The Project Gutenberg EBook of Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam, by Unknown This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam Author: Unknown Posting Date: September 19, 2010 [EBook #9000] Release Date: September, 2005 First Posted: September 7, 2003 Language: Sanskrit Character set encoding: ASCII *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK SRI VISHNU SAHASRANAAMAM *** Produced by N. Srinivasan and Karthik Krishnan, formatted and proofed by Maitri Venkat-Ramani. Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam By: Unknown Etext transcribed by N. Srinivasan and Karthik Krishnan, formatted and proofed by Maitri Venkat-Ramani. This etext may be transliterated in Sanskrit using the Itrans processing tool at the following location: To render the transliteration as accurate as possible, please help us refine this text using the rules outlined at the aforementioned website. auM suklaambaradharam viShNum shashivarNam chaturbhujam prasanna vadanam dhyaayet sarva vighnopasaantaye shaantaakaaram bhujagashayanam padmnaabham suresham vishwaadaram gaganasadrsham meghavarNam shubhaangam laxmIkaantham kamalanayanam yogibhir dhyaanagamyam vande viShNum bhava bhaya haram sarva lokaika naatham sashankhachakram sakirIta kuNdalam sapItavastram sarasIruhexaNam sahaaravaxasthala kaustubhashriyam namaami viShNum shirasaa chaturbhujam *** shrutvaa dharamaan asheShena paavanaani cha sarvashah yudhiShthira shaantanavam punarevaa bhyabhaaShata kimekam daivatam loke kim vapyekam paraayaNam stuvantah kam kamarchantah praapnuyur maanavaah shubham ko dharmah sarvadharmaaNaam bhavatah paramo matah kim japan muchyate jantur janma sasaara bandhanaat bhIShmau uvaacha jagat prabhum devadevam anantam purushotthamam stuvan naama sahasreNa puruShah satatotthitah tameva chaarchayan nityam bhaktyaa puruSham avyayam dhyaayan stuvan namasyamscha yajamaanas tamevaca anaadinidhanam viShNum sarvalokamaheshwaram loKhaadhayxam stuvan nityam sarva dukhahtigobhavet brahmaNyam sarvadharma~nam lokaanaam kIrtivardhanam lokanaatham mahadbhUtam sarvabhUtabhavodbhavam esa me sarvadharmaaNaam dharmodhikatamo matah yad bhaktyaa pundarIkaaxam stavair arcen narah sadaa paramam yo mahat tejah paramam yo mahat tapah paramam yo mahad brahma paramam yah paraayaNam pavitraaNaam pavitram yo mangalanaam cha mangalam daivatam daivataanaam cha bhUtaanaam yovyayah pitaa yatah sarvaaNi bhUtaani bhavantyaadi yugaagame yasminscha pralayam yaanti punareva yugaxaye tasya lokapradhaanasya jagan naathasya bhUpate viShNor naamasahasram me srNu paapabhayaapaham yaani naamaani gauNaani vikhyaataani mahaatmanah rShibhih parigItaani taani vaxyaami bhUtaye Stotram auM vishvam viShNur vaShaTkaaro bhUta bhavya bhavat prabhuh bhUtakrd bhUtabhrd bhaavo bhUtaatmaa bhUtabhaavanah pUtaatmaa paramaatmaacha muktaanaam paramaagatih avyayah puruShah saaxi xetra~no xara evacha yogo yogavidaamnetaa pradhaana puruSheshvarah naarasimha vapuh shrImaan keshavah puruShotthamah sarvah sharvah shivah sthaanur bhUtaadir nidhir avyayah sambhavo bhaavano bhartaa prabhavah prabhurIshvarah svayambhuh shambhuraadityah puShkaraaxo mahaasvanah anaadi nidhano dhaata vidhaata