken a… | Mi rompis… | mee rohmpeess… |
Where can I get my bicycle mended? | Kie mi povas riparigi mian biciklon? | kee-eh mee povahss reepahree'ghee mee-ahn beetsee'klohn? |
Where is the nearest cycle shop? | Kie estas la plej proksima biciklobutiko? | kee-eh eh-stahss la plehy proksee'mah beetsee'klo-bootee'ko? |
Will you please repair…? | Ĉu vi afable riparos…? | choo vee ahfah'bleh ree-pahr'ohss…? |
When will it be ready? | Kiam ĝi estos preta? | kee-ahm jee eh-stohss prehtah? |
I want my machine cleaned | Mi deziras lasi purigi mian maŝinon | mee dehzeer'ahss lah-see pooree'ghee mee-ahn mahshee'nohn |
How long will it take? | Kiom da tempo tio okupos? | kee-ohm dah tehm'po tee-oh ohkoo'pohss? |
Is it time to light up? | Ĉu estas la horo por lumigo? | choo eh-stahss la ho-ro pohr loomee'go? |
We must light up | Ni devas lumigi | nee deh-vahss loomee'ghee |
Lighting-up time is at eight o'clock | La lumiga horo estas je la oka | la loomee'gah ho-ro eh-stahss yeh la oh-kah |
Please fill my lamp | Volu plenigi mian lampon | vo-loo plehnee'ghee mee-ahn lahm-pohn |
It wants a new wick | Ĝi bezonas novan meĉon | jee behzoh'nahss no-vahn meh-chohn |
How much is it? | Kiom estas? | kee-ohm eh-stahss? |
Have you a road guide? | Ĉu vi havas vojan gvidplanon? | choo vee hah-vahss vo-yahn gveed-plah'nohn? |
Which do you require? | Kiun vi bezonas? | kee-oon vee behzoh'nahss? |
A map of the Paris district | Mapon de la Pariza regiono | mah-pohn deh la pah-ree'zah reh-gheeoh'no |
(For Vocabularies see pages 44 to 48; see also Cycling Phrases, above.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Is there a motor garage in this town? | Ĉu estas remizo por aŭtomobiloj en tiu ĉi urbo? | choo eh-stahss rehmee'zo pohr ahwtohmoh-bee'loy ehn tee-oo chee oor-bo? |
Give me some petrol | Donu al mi petrolon | doh-noo ahl mee peh-tro'lohn |
[116] I want a carburator for motor-car | Mi deziras karburatoron por aŭtomobilo | mee dehzeer'ahss kahr-boo-rahtohr'ohn pohr ahw-toh-mohbee'lo |
The clutch is out of order | La konektumo ne funkcias | la kohnehktoo'mo neh foonk-tsee'ahss |
Have you examined my speed-changing gear? | Ĉu vi ekzamenis la rapidŝanĝan mekanismon? | choo vee ehkzahmeh'neess la rah-peed'shahn'jahn mehkah-nees'mohn? |
Replace my brake | Remetu mian bremson | rehmeh'too mee-ahn brehm-sohn |
My back spring is broken | Mia malantaŭa risorto estas rompita | mee-ah mahl-ahntah'wah ree-sohr'toh ehstahss rohmpee'tah |
Have you an accumulator—four volts? | Ĉu vi havas akumulatoron—de kvar voltoj? | choo vee hah-vahss ah-koomoo-lahtohr'ohn—deh kvahr vohl-toy? |
What is the power of this motor? | Kioma estas la potenco de tiu ĉi aŭtomobilo? | keeoh'ma eh-stahss la po-tehnt'so deh tee-oo chee ahwtohmohbee'lo? |
This is an eight-horse-power engine | Tiu ĉi estas maŝino de okĉevala potenco | tee-oo chee eh-stahss mahshee'no deh ohk'chehvah'lah potehnt'so |
A pinion is wanted for the small axle | Mankas dentradeto ĉe la malgranda akso | mahn-kahss dehnt'rah-deh'toh cheh la mahl-grahn'dah ahk'so |
I want my accumulator charged | Mi deziras ŝargigi mian akumulatoron | mee dehzeer'ahss shar-ghee'ghee mee-ahn ah-koomoolahtohr'ohn |
I have lost my horn (or hooter) | Mi perdis mian kornon (or blekilon) | mee pehrdeess mee-ahn kohr'nohn (blehkee'lohn) |
Are you an experienced driver? | Ĉu vi estas sperta motorveturigisto? | choo vee eh-stahss spehr-tah motohr'veh-tooree-gheess'toh? |
What experience have you had? | Kiun spertadon vi havis? | kee'oon spehrtah'dohn vee hah'veess? |
Drive slowly through the town | Veturu malrapide tra la urbo | vehtoor'oo mahlrahpee'deh trah la oor-bo |
Speed not to exceed…miles per hour | La rapideco devas ne esti pli ol…mejloj ĉiuhore | la rahpeedeht'so deh-vahss neh eh-stee plee ohl…meh'y-loy chee-oo-ho'reh |
(For Vocabulary see page 48.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Must permission be obtained to photograph? | Ĉu oni devas havi permeson por fotografi? | choo oh-nee deh-vahss hah-vee pehrmeh'sohn pohr fo-tograh'fee? |
I wish to take the interior | Mi volas fotografi la internon | mee vo-lahss fo-tograh'fee la intehr'nohn |
Have you brought your camera? | Ĉu vi kunportis vian kamereton? | choo vee koonpor'teess veeahn kam-ehreh'tohn? |
This is my camera | Tio ĉi estas mia kamereto | tee-oh chee eh-stahss mee-ah kam-ehreh'toh |
The lens is broken | La lenso estas rompita | la lehn-so eh-stahss rohmpee'tah |
The light is too strong | La lumo estas tro forta | la loo-mo eh-stahss tro fohr-tah |
What exposure must I give it? | Kiom mi devas espozi ĝin? | kee-ohm mee deh-vahss ehspo'zee jeen? |
It is out of focus | Ĝi ne estas ĝuste en fokuso | jee neh ehstahss joo'steh ehn fo-koo'so |
What size of plate do you use? | Kioman grandon de plato vi uzas? | keeoh'mahn grahndohn deh plah-toh vee oo-zahss? |
Have you a dark room? | Ĉu vi havas rivelejon? | choo vee hah'vahss ree-vehleh'yohn? |
I want to develop some plates | Mi volas riveli kelkajn platojn | mee vo-lahss reeveh'lee kehl'kahyn plah-toyn |
This plate is spoilt | Tiu ĉi plato estas difektita | tee-oo chee plah-toh eh-stahss deefehk-tee'tah |
That is due to over-exposure | Tio estas pro troa espozo | tee-oh eh-stahss pro tro-ah ehspo'zo |
I am going to print more copies | Mi presos plu da ekzempleroj | mee preh'sohss ploo da ehkzehm-pleh'roy |
This was spoilt in the printing | Tiu ĉi difektiĝis dum la presado | tee-oo chee deefehktee'jeess doom la prehsah'doh |
What a beautiful photograph! | Kiel bela fotografaĵo! | kee-ehl beh-la fo-to-grahfah'zho! |
The grouping is very good | La gruparanĝo estas tre bona | la groop-ahrahn'jo eh-stahss treh bo-nah |
I have secured some fine views | Mi kaptis bonegajn vidaĵojn | mee kahp-teess bo-neh'gahyn veedah'zhoyn |
Do you sell photographic materials? | Ĉu vi vendas fotografajn materialojn? | choo vee vehn-dahss fo-tograh'fahyn mahteh-reeah'loyn? |
[118] I want some pretty mounts | Mi deziras beletajn muntokartojn | mee dehzeer'ahss beh-leh'tahyn moontoh-kahr'toyn |
What do you require? | Kion vi bezonas? | kee-ohn vee behzohn'ahss? |
I should like some more films | Mi bezonas plu da filmoj | mee behzoh'nahss ploo dah feel-moy |
(For Vocabulary see page 50.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Is there an English church here? | Ĉu estas ĉi tie Angla preĝejo? | choo eh-stahss chee tee-eh ahnglah prehjeh'yo? |
Is it near here? | Ĉu ĝi estas proksima de tie ĉi? | choo jee ehstahss prohksee'ma deh tee-eh chee? |
Who is the preacher? | Kiu estas la predikanto? | kee-oo eh-stahss la prehdee-kahn'toh? |
What time is the service? | Je kioma horo komenciĝas la diservo? | yeh keeoh'ma horo kohmentsee'jahss la deesehr'vo? |
The seats must be paid for | Oni devas pagi pri la sidlokoj | oh-nee deh-vahss pahghee pree la seed-lo'koy |
The seats are free | La sidlokoj estas senpagaj | la seed-lo'koy eh-stahss sehnpah'gahy |
Is there a collection? | Ĉu estas monkolekto? | choo ehstahss mohnko-lek'toh? |
An offertory is taken | Oni faras monkolekton | ohnee fahrahss mohnko-lek'tohn |
Can you find me a seat? | Ĉu vi povas trovi por mi sidejon? | choo vee povahss trovee pohr mee sid-eh'yohn? |
The verger will find you a seat | La pedelo trovos sidejon por vi | la pehdeh'lo tro-vohss sid-eh'yohn pohr vee |
Mass is being celebrated | Oni faras la meson | oh-nee fah-rahss la meh-sohn |
Let us wait—go | Ni atendu—ni iru | nee ahtehn'doo—nee eer'oo |
Pass me a hymn-book | Volu transdoni himnolibron | vo-loo trahnsdoh'nee him'no-lee'brohn |
What other services are there? | Kiuj aliaj diservoj estas? | kee-ooy ahlee'ahy deesehr'voy eh-stahss? |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
What time is it? | Kioma horo estas? | kee-oh'ma ho-ro ehstahss? |
It has just struck nine | Ĵus sonis la naŭa (horo) | zhooss so-neess la nahwah (ho-ro) |
[119] Exactly 3 o'clock | Precize la tria | prehtsee'zeh la tree-ah |