dhaaturuttamah aprameyo hriShIkeshah padmanaabhomaraprabhuh vishvakarmaa manustvaShTaa sthaviShThah sthaviro dhruvah agraahyah shaashvatah krShNo lohitaaxa pratardanah prabhUtastrikakubdhaama pavitram mangalam param Ishaanah praaNadah praaNo jyeShThah sreShThah prajaapatih hiranyagarbho bhUgarbho maadhavo madhusUdanah Ishvaro vikramI dhanvI medhaavI vikramah kramah anutthamo duraadharShah krta~nah krtir aatmavaan sureshah sharaNam sharma vishvaretaah prajaabhavah ahah samvatsaro vyaalah pratyayah sarvadarshanah ajah sarveshvarah siddhah siddhih sarvaadir achyutah vrShaakapir ameyaatmaa sarvayoga vinihsrtah vasur vasumanaah satyah samaatmaa sammitah samah amoghah pundarIkaaxo vrShakarmaa vrShaakrtih rudro bahushiraa babhrur vishvayonih shuchisravaah amrtah shaashvatasthaanur varaaroho mahaatapaah sarvagah sarvavidbhaanur viShvakseno janaardanah vedo vedavid avyango vedaango vedavit kavih lokaadhyaxah suraadhyaxo dharmaadhyaxah krtaakrtah chaturaartmaa chaturvyUhahs chaturdamShtras chaturbhujah bhraajiShnur bhojanam bhoktaa sahiShNur jagadaadijah anagho vijayo jetaa vishvayonih punarvasuh upendro vaamanah praamshur amoghah shuchir Urjitah atIndrah samgrahah sargo dhrtaatmaa niyamo yamah vedyo vaidyah sadaa yogI vIrahaa maadhavo madhuh atIndriyo mahaamaayo mahotsaaho mahaabalah mahaabuddhir mahaavIryo mahaashaktir mahaadyutih anirdeshyavapuh srImaan ameyaatmaa mahaadridhrk maheShvaaso mahIbhartaa shrInivaasa sataam gatih aniruddhah suraanando govindo govidaam patih marIcir damano hamsah suparNo bhujagottamah hiraNyanaabhah sutapaah padmanaabhah prajaapatih amrtyuh sarvadrk simhah sandhaata sandhimaan sthirah ajo durmarShaNah shaastaa vishrutaatmaa suraarihaa gurur gurutamo dhaama satyah satyaparaakramah nimiSho nimiShah sragvI vaachaspatir udaaradhIh agraNIr graamaNIh shrImaan nyaayo netaa samIraNah sahasramUrdhaa vishvaatmaa sahasraaxah sahasrapaat aavartano nivrttaatmaa samvrtah sampramardanah ahah samvartako vahnir anilo dharaNI dharah suprasaadah prasannaatmaa vishvadhrg vishvabhug vibhuh satkartaa satkrtah saadhur jahnur naaraayaNo narah asamkhyeyo prameyaatmaa vishiShTah shiShTakrch Chuchih siddhaarthah siddhasamkalpah siddhidah siddhisaadhanah vrShaahi vrShabho viShNur vrShaparvaa vrShodarah vardhano vardhamaanashcha viviktah shrutisaagarah subhujo durdharo vaagmi mahendro vasudo vasuh naikarUpo brhadrUpah sipiviShtah prakaashanah ojas tejo dyutidharah prakaashaatmaa prataapanah rddhah spaShtaaxaro mantras chandraamsur bhaaskaradyutih amrtaansUdbhavo bhaanuh shashabinduh sureshvarah auShadam jagatah setuh satyadharma paraakramah bhUtabhavya bhavannaatah pavanah paavanonalah kaamahaa kaamakrt kaantah kaamah kaamaprdah prabhuh yugaadrikrd yugaavarto naikamaayo mahaashanah adrshyo vyaktarUpash cha sahasrajid anantajit iShtovishiShTah shiShTeShTah shikhanDi nahuSho vrShah krodhahaa krodhakrt kartaa vishvabaahur mahIdharah achyutah prathitah praaNah praaNado vaasavaanujah apaamnidhir adhiShThaanam apramatthah pratiShTitah skandah skandadharo dhuryo varado vayuvaahanah vaasudevo brhadbhaanur aadidevah purandarah ashokas taaraNas taarah shurah shaurir janeshvarah anukUlah shataavartah padmi padmanibhexanah padmanaabhoravindaaxah