Ten (minutes) past seven | Dek minutoj post la sepa | dehk meenoo'toy post la seh-pa |
A quarter past one | Kvarono post la unua | kvahro'no post la oonoo'ah |
Half-past four | Duono post la kvara | doo-o'no post la kvahra |
Twenty (minutes) to six | Dudek minutoj antaŭ la sesa | doo-dehk meenoo'toy ahn'tahw la seh-sah |
At what time? | Je kioma horo? | yeh kee-oh'ma ho-ro? |
At a quarter to eight | Je kvarono antaŭ la oka | yeh kvahro'no ahn'tahw la oh-kah |
At nine a.m. | Je la naŭa matene | yeh la nah-wah mahteh'neh |
Seven-fifteen p.m. | La sepa-dek-kvin vespere | la seh'pa-dehk-kveen veh-speh'reh |
Is it late? | Ĉu estas malfrue? | choo eh-stahss mahlfroo'eh? |
It is (not) late | (Ne) estas malfrue | (neh) eh-stahss mahlfroo'eh |
It is still early | Estas ankoraŭ frue | eh-stahss ahnko'rahw froo'eh |
It is getting late | Malfruiĝas | mahl-froo-ee'jahss |
It is only ten | Estas nur la deka | eh-stahss noor la deh-kah |
The clock is striking | La horo sonas | la ho-ro so-nahss |
(For Vocabularies see pages 9, 10, & 17–19.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
This day week | Unu semajnon de hodiaŭ | oo-noo sehmah'y-nohn deh ho-dee'ahw |
That was three or four days ago | Tio okazis antaŭ tri aŭ kvar tagoj | tee-oh ohkah'zeess ahn'tahw tree ahw kvahr tah-goy |
To-morrow fortnight | Du semajnojn de morgaŭ | doo sehmah'y-nohn deh mohr'gahw |
At about this time | Proksimume je tiu ĉi horo | prohksee-moo'meh yeh tee-oo chee ho-ro |
In a month's time | Post unu monato | post oo-noo mohnah'toh |
The first of next month | La unua de l' proksima monato | la oonoo'ah dehl prohksee'mah mohnah'toh |
In (after) six weeks | Post ses semajnoj | post sehss sehmah'ynoy |
On the last day of the month | La lastan tagon de l' monato | la lah-stahn tah-gohn dehl mohnah'toh |
At the end of this month | Je la fino de tiu ĉi monato | yeh la fee-no deh tee-oo chee mohnah'toh |
[120] Towards the middle of January | Ĉirkaŭ la mezo de Januaro | cheer'kahw la meh-zo deh yahnooah'ro |
In the course of a week | En la daŭro de unu semajno | ehn la dahw'ro deh oo-noo sehmah'y-no |
From time to time | De l'tempo al tempo | dehl tehmpo ahl tehmpo |
From one day to another | De unu tago al alia | deh oo-noo tah-go ahl ahlee'ah |
A few days ago | Antaŭ kelkaj tagoj | ahn'tahw kehl'kahy tah-goy |
A short time since | Antaŭ nelonga tempo | ahn'tahw nehlohn'gah tehmpo |
Scarcely two days ago | Antaŭ apenaŭ du tagoj | ahn'tahw apeh'nahw doo tahgoy |
At least a month ago | Antaŭ almenaŭ unu monato | ahn'tahw ahlmeh'nahw oo-noo mo-nah'toh |
It is full moon | Estas plena luno | ehstahss plehnah loono |
The heat is unbearable | La varmo estas neelportebla | la varmo ehstahss nehehlpohrteh'blah |
I am very warm | Mi estas tre varma | mee ehstahss treh varma |
I am afraid it will rain | Mi timas, ke pluvos | mee teemahss, keh ploovohss |
We shall have a storm | Ni havos fulmotondron | nee ha-vohss fool-mo-tohn'drohn |
Did you see the lightning? | Ĉu vi vidis la fulmon? | choo vee vee-dees la fool-mohn? |
I heard the thunder | Mi aŭdis la tondron | mee ahw-dees la tohn-drohn |
How it pours! | Kiel pluvegas! | kee-ehl plooveh'gahss! |
Would you like an umbrella? | Ĉu vi deziras pluvombrelon? | choo vee dehzeer'ahss ploov-ohmbreh'lohn? |
I am wet through | Mi estas trae malsekigita | mee eh-stahas trah-eh mahlsehkee-ghee'tah |
Look at the rainbow | Rigardu la ĉielarkon | reegahr'doo la chee-ehlahr'kohn |
It is growing very cold | Tre malvarmiĝas | treh mahlvarmee'jahass |
Winter will soon be here | La vintro baldaŭ alvenos | la veen-tro bahl'dahw ahlveh'nohss |
It snows | Neĝas | neh-jahss |
It freezes—it thaws | Frostas—degelas | fro-stahss—dehgheh'lahss |
It is very dirty | Estas tre malpure | eh-stahss treh mahl-poor'eh |
It is very windy | Tre ventas | treh vehntahss |
How high the wind is! | Kiel forta estas la vento! | kee-ehl fohrtah ehstahss la vehntoh! |
The wind is in the east | La vento blovas el la oriento | la vehntoh blovahss ehl la ohree-ehn'toh |
[121] The dust is terrible | La polvo estas terura | la pohlvo eh-stahss teh-roor'ah |
I hope it will be fine | Mi esperas, ke la vetero estos bela | mee espeh'rahss, keh la vehteh'ro ehstohss behla |
What a beautiful day! | Kiel bela tago! | kee-ehl beh-la tah-go! |
(For Vocabulary see page 60.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Number of Customs' declarations | Nombro de doganaj deklaroj | nohm'bro deh dohgah'nahy dehklah'roy |
Nature of contents | Priskribo de la enhavo | preeskree'bo deh la ehnhah'vo |
Value of contents | Valoro de la enhavo | vahlohr'oh deh la ehnhah'vo |
Stamp of office of origin | Stampo de la elsendinta oficejo | stahm-po deh la ehl-sehndin'tah offeetseh'yo |
Place of destination | Kien sendata | kee-ehn sehndah'tah |
Name and address of sender | Nomo kaj adreso de l'sendinto | no-mo kahy ahdreh'so dehl sehndin'toh |
Where is the post-office? | Kie estas la poŝtoficejo? | kee-eh ehstahss la pohst-offeetseh'yo? |
Have you any letters for…? | Ĉu vi havas leterojn por…? | choo vee hah-vahss letehr'oyn pohr…? |
Will this letter go to-night? | Ĉu tiu ĉi letero forsendiĝos jam hodiaŭ nokte? | choo tee-oo chee lehtehr'o fohrsendee'johss yahm ho-dee'ahw nok-teh? |
What stamp will this letter require? | Kiom estos la afranko de tiu ĉi letero? | kee-ohm eh-stohss la ahfrahn'ko deh tee-oo chee lehteh'roh? |
To register a letter | Registri leteron | rehghis'tree lehtehr'ohn |
I wish to send a telegram | Mi volas sendi telegramon | mee vo-lahss sehn-dee tehlehgrah'mohn |
The first ten words | La unuaj dek vorto | la oonoo'ahy dehk vortoy |
Every extra word | Ĉiu plua vorto | chee-oo ploo-ah vor-toh |
I expect a telegram to-day | Mi atendas telegramon hodiaŭ | mee ahten'dahss tehleh-grah'mohn ho-dee'ahw |
When does the post from Rome come? | Kiam alvenas la kuriero de Romo? | kee-ahm ahlveh'nahs la kooree-eh'ro deh romo? |
The letters will be delivered about noon | La leteroj estos alportataj ĉirkaŭ la tagmezo | la lehteh'roy eh-stohss ahl-portah'tahy cheer'kahw la tahg-meh'zo |
[122] When does the mail leave for Italy? | Je kioma horo foriras la kuriero por Italujo? | yeh kee-oh'ma ho-ro foreer'ahss la kooree-eh'ro pohr eetaloo'yo? |
Is the London mail in yet? | Ĉu la Londona kuriero ankoraŭ alvenis? | choo la lohndoh'nah kooree-eh'ro ahnko'rahw ahlveh'neess? |
When is the next delivery? | Kiam okazos la proksima disporto? | kee-ahm ohkah'zohss la proksee'mah dispor'toh? |
The latest delivery is at… | La lasta disporto okazas je la… | la lah-stah dispor'toh ohkah'zahss yeh la… |
I want a money order for… | Mi deziras poŝtmandaton por… | mee dehzeer'ahss posht-mahndah'tohn pohr… |
Payable at the General Post-office, London | Pagebla ĉe la Ĉefa Poŝtoficejo, Londono | pah-gheh'blah cheh la cheh'fah posht-offeetseh'yo lohndoh'no |
What is the postage on this letter? | Kiom da afranko pri tiu ĉi letero? | kee-ohm dah ahfrahn'ko pree tee-oo chee lehteh'roh? |
Is this letter over-weight? | Ĉu tiu ĉi letero estas tro peza? | choo tee-oo chee lehteh'roh ehstahss tro pehzah? |
It requires another stamp | Ĝi bezonas pluan poŝtmarkon | jee bezoh'nahss plooahn posht-mar'kohn |
(For Vocabulary see page 61.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
I have a letter to answer | Mi devas respondi leteron | mee deh-vahss rehspohn'dee lehteh'rohn |
I must write a letter | Mi devas skribi leteron | mee deh-vahss skreebee lehtehr'ohn |
Do you want a pen? | Ĉu vi deziras plumon? | choo vee dehzeer'ahss ploo-mon? |
I want some paper and envelopes | Mi bezonas paperon kaj kovertojn | mee behzoh'nahss pahpeh'rohn kahy kovehr'toyn |
Will you give me some? | Ĉu vi donos al mi iom? | choo vee doh-nohss ahl mee ee-ohm? |
Lend me a sheet | Pruntedonu al mi folion | proon-teh-doh'noo ahl mee fohlee'ohn |
Have you any? | Ĉu vi havas iom? | choo vee hah-vahss ee-ohm? |