padmagarbhah sharIrabhrt maharddhir rddho vrdhaatmaa mahaaxo garudadhvajah atulah sharabho bhImah samaya~no havirharih sarvalaxaNa laxaNyo laxmIvaan samitinjayah vixaro rohito maargo heturdaamodarah sahah mahIdharo mahaabhaago vegavaan amitaashanah udbhavah xobhano devah shrIgarbhah parameshvarah karaNam kaaraNam kartaa vikartaa gahano guhah vyavasaayo vyavasthaanah samsthaanah sthaanado dhruvah pararddhih paramaspaShThas tuShTah puShTah subhexaNah raamo viraamo virato maargo neyo nayo'nayah virah shaktimataam shreShTho dharmo dharmavid uttamah vaikunThah puruShah praaNah praaNadah praNavah prthuh hiraNyagarbhah shatrugno vyaapto vaayur adhoxajah rtuh sudarshanah kaalah parameShThi parigrahah ugrah samvatsaro daxo vishraamo vishvadaxiNah vistaarah sthaavarasthaaNuh pramaaNam bIjam avyayam arthonartho mahaakosho mahaabhogo mahaadhanah anirviNNah sthaviShThobhur dharmayUpo mahaamakhah naxatranemir naxatri xamah xaamah samihanah ya~na ijyo mahejyas cha kratuh satram sataamgatih sarvadarshI vimuktaatmaa sarva~no ~naanamuttamam suvratah sumukhah sUxmah sughosah sukhada suhrt manoharo jitakrodho virabaahur vidaaranah svaapanah svavasho vyaapi naikaatma naikakarmakrt vatsaro vatsalo vatsi ratnagarbho dhaneshvarah dharmagub dharmakrd dharmI sadasat xaram axaram avi~naataa sahasraamshur vidhaataa krtalaxaNah gabhastinemih sattvasthah simho bhUtamaheshvarah aadidevo mahaadevo devesho devabhrdguruh uttaro gopatir gopta ~naanagamyah puraatanah sharIrabhUtabhrd bhokta kapIndro bhUridaxiNah Somapomrtapah somah purujit purusattamah vinayo jayah satyasandho daasaarah saatvataampatih jIvo vinayitaasaaxI mukundomitavikramah ambhonidhir anantaatmaa mahodadhishayontakah ajo mahaarhah svaabhaavyo jitaamitrah pramodanah aanando nandano nandah satyadharmaa trivikramah maharShih kapilaachaarya krta~no medinIpatih tripadas tridashaadhyaxo mahaashrngah krtaantakrt mahaavaraaho govindah suSheNah kanakaangadi guhyo gabhiro gahano guptash chakragadaadharah vedhaah svaangojitah krShNo drDah samkarShaNochyutah varuNo vaaruNo vrxah puShkaraaxo mahaamanaah bhagavaan bhagahaa nandI vanamaalI halaayudhah aadityo jyotiraadityah sahishnur gatisattamah sudhanvaa khanDaparashur daaruNo draviNapradah divahsprk sarvadrg vyaaso vaachaspathir ayonijah trisaamaa saamagah saama nirvaaNam bhesShajam bhiShak sanyaasakrich Chamah shaantho niShThaa shaanthih paraayaNam shubhaangah shaantidah sraShThaa kumuDah kuvaleshayah gohito gopatir goptaa vrshabhaxo vrshapriyah anivartI nivrtaatmaa sanxepthaa xemakrc Chivah srIvatsa vaxa srIvaasah srIpatih srImataamvarah srIdhah srIshah srInivasa srInidhih srIvibhaavanah srIdharah srIkarah shreyah srImaaan loka trayaasrayah svaxa svangah shataanando nandir jyotir gaNeshvarah vijitaatmah viDheyaatmaa satkIrtish Chinna samshayah udhIrNah sarvatash Chaxur anisha shaashvatastirah bhUshayo bhUShaNo bhtirvishokah shokkanaashanah archishmaaan architah kumbho vishudhatmaa vishodanah anirudhoh apratirarthah pradyumno mita vikramah kaalaneminihaa vIrah shaurih shUrah janeshwarah trilokaatmaa trilokeshah keshavah keshihah harih kaamadevah kaamapaalah kaamI kaantah krtaagamah anirdeshyaah vapurvishNur viRo ananto dhanamjayah bramaNyo