Can you lend me a pen? | Ĉu vi povas pruntedoni al mi plumon? | choo vee povahss proon-teh-doh'nee ahl mee ploo-mohn? |
[123] Do you like a soft pen? | Ĉu vi ŝatas molan plumon? | choo vee shah-tahss mo-lahn ploo-mohn? |
I like a hard one | Mi preferas malmolan | mee preh-fehr'ahss mahlmo'lahn |
Where is the ink? | Kie estas la inko? | kee-eh eh-stahss la eenko? |
There is no ink | Ne estas inko | neh eh-stahss een-ko |
What is the day of the month? | La kioma tago de l'monato estas? | la kee-oh'ma tahgo dehl mo-nah'toh eh-stahss? |
To-day is the first | Hodiaŭ estas la unua | ho-dee'ahw eh-stahss la oonoo'ah |
This is the ninth | Hodiaŭ estas la naŭa | ho-dee'ahw eh-stahss la nah-wah |
Is your letter ready for the post? | Ĉu via letero estas preta par la poŝto? | choo vee-ah lehteh'roh eh-stahss preh-tah por la posh-toh? |
Seal your letter | Sigelu vian leteron | sigeh'loo vee-ahn lehteh'rohn |
There is no sealing-wax | Ne estas sigelvakso | neh eh-stahss sigehlvahk'so |
Take this letter to the post | Portu tiun ĉi leteron al la poŝto | portoo tee-oon chee lehteh'rohn ahl la posh-toh |
Pay the postage | Afranku ĝin | ahfrahn'koo jin |
(For Vocabulary, see p. 54.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Call the police | Alvoku policanon | ahlvo'koo pohleet-sah'nohn |
I give this man in charge | Mi arestigas tiun ĉi homon | mee ahreh-stee'gahss tee-oon chee ho'mohn |
What do you charge him with? | Pri kio vi akuzas lin? | pree kee-oh vee ahkoo'zahss lin? |
He has stolen my purse | Li ŝtelis mian monujon | lee shteh-leess mee-ahn monoo'yohn |
He has taken my watch | Li prenis mian poŝ-horloĝon | lee prehneess mee-ahn posh-horlo'john |
Where is the police-station? | Kie estas la policejo? | kee-eh eh-stahss la pohleet-seh'yo? |
Have you any witnesses? | Ĉu vi havas atestantojn? | choo vee hah-vahss ahteh-stahn'toyn? |
I have two witnesses | Mi havas du atestantojn | mee hahvahss doo ahtehstahn'toyn |
Where is the court? | Kie estas la tribunalo? | kee-eh eh-stahss la treeboonah'lo? |
[124] You must take out a summons | Vi devas eldonigi asignon | vee deh-vahss ehldoh-nee'ghee ahseeg'nohn |
I want a summons | Mi deziras asignon | mee dehzeer'ahss ah-seeg'nohn |
Do you wish to prosecute? | Ĉu vi deziras persekuti? | choo vee dehzeer'ahss pehrsehkoo'tee? |
I don't care to prosecute | Mi ne volas persekuti | mee neh vo-lahss pehr-sehkoo'tee |
What do you advise? | Kion vi konsilas? | kee'ohn vee konsee'lahss? |
What am I to do? | Kion mi faru? | kee-ohn mee fah-roo? |
Can you recommend me a solicitor? | Ĉu vi povas rekomendi al mi solicitoron? | choo vee po-vahss reh-komehn'dee ahl mee sohleet-seetor'ohn? |
Will you take up my case? | Ĉu vi okupos vin pri mia afero? | choo vee ohkoo'pohss vin pree mee-ah ahfeh'roh? |
Can I have an interpreter? | Ĉu mi povas havi interpretiston? | choo mee po-vahss hahvee intehrprehtis'ton? |
I want bail | Mi deziras, ke oni min liberigu je kaŭcio | mee dehzeer'ahss, keh oh-nee min libehree'goo yeh kahwtsee'oh |
Send to my friends | Sendu iun al miaj amikoj | sehn-doo ee-oon ahl mee'ahy ahmee'koy |
Where is the British Embassy (Consulate)? | Kie estas la Brita Ambasadorejo (Konsulejo)? | kee-eh eh-stahss la bree-tah ahmbahsahdoreh'yo (konsooleh'yo)? |
This is quite wrong | Tio estas tute malĝusta | tee-oh eh-stahss too-teh mahl-joos'tah |
It is not just | Ne estas juste | neh eh-stahss yoos-teh |
I accept your apology | Mi akceptas vian peton | mee ahktsehp'tahss veeahn peh-tohn |
I apologise | Mi petas pardonon | mee peh-tahss pardoh'nohn |
It was all a mistake | La tuta afero estis eraro | la too-tah ahfehr'oh eh-steess ehrah'ro |
I claim damages | Mi postulas monkompenson | mee postoo'lahss mohnkompehn'sohn |
The case is adjourned until… | La proceso estas prokrastita ĝis… | la prohtseh'so eh-stahss prohkrah-stee'tah jiss… |
I will be here | Mi estos tie ĉi | mee ehstohss tee-eh chee |
(For Vocabulary see page 56.)
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
The firm has failed | La firmo bankrotis | la feer'mo bahnkro'teess |
What assets are there? | Kiom da aktivo estas? | kee-ohm dah ahktee'vo eh-stahss? |
Show me a balance-sheet | Montru al mi bilancon | mohn-troo ahl mee bee-lahnt'sohn |
What dividend is declared? | Kioman dividendon oni deklaris? | keeohman dividen'dohn ohnee deklah'reess? |
The Bank rate is down | La Banka kurso malaltiĝis | la bahn-kah koor-so mahlahltee'jeess |
Send in my account | Sendu mian konton | sehn-doo mee-ahn kontohn |
There is an error in your account | Estas eraro en via konto | eh-stahss eh-rah'ro ehn vee-ah kon-toh |
You have over-charged me | Vi kalkulis al mi tro kare | vee kahlkoo'leess ahl mee tro kah-reh |
This has been paid | Tio estas pagita | teeoh ehstahss pahgheetah |
Your account is overdue | Estas jam post la pagdato de via konto | ehstahss yahm pohst la pahg-dah'toh deh veeah kon-toh |
Give me a receipt | Donu al mi kvitancon | donoo ahl mee kvitahnt'sohn |
My samples are delayed | Miaj specimenoj malfruas | mee'ahy speht-seemeh'noy mahl-froo'ahss |
Your esteemed order to hand | Via ŝatata mendo alvenis | vee-ah shahtah'tah mehndoh ahlveh'neess |
We require trade references | Ni bezonas negocreferencojn | nee behzoh'nahss nehgohts-rehfehrent'soyn |
I have a letter of introduction | Mi havas prezentan leteron | mee havahss prehzehn'tahn lehteh'rohn |
When can you deliver the goods? | Kiam vi povas liveri la komercaĵojn? | kee-ahm vee po-vahss leeveh'ree la komehrtsah'zhoyn? |
We will deliver on the 1st proximo | Ni liveros la unuan de la proksima monato | nee leeveh'rohss la oonoo'ahn deh la proksee'mah mohnah'toh |
To execute an order | Plenumi mendon | plehnoo'mee mehndohn |
Can I insure my baggage? | Ĉu mi povas asekuri miajn pakaĵojn? | choo mee po-vahss ahsehkoo'ree mee'ahyn pahkah'zhoyn? |
Your baggage is liable to duty | Viaj pakaĵoj estas imposteblaj | vee'ahy pahkah'zhoy eh-stahss imposteh'blahy |
[126] What is the rate? | Po kiom? | po kee-ohm? |
To discount a bill | Diskonti kambion | diskon'tee kahmbee'ohn |
Will you accept a bill? | Ĉu vi akceptos kambion? | choo vee ahktsehp'tohss kahmbee'ohn? |
Give me your estimate | Donu al mi vian kostproponon | dohnoo ahl mee vee-ahn kost-prohpo'nohn |
Quote me a price | Proponu prezon | prohpo'noo preh-zohn |
Carriage forward | Transporto pagota de la ricevonto | trahnspor'toh pahgoh'tah deh la ritsehvon'toh |
Send by fast train | Sendu per rapidira vagono | sehn'doo pehr rahpeedee'rah vahgo'no |
It is short weight | Mankas iom al la pezo | mahn-kahss ee-ohm ahl la peh-zo |
What is the weight? | Kiom estas la pezo? | kee-ohm eh-stahss la peh-zo? |
The consignment is bad | La sendaĵo estas malbona | la sehndah'zho ehstahss mahl-bo'nah |
Not according to sample | Ne laŭ specimeno | neh lahw spehtseemeh'no |
English. | Esperanto. | Pronunciation. |