bramhakrd brahmaa brahma brahmavivardhanah bramhavit braamhaNo bramhi brahma~no bramhmanah priyah mahaakarmo mahaakarmaa mahatejaa mahoragah mahaakratur mahaayajvah mahaya~no mahaahavih stavyah stavapriyah stotram stuti stotaraNapriyah purNah pUrayitaa puNyah puNya kIrtir anaamayah manojavas TIrthakaro vasureta vasupradah vasupradoh vaasudevo vasur vasumanaa havih sadgatih satkrtih sattaa sadbhUtih satparaayaNah sUraseno yadushreShThah sannivaasah suyaamunah bhUtaa vaaso vaasudevah sarvaasu nilayo nalah darpahaa darpado drpto durdharo dhaaparaajitah visha\vamUrtir mahaamUrtir dIptamUrtir amUrtimaan anekamurtit avyaktah shatah Murtih shataananah eko naikah savah kahkim ettad padamanuttamam lokabandhur lokanaatho maadhavo bhaktavatsalah suvarNa varNo hemaango varaangas chandanaangadI vIraha vishamah ShuNyo grtaaShIr achalaschalah amaani maanado maanyo lokasvaami trilokadhrk sumedha medhajo dhanyah satyamedhah dharaadharah tejo vrsho dyuti dharah sarvash shaastrah bhrtaamvarah pragraho nigraho vyagro naika shrngo gadaagrajah chaturmUrtih chaturbaahus chaturvyUhas chaturgatih chaturaatma chaturbhaavas chaturveda vidhekapaath sammavaro nivrttaattma dhurjayo dhuratikramah dhurlabho dhurgamo dhurgo dhuraavaaso dhuraarihaa Shubhaango lokasaarangah sutantuh stantuvardhanah indrakarmaa mahakarmaa krtakarmaa krtaagamanah udhbhavah sundarah sundo ratnanaabhah sulochanah arko vaajasanah shrngi jayantah sarvavijjaI suvarNabindur axobhyah sarvaageswareshwarah mahaahradao mahaagarto mahaabhUto mahaanidhih kumudah kundarah kundah parjanyah paavanonilah amritaasho mrtavapuh sarva~na sarvatomukhah sulabhah subratah siddhah shatrujit chtrutaapanah nyagrodoh dumbaro svattas ChaanUraandrah nishUdanah sahasraarchih saptajihvah saptaidhaah saptavaahanah amUrtit anagho chintyo bhayakrd bhayanaashanah anurbrhat krshasthUlo guNabhriN nirguNo mahaan adhrtah svadhrtah svaasayh raagvamso vamsavardhanah bhaarabhrt kathito yogih yogishah sarvakaamadah aashramah shramaNah xaamah suparno vaayuvaahanah dhanurdharo dhanurvedo daNdo damayitaa damah aparaajitah sarvasaho niyantaa niyamo yamah sathvavaan saatvikah satya satyahramah paraayanah abhipraayah priyaarhorhah priyakrt prItivardhanah vihaayasahgathir jyotih suruchir hutabhug vibhuh ravir virochanah sUryah savitaa ravilochanah ananto hutabhugh bhoktaa sukado naikajo grajah anirviNah sadaamarShi lokaadhishTaanam adbutah sanaat sanaatana tamah kapilah kapir avyayah svastidah svastikrt svasti svastibhuk svasti daxinah arodrah kundalI chakrI vikram yUrjitah shasanah shabdatigah shabdasahah shishirah sarvarIkarah akrUrah peshalo daxo daxinah xaminaam varah vidvathamo vitabhayah puNyas sravanakIrtanah uttaarano duShkrtihaa punyo duhsvapna naashanah vIraha raxanah santo jIvanah paryavasthitah anantarUpo anantasrIr jitamanyur bhayaapahah chaturashro gabhIraatamaa vidisho vyadisho dishah anaadi bhUrbhuvo laxmIh suvIro ruchiraangadah janano janajanmaadir bheemo bheema paraakramah aadhaara nilayo dhaata pushpahaasah prajaagarah Urdvagah satpataachaarah praaNadah pranavah pranah praamadam praananilayahp praanabhrt praanajIvanah tathvam tathva videkaatmaa 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