Where can I get money changed? | Kie mi povas ŝanĝigi monon? | kee-eh mee po-vahss shahnjee'ghee mo-nohn? |
I want change for a five-pound note | Mi volas havi monerojn por kvinfunta bankbileto | mee volahss hahvee moneh'royn por kvinfoon'tah bahnk-beeleh'toh |
Will you give me English money? | Volu doni al mi Anglan monon? | vo-loo doh-nee ahl mee ahn-glahn mo-nohn? |
What is the exchange on English money? | Po kiom estas la kurso pri Angla mono? | po kee-ohm eh-stahss la koor-so pree ahn-glah mo-no? |
A bank-note | Bankbileto | bahnk-beeleh'toh |
Will you change me these sovereigns? | Ĉu vi povas ŝanĝi por mi ĉi tiujn funtojn sterlingajn? | choo vee po-vahss shahnjee por mee chee tee-ooyn foon-toyn stehrlin'gahyn? |
Will you cash this cheque for me? | Ĉu vi povas ŝanĝi por mi ĉi tiun ĉekon? | choo vee po-vahss shahnjee por mee chee tee-oon cheh-kohn? |
This cheque needs endorsing | Estas necese, ĝiri tiun ĉi ĉekon | eh-stahss nehtseh'seh, jee-ree tee-oon chee cheh-kohn |
The following tables will be found useful:
£ | s. | d. | Fr. | C. | Mark | Pf. | Lire | Cent. |
50 | 0 | 0 | 1250 | 00 | 1000 | 00 | 1260 | 00 |
10 | 0 | 0 | 250 | 00 | 200 | 00 | 252 | 00 |
5 | 0 | 0 | 125 | 00 | 100 | 00 | 126 | 00 |
4 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 00 | 80 | 00 | 100 | 80 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 00 | 20 | 00 | 25 | 20 |
16 | 0 | 20 | 00 | 16 | 00 | 20 | 16 | |
10 | 0 | 12 | 50 | 10 | 00 | 12 | 60 | |
5 | 0 | 6 | 25 | 5 | 00 | 6 | 30 | |
4 | 0 | 5 | 00 | 4 | 00 | 5 | 04 | |
2 | 6 | 3 | 12.5 | 2 | 50 | 3 | 15 | |
1 | 0 | 1 | 25 | 1 | 00 | 1 | 25 | |
6 | 62.5 | 50 | 62 | |||||
5 | 52 | 41 | 52 | |||||
4 | 41 | 33 | 41 | |||||
1 | 10 | 8 | 10 | |||||
½ | 5 | 4 | 5 |
£ | s. | d. | s. | d. | £ | s. | d. | |||||||||
50 | francs | = | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | mark | = | 1 | 0 | 50 | lire | = | 1 | 19 | 8 |
20 | " | = | 16 | 0 | 8 | pfennig | = | 1 | 20 | " | = | 16 | 0 | |||
5 | " | = | 4 | 0 | 4 | pfennig | = | ½ | 5 | " | = | 4 | 0 | |||
1 | franc | = | 10 | 1 | lira | = | 9½ | |||||||||
10 | centimes | = | 1 | 10 | centesimi | = | 1 | |||||||||
5 | " | = | ½ | 5 | " | = | ½ |
Considerable use is also made by Esperantists of the International Aŭiliary Money-unit (Internacia Helpa Mono) introduced by M. René de Saussure, of the Internacia Scienca Asocio, Geneva. The unit is the Speso, equivalent to one-tenth of a farthing in English money.
The approximate values of 10 spesmiloj in terms of the various national units are as follows: 10 spesmiloj = 25 francs = 20 shillings = 20 marks = 5 dollars = 24 Austrian kroner = 18 Scandinavian kroner = 12 Dutch florins = 9½ roubles = 4½ Portuguese milreis = 9 Brazilian milreis = 5 pesetas = 9¾ yen.
The chief point to remember is that 1 spesmilo equals 2 shillings, and 1 spesdeko equals approximately 1 farthing.
The Metric System is the one in general use among Esperantists. The following table shows the essential decimal character of the system:
Parts. | Length. | Weight. | Capacity. |
One-thousandth. | Milimetro. | Miligramo. | Mililitro. |
One-hundredth. | Centimetro. | Centigramo. | Centilitro. |
One-tenth. | Decimetro. | Decigramo. | Decilitro. |
One. | Metro (unit). | Gramo (unit). | Litro (unit). |
Ten. | Dekametro. | Dekagramo. | Dekalitro. |
Hundred. | Hektometro. | Hektogramo. | Hektolitro. |
Thousand. | Kilometro. | Kilogramo. | Kilolitro. |
English. | Esperanto. | Esperanto. | English. | ||
1 inch | = | 2.54 centimetroj | 1 centimetro | = | 0.394 (1/3) inch |
1 foot (12 in.) | = | 30.48 " | 1 decimetro | = | 3.94 inches |
1 yard (3 ft.) | = | 91.43 " | 1 metro | = | 39.37 in. (3 ft. 3-1/3 in.) |
1 furlong (220 yds.) | = | 201 metroj | 1 hektometro | = | 109 yds. 1 ft. |
1 mile (1760 yds.) | = | 1.61 kilometroj | 1 kilometro | = | 1093 yds. (5/8 mile) |
5 miles | = | 8.05 " | 5 kilometroj | = | 3 miles 220 yds. |
English. | Esperanto. | Esperanto. | English. | ||
1 ounce… | = | 28 gramoj | 1 gramo | = | .0357 (1/30) oz. (15.432 gr.) |
1 lb. (16 oz.) | = | 453 " | 1 hektogramo | = | 3½ oz. |
1 stone (14 lb.) | = | 6 kilo. 345 gr. | 1 kilogramo | = | 2.2 lb. |
1 quarter (28 lb.) | = | 12 kilo. 690 gr. | 5 kilogramoj | = | 11 lb. |
1 cwt. (112 lb.) | = | 50 kilo. 750 gr. | 1000 " | = | 19 cwt. 2 qr. 23 lb. |
1 ton (20 cwt.) | = | 1015 kilogramoj |
English. | Esperanto. | Esperanto. | English. | ||
1 pint | = | 0.57 litro | 1 litro | = | 1.76 (1¾) pints (0.22 gall.) |
1 quart (2 pints) | = | 1.14 litroj | 5 litroj | = | 1 gallon 1 pint |
1 gallon (4 quarts) | = | 4.54 " | 1 hektolitro | = | 22 gallons |
1 barrel (36 gallons) | = | 160.32 " | 1 kilolitro | = | 220 " |
1 hogshead (54 gall.) | = | 240.48 " |
English. | Esperanto. | Esperanto. | English. | ||
1 sq. inch | = | 6.45 kvadrataj centimetroj | 1 centiaro (1 kv. metro) | = | 1.196 sq. yd. |
1 sq. foot | = | 9.29 " decimetroj | 1 aro (100 kv. metroj) | = | 0.099 rood |
1 sq. yard | = | 83.6 " decimetroj | 1 hektaro (10,000 kv. metroj) | = | 2.471 acres |
1 acre | = | 4046.78 kv. metroj |
The following Esperanto translations of English units are sometimes needed: Colo, inch; futo, foot; jardo, yard; mejlo, mile; unco, ounce; funto, pound; ekro, acre.
The postage on Letters from the United Kingdom to foreign countries (except Egypt and the United States) is 2½d. for 1 ounce, and 1½d. for each succeeding ounce or fraction thereof; Postcards, 1d.; Newspapers, ½d. for every 2 ounces; Commercial Papers, 2½d. for the first 10 ounces, and ½d. per 2 ounces thereafter. Special Coupons for Prepayment of Reply are issued in connection with many countries.
[1] Any information as to Esperanto groups, literature, etc., may be obtained on application to The British Esperanto Association, 142, High Holborn, London, W.C. 1.
[2] The names of trees and bushes are formed by adding the suffix -uj (or simply -arbo, tree) to the root denoting the fruit or flower. E.g., pruno, plum—prunujo or prunarbo, plum-tree; marono, chestnut—maronujo, maronarbo, chestnut-tree; rozo, rose—rozujo, rozarbeto, rose-bush.
[4] Where a country is called after its inhabitants, the Esperanto name for it is formed by adding the suffix -uj (= that which contains, see p. 85) or -lando (land) to the root denoting the inhabitant. Thus: Belg-o, Belgian—Belg-ujo, Belgium; Brito, Briton—Grandbritujo, Great Britain; Sviso, a Swiss—Svisujo, Switzerland; or Belgolando, Skotlando, Anglolando, Svislando, etc. Where the name of the inhabitants is formed from that of the country, use is made of the suffix -ano (= member of). Thus: Eŭropo, Europe—Eŭropano, European; Irlando, Ireland—Irlandano, Irishman.
[9] For this purpose the small penny Esperanto "key," which contains the fundamental roots of the language, will be found useful. It may be obtained of any Esperanto bookseller.
The following typographic errors were corrected:
as well as several punctuation errors and inconsistencies in the Prononciation column of the tables, which were silently corrected.
End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Esperanto Self-Taught with Phonetic Pronunciation, by William W. Mann *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK ESPERANTO SELF-TAUGHT *** ***** This file should be named 23984-h.htm or ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Produced by Jonathan Ingram, Laurent Vogel and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from public domain print editions means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules, set forth in the General Terms of Use part of this license, apply to copying and distributing Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works to protect the PROJECT GUTENBERG-tm concept and trademark